We managed to have worship on the Lord’s Day for centuries but now Christmas Day just doesn’t work for us if it falls on a Sunday.
“No one will show up.” Some will. Try it.
“OK, not enough will show up.” No sense in worshiping with just a few, huh?
“Families have their own Christmas Day activities.” You bet…and some families even include worship with their church on Sunday, Christmas Day.
“The staff needs this day off with their families.” Odd. Clergy have until now considered leading worship on Sunday as a rare privilege, part of their calling.
“We do Christmas Eve big so we can cancel Sunday, Christmas Day.” Hmmm, that might work for most any Saturday evening of the year, and, I hear some churches do both. Imagine that.
“We provide our members with a special devotion for home use.” Big of you. Send ’em 52 of these along with some offering envelopes (or your online giving link) and they need never warm a pew or chair.
“It’s almost certainly not Jesus actual birth date any way.” Probably not. But the entire world is agreed on the day of the week, Sunday, the Lord’s Day.
“It’s cool to not worship on Christmas Day. Shows how up-to-date we are.” Or, perhaps, how out-of-touch you are.
No need to say it. I understand that my day is past and things have changed.