So this time of year is full of joy and slight annoyances. I wanted to share my list of humbugs with you as we are all joyus and grouchy.
1. X-Mas. It drives me crazy when Christians make a big deal about X-Mas (you heard me). X=Greek for Christ. WE STARTED THIS, we wrote x-mas when we understood what it meant. Pagan’s don’t want to take Christ out of Christmas, they are oblivious, they don’t care. We did it, forgot we did it and then got ticked off.
2. Happy Holidays. Holiday means “Holy Days”. It’s not much different that Christmas, it means days that God set apart as Holy. STOP CRYING! It’s obnoxious.
3. Hallmark, or should I say the boycott there of. Listen, Hallmark isn’t required to sell religion Christmas cards, they are not a Christian store. They don’t want to have to compete with the Christian Book Stores, STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT IT. Hallmark can sell whatever they want, if you don’t like it, shop someplace else, but stop whining!
4. Selective Pagan campaign. If I hear one more person go off about how “female angels are pagan” I might lose my Christmas cheer. THE WHOLE TREE IS PAGAN. The lights, the gifts, the date, it’s all pagan. You don’t like it, celebrate Christmas in the spring with no tree, no gifts and no equinox. Leave the barbie doll angels alone.
So there you go, my gripes about Christmas, and they all come from the people who should know how to celebrate Christmas. I hope my grinchy post hasn’t ruined your spirit too much. If so, find David W. and he’ll give you some of his special eggnog and you’ll forget all about it.