- An evil man fires on helpless people at a concert in Vegas and we are sickened.
- A lone wolf rents a truck and mows down helpless people on a bike trail in New York and we are angry.
But then a man entered a church – one of ours – in Sutherland Springs, Texas, and opened fire and we have no words.
Counts say that 27 people may be dead, among them the 14-year-old daughter of the pastor, Frank Pomeroy. Somehow, that gets me the most. I know it’s selfish, but as a pastor, the idea that Pastor Pomeroy lost his daughter strikes a cord in my heart. I search for something to say, something wise, something that puts perspective on this, that seems apt. Nothing comes.
The pastor and people of FBC Sutherland Springs have upheld the name of Christ very well in what I have read and watched. They have spoken of returning good for evil and someone preached the gospel very clearly, though I do not know who it was.
Details are sketchy at this time and I am not going to opine on what I don’t know.
At times such as this, when words fail and wisdom escapes us, we can be thankful for the Psalms of Lament, such as Psalm 142, where David poured out his heart to God.
I cry aloud to the Lord;
I plead aloud to the Lord for mercy.
2 I pour out my complaint before him;
I reveal my trouble to him.
3 Although my spirit is weak within me,
you know my way.
Along this path I travel
they have hidden a trap for me.
4 Look to the right and see:
no one stands up for me;
there is no refuge for me;
no one cares about me.
5 I cry to you, Lord;
I say, “You are my shelter,
my portion in the land of the living.”
6 Listen to my cry,
for I am very weak.
Rescue me from those who pursue me,
for they are too strong for me.
7 Free me from prison
so that I can praise your name.
The righteous will gather around me
because you deal generously with me.
Pray for Pastor Pomeroy and First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs. I cannot imagine what the days ahead hold for him and for them.
(One thing: the trend toward never mentioning the name of the gunman seems like a very good trend to me.)