I was a never-Trumper in 2016, although my main motivation was more “heck no, Hil” than anything else. I thought about voting for Hil but, uh, no. I ended up voting for neither.
I have been inclined up to now to vote for Trump in November. I’m hedging on that at the moment, although being jerked around with virus rules and concerns and the current riot mess makes this not a great time for decisions. I’m thinking about taking a personal mental health day and using it to go fishing.
While I miss meeting with the others in my church, our church is pretty much non-political. My small group is not apolitical but we are all old and smart and know better than to get into a political discussion. Several of the group are blue collar big Trumpers. I’d guess that Trump would lose the vote in our total small group, probably 9 to 7. I sense that Trump doesn’t get the female vote in my group.
Al Mohler came out for Trump in mid-April. I’m waiting for a word from Al now. He addresses everything else. Surely he will have something to say about all this. One might question Mohler’s timing. He can hardly flop back to a no-Trumper. He’s got to find some finesse for this one. The prominent SBC Trumpers have been, well, mute lately.
Bart Barber declared that he plans to vote for Trump but that he could reneg based on “nativist extremism.” I’m not sure if there are other things that could change his mind.
Whippersnappers will not remember that there was once a time when there were no network or media types who were conservative. You had the three networks and no cable. George Will is the first conservative on a network that I can recall hearing, although William F. Buckley had his own platform and was the father of modern conservatism. Will wants Republicans to lose in 2020. He’s always made a lot of sense.
Limbaugh carries the pro-Trump load these days but he’s got lung cancer. I don’t know who would influence as many people as he has when his voice is silent. Hannity has been overly shrill for years. After those two there is only a gaggle of tiny voices.
I’m probably the least woke guy on Voices but Biden is a palatable candidate whereas Hil was not. Give the Dems credit for sinking Bernie’s ship before he got the nomination. I wouldn’t have voted for the perpetually angry socialist.
The republic survived eight years of Obama. When he was re-elected, I decided I wasn’t going to spend four years grinding my teeth over his administration. We will survive the rest of this year and the next four no matter how the election goes.
The Southern Baptist Convention is increasingly non-white. It’s unclear to me how the convention survives intact if old white guys rule the roost, although there is no palatable alternative to our Grand Old Convention. The CBN is increasingly a joke and the takeover Calvinist group is the gang that can’t shoot straight. Old white guy gives his opinion here, to be read by mostly other old white guys. It’s all on social media these days. Bah humbug. I’d rather fish and give my chainsaw a workout.
As a famous celebrity likes to say, “We’ll see where this goes.” I don’t know.
…and imagine if we were looking forward to the SBC Annual Meeting next week.