Then lock and load because all SBC leaders have giant, bright red bullseyes on their back. Sadly, it’s part of our system.
I diverge from almost all SBC leaders – the number of which includes entity heads, celeb megapastors, influencers, and others – on a few things but not enough to leave or participate in a new and needless CR.
There has to be a way that we consider ourselves on the same side against the devil, debauchery, and societal deterioration. There also has to be a way for Bible believing churches and people to join together in favor of the Gospel, grace, goodness, and kindness.
Oh yes. I almost forgot. Our 175 year old convention of churches is that way of cooperating for the Lord and His work.
Honest Southern Baptists must admit that we’ve always chosen up sides and gamed the SBC system to be in the know and in power. Too bad. A declining convention doesn’t have a lot of time nor extra energy and effort to expend on silly games, even if you convince yourself that you are actually saving the convention by destroying it.
But, let’s be optimistic. We skipped one SBC annual meeting for providential reasons. Maybe we could go for two and sanity will magically appear.
We face a couple of existential threats but fidelity to Scripture is not one of them.
…with hopes for Dave Miller’s speedy recovery from COVID-19.