1. Creation of the Sex Abuse Task Force. To be cussed and discussed for a generation.
2. Ed Litton elected SBC president. A surprise that Mohler didn’t make a runoff. Litton’s sermon practices later became top news.
3. SBC Executive Committee CEO, Ronnie Floyd, resigns. Vision takes a back seat to perceived leadership failure.
4. Mass resignations of Executive Committee members. The CBN exits for reasons they think are compelling. Bye.
5. Churches mostly back to normal after COVID.
6. Russell Moore resigns as CEO of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. And goes Presby on us. Go figure.
7. Pre-election release of Russell Moore letters. Hardball convention politics.
8. Three entity heads resign in 2021.
9. Mike Stone sues his brother, then drops it.
10. Beth Moore leaves SBC.