Some years ago, while serving with the IMB in the Philippines, the IMB’s Regional Leader, Bill Wakefield, came for a visit. Our mission administrator asked me to serve as his driver and translator. So, I drove him where he wanted to go, and I interpreted for him in Cebuano as necessary. As we drove along, I asked what I could do to keep my daily devotional time fresh. Bill advised me to read a different daily devotional book each year. He meant that I should read a book with a daily devotional thought and Scripture reading. That seemed like a good idea to me, and I began to do that. I’m glad I did.
In this post, I’ll mention several books that blessed me. I’m happy to recommend them to you. I’ve used Oswald Chambers’ book, My Utmost for His Highest, several times. It never fails to bless. I believe it is especially helpful to missionaries. Charles Haddon Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening has meant a lot to me. He wrote this book for the students at his pastors’ college, which is now called Spurgeon’s College. This book is great for Christian workers. I’ve recommended it to my seminary students over the years. One of the first devotional books I used was Day by Day with Billy Graham. I enjoyed using it a lot. Henry Blackaby wrote Experiencing God, a devotional study book, and later he published Experiencing God Day by Day. I found it very helpful, and my wife and daughter both like it, too. A dear missionary friend read Streams in the Desert by L. B. Cowman over and over again with great benefit. In more recent years I’ve enjoyed using daily devotional books by Charles Stanley and David Jeremiah. They’ve both published series of devotional books.
Well, dear Voices readers, what devotional books have blessed you? I hope you’ll write to share your favorite and explain why you like it.