Dominant ethnic composition, in percentages, below for churches:
Anglo 81.9
African American 7.0
Hispanic 4.7
Korean 1.6
Native American 0.8
Haitian 0.8
Chinese 0.4
Filipino 0.3
Multi-ethnic 0.4
20+ other ethnic and languages groups 2.0
I’ve never seen any figure that breaks out dually affiliated churches. Nothing in the Annual Church Profile asks for that. I suppose LifeWay or NAMB could do a study that came up with a figure but I don’t believe they have.
I’ve never seen any figures that report giving to the Cooperative Program or designated missions broken down by dominant ethnicity of the church.
The future of the SBC in regard to statistical growth of churches and baptisms probably depends on the 20 or so percent of non-anglo churches.
From SBC Life, that slick, printed item that the SBC Executive Committee still prints a few times each year. There’s something about holding an actual paper in one’s hands that makes it more authentic, sayeth this SBCer as he begins his eighth decade. I figure Jonathan Howe would like to know that at least one person gets this in the regular mail and reads it.
…this brought to Voices readers while we wait for Dave Miller to return from Africa and start cranking out articles.