Just the facts, brethren. These measures are up, considerably up.
CP giving above budget by $10.4 million through July
As of July 31, gifts received by the EC for distribution through the CP Allocation Budget total $168,760,690.32. This is $6,714,403.20 or 4.14 percent more than last year’s budget contribution of $162,046,287.12. The amount given is ahead of the $158,333,333.40 year-to-date budgeted projection to support Southern Baptist ministries globally and across North America by $10,427,356.92 or 6.59 percent.
The rump takeover group is officially supportive of the CP. It would be nice to see one of their unsigned, artsy tweets stating their delight in the CP being up. Their favorite seminary, my alma mater but not one of the six SBC seminaries, exists on funding not from CP. Bit of a disconnect there.
NAMB, easily the SBC’s most despised entity and the recipient of incessant, harsh criticism for most anything they do, reports,
BLOWN AWAY by the faithfulness of our SBC family. Last year’s Annie Armstrong offering was largest in history and by 5 million dollars. This year it’s tracking at over 2% more than even last years. Thank you PASTORS. VERY GRATEFUL !!
That tweet from @kevezell, NAMB leader.
Both the CP and NAMB have flaws, as do all of the other SBC entities, but for some reason support from SBCers in the pulpits and pews is increasing.
Make a note of that the next time you read one of the hate sites.
There is no one, no organization that can gauge SBC support. LifeWay Research doesn’t do this type of survey. The best measure I know of is monetary support. It’s not infallible but better than anything else. The worst gauge is Twitter and the peanut gallery whose hair is on fire about the latest SBC outrage du jour.