I am leading my church to pursue discipline against anyone who supports the Seattle SeaTalks and will probably place anyone who cheers for them on moderation here. We need to stand for right, folks. America cannot survive if we do not speak out for what is honorable. I’d like to share my reasons for this principled and convictional stand.
1) Peyton Manning is a great American story. Rising up from poverty (well, his dad’s teams seldom won games anyway), he started ingloriously – in an act of shame, he signed with an SEC school where he couldn’t beat the Gators or win a Heisman (lost to a Big 10 player). He was promoted into Big 10 country where he became the greatest quarterback in NFL history (despite his SEC roots). He was mistreated by the owner of the Indianapolis Dolts and was written off by many. He rose up to the heights of Denver (any joke about being high is inappropriate at this point) where he has excelled.
2) Baptists drool over Duck Dynasty. The Seattle Mouth (Richard Sherman) described Peyton’s passes as “ducks.” Peyton is the true Duck Commander. Quack quack.
3) If you are a Driscoll-hater, remember that Seattle is where his church is located. You don’t want Pastor Mark smiling, do you?
4) If you are a Driscoll-lover, think of the opportunities for ministry he will have when sadness grips the city.
5) Maybe Richard Sherman is not the complete idiot we thought he was during his post-game rant a couple of weeks ago, but the chance to learn humility by losing would do him some good. Can you imagine his annoying chirping if they win? Ain’t nobody got time for that.
6) Peyton Manning was largely responsible for the slaying of Comrade Belichick and the New England Communists. He deserves your support for that act if for no other reason.
7) The coach of the Seattle Seatalks is Pete Carroll, whose “integrity” drove USC into the depths of scandal and led to the Lane Kiffin fiasco. Any coach who leads his team to scandal, then to a Lane Kiffin moment, then runs off to the NFL does not deserve our support.
8) John Fox had heart troubles this season. Losing could kill him, folks. Look at him. Does that look like a healthy man to you? Do you want his demise on your conscience? We just can’t take that chance.
9) I live near Omaha, and Peyton love Omaha. Listen, we don’t get much attention in this frozen part of the country (it was -6 this AM and they were warning that a cold front was going to come through in a day or two). Peyton has shined a spotlight on “Omaha, Omaha. Hurry, Hurry,” and cheer for the Broncos.
10) Because I said so. This is my house and if you are going to live in my house, you will live by my rules. Do not talk back to me. Go to your room, you are grounded.