A resurgence of church discipline is making the news today as the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) has written an article on church discipline, excommunication and the ban. They cite several cases from Baptist churches and even quote Southern Seminary professor Greg Wills. Here is what Southern Baptist bloggers and others are saying about the news.
Wall Street Journal on Church Discipline, Excommunication, Baptist Ban – WSJ
A Wall Street Journal Hatchet Job by Dr. Hershael York, a professor at Southern Seminary and Southern Baptist pastor. He writes
The article is tantamount to being against spanking because some parents abuse their children, or criticizing “time out” because some parents lock their children in the basement.
I have little doubt that discipline is sometimes abused, but frankly the greater and far more frequent problem in contemporary churches is that discipline isn’t even discussed–regardless of what Jesus taught. What a shame that a publication the stature of the WSJ would countenance so unbalanced a presentation of the facts.
Church Discipline Matters by Barry Joslin (Boyce College Professor)
Would that all of us think rightly about what it means to be in fellowship with other believers in a local church since being woven into the fabric of a local church matters. Would that God would help us all understand the biblical basis for church discipline in both its corrective and preventative forms. As Dever rightly warns, if we can’t, as a church, “say how a Christian should not live, how can we say how a Christian should live?”
Church Discipline Gets Chastised in WSJ by Dr. Denny Burk, a professor at the Criswell College in Dallas, Texas. He writes:
On the whole, the story is negative, focusing on cases which are less than exemplary. A church here in Dallas is mentioned in the article, Watermark Community Church, as well as First Baptist Church of Muscle Shoals, Alabama and Lakeview Baptist Church in Auburn, Alabama.
Banned From Church by Tim Ellsworth, a writer for Baptist press, also links the article. He writes:
And while many churches might be willing to discipline for offenses such as adultery, sadly, they’re not willing to discipline for such issues as “skipping service and criticizing church leaders.” I know a lot of churches that could have been spared so much heartache and division if the church had obediently and lovingly disciplined those who were habitual gossips and consistent critics of church leaders.
The Truth or Consequence bloggers are also talking it over.
What Other Bloggers Are Saying About The Wall Street Journal on Church Discipline, Excommunication and the Baptist ban
This article in the Wall Street Journal Weekend Edition sheds some … by Breakfast Club Blog – http://bcfoundry.blogspot.com/
Banned From Church Reviving an ancient practice, churches are exposing sinners and shunning those who won’t repent. By ALEXANDRA ALTER January 18, 2008; Page W1 On a quiet Sunday morning in June, as worshippers settled into the pews at …
Banned from Church: The Wall Street Journal on Church Discipline by paleoevangelical – http://paleoevangelical.blogspot.com/
Today’s Journal includes a story on the revival of church discipline and, unfortunately, latched on to a really bad example of it. Though the example is mitigated by a few comments from people who seem to have a substantially better …
Egregious church discipline by Jim Peet, Cold Fusion Guy – http://coldfusion-guy.blogspot.com/
Banned From Church Excerpt: The conflict had been brewing for months. Shortly after the church hired Mr. Burrick in 2005 to help revive the congregation, which had dwindled to 12 members, Mrs. Caskey asked him to appoint a board of …
Is This Church Discipline or Shameless Abuse of Power?
Today’s Wall Street Journal features an article entitled Banned From Church which details the story of Karolyn Caskey, a 71-year-old woman who’d been a member of Allen Baptist Church in Michigan for nearly 50 years. Mrs. …
God Has Mercy: Man Calls the Police by writingprincess
Banned from Church. It seems that some conservative idiots masquerading as pastors are kicking people out of church for “sinning.” Apparently a woman in her 70s was arrested in Michigan for attending her Baptist church after she was …
Banned From Church:Reviving an ancient practice, churches are … by As in the days of Noah.
On a quiet Sunday morning in June, as worshipers settled into the pews at Allen Baptist Church in southwestern Michigan, Pastor Jason Burrick grabbed his cellphone and dialed 911. When a dispatcher answered, the preacher said a former …