Dave wrote recently about funeral trends. The discussion that ensued was very interesting. It seems like there are some trends that are regional, while others are more universal. More and more people are having funerals on Saturday. More and more people are being cremated. The visitation thing seems to vary more by region and culture. Here’s another discussion for you. Baptist Press had an article last week about ‘Gray Divorce.’ The article explores the rise in cohabitation, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and divorce among senior adults. If you saw the article, I’m not sure … [Read more...] about Sexually Immoral Senior Adults
Where Are the Ladies and Lay People?
SBC Voices is appropriately named. It is a place where people from a diversity of backgrounds and viewpoints across the SBC spectrum can come to discuss various topics of interest. In some ways we do a good job of accomplishing that objective here. We are not here to push an agenda. We are here to provide a place for Southern Baptists to write, think, challenge each other, and even encourage one another. I am thankful for SBC Voices for this very reason, and it is one of the reasons I agreed to oversee the site for the next several months as Dave directs his attention toward the pastors’ … [Read more...] about Where Are the Ladies and Lay People?
Cartwright, Jeffress, and Boldness in the Gospel
There’s a story that I had heard before but read again last week in preparation for this past Sunday’s sermon. I shared it with our congregation, and I think it provides us with an important reminder. The story is of a man named Peter Cartwright who was a great circuit-riding Methodist preacher in Illinois. He was an uncompromising man who went north from Tennessee because of his opposition to slavery. One Sunday morning when he was scheduled to preach, his deacons told him that President Andrew Jackson was in the congregation. They knew Cartwright was used to saying whatever he felt God … [Read more...] about Cartwright, Jeffress, and Boldness in the Gospel
I Am a Thankful Southern Baptist
Yesterday I attended a Young Pastors’ Summit at our state convention office. The church I pastor partners with the SBC of Virginia. I was excited for the event, and I left Richmond yesterday blessed and encouraged. We heard an excellent presentation from Dr. Jeff Iorg from Gateway Seminary, and had a great time of Q&A. The meal was delicious, and the fellowship was good. It was a great day. So often in Southern Baptist life we are only vocal when things go poorly. I don’t like what this entity head did. That state convention is keeping too many CP dollars in the state. CP giving … [Read more...] about I Am a Thankful Southern Baptist
The Only Way Forward
That word “only” can sometimes get us into trouble. We all have a tendency to view our own thoughts as the only reasonable way to think about difficult subjects. How could anyone see it differently? That’s impossible! Especially for a true Christian! And thus, insults are hurled, people are offended, relationships are fractured, and our unity in Christ suffers. I’ll spare you the examples of positions that are viewed as the only possible Christian position. You won’t have to think about it too long to come up with a lengthy list of contrasting positions where both sides cannot … [Read more...] about The Only Way Forward
Announcing the Preachers for the 2017 SBC Pastors’ Conference
I am excited for the 2017 SBC Pastor’s Conference in Phoenix, AZ. As we gather together in Phoenix June 11-12, we will have the opportunity to hear from twelve excellent expository preachers as they preach through Paul’s letter to the church at Philippi. These preachers all come from average-size Southern Baptist Churches. They also represent the diversity of our convention in ethnicity, age, worship style, soteriology, and in many other ways as well. This all began, of course, at the 2016 SBC Pastor’s Conference in St. Louis when Dave Miller was elected President of the 2017 … [Read more...] about Announcing the Preachers for the 2017 SBC Pastors’ Conference