1. Calvinism IS the Gospel.
Some of the people who make this statement will capitalize “Calvinism” and fail to capitalize “gospel,” which makes me wonder what takes priority in their minds. Are you saved by understanding systematic theology or by knowing the Gospel? Actually, you are saved by knowing Christ intimately with a regenerated, repentant heart. But I still believe the term “Gospel” should be capitalized.
Nevertheless, this ridiculous statement may be genuinely believed by a person, but it implies that a biblical interpretation of soteriology other than a Calvinistic one is false. Nothing could be further from the truth. And it annoys me to hear guys like R.C. Sproul say that Arminians are saved, but “barely.” Give me a break. Anyone who knows Jesus Christ intimately is truly saved, and you want to refer to a “level” of their saving knowledge?
Anyone who affirms salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone is my brother in Christ. Of course, they must affirm the Trinity and the true identity of Christ (not as Satan’s brother or as the archangel Michael, but as God’s Son, the Incarnate Messiah). But referring to Calvinism as the Gospel itself narrows the parameters too much in my opinion.
2. Calvinism is heresy.
Some of the best expositional preachers, missionaries, evangelists, and theologians affirm 5-point Calvinism. Calvinists are rightly known as biblical experts and are invaluable to the protection of biblical truth because they faithfully keep Scripture in context. I may disagree with their beliefs in the limited availability of atonement and of irresistable grace, but I do respect their interpretations of Scripture. Calvinists set the bar high for those who affirm biblical inerrancy and desire to faithfully interpret the Word of God. Calling Calvinists heretics is a sign of scriptural ignorance and spiritual immaturity.
Anyone who desires to reach the world for Christ should team up with Calvinists rather than divide from them.
The urgency of lostness in a spiritually blind world demands cooperation among Bible-believing Christians. Christians should become more concerned about lost souls than about the unachievable goal of doctrinal uniformity. In the last hour, over 7,000 people died and went to hell. Are you willing to cooperate with people of diverse doctrines to fulfill the Great Commission?