“Tipa, Tipa.” That is what they say in Haiti. It is Creole for “Little by Little.” Or, “Step by Step.” It means that with large tasks in front of us, we should be persistent and keep going and take things one step at a time. I love that saying. In my many trips to Haiti over the past 5 years, I have seen this life philosophy at work in the lives of the people there and have adopted it as my own. This saying shows up in other cultures. The Chinese say, “Constant dripping of the water wears away the stone.” You might have heard the saying, “Little strokes fell great oaks.” “The essential … [Read more...] about “Tipa, Tipa” – Little by Little/Step by Step. A Life Philosophy
On Immigration: From Tired, Poor, Huddled Masses to Trump’s Best and Brightest?
The immigration debate in America has taken a nasty turn of late with Donald Trump's entry into the GOP Presidential nominating process and his remarks about those coming here illegally from Mexico and other places not being the "best and brightest." His words seem to be catching on as a nativist movement is growing with Trump himself as the figurehead as he has taken a commanding lead in the polls for the Republican nomination. GOP leaders like Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama, who leads the Senate Sub Committee on Immigration, are mirroring some of Trump's rhetoric as there are emerging … [Read more...] about On Immigration: From Tired, Poor, Huddled Masses to Trump’s Best and Brightest?
Forgiveness, The Confederate Flag, Heresy, and the SBC
Last week, the unthinkable happened. 12 people were having Bible study at the historic Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, SC. Dylan Roof, a white supremacist, entered the Bible study and joined those gathered. The fact that he was white and they were black did not create a barrier for them. They welcomed Dylan with open arms, recognizing that he was made in God's image like they were. They shared humanity and they shared their need for a Savior. Dylan Roof heard a study taught on Mark 4 about the Sower and the Seed and being good soil or hard rock or thorny bushes or a hard path where Satan … [Read more...] about Forgiveness, The Confederate Flag, Heresy, and the SBC
Why Are Southern Baptists Moving So Slowly Toward Greater Ethnic Diversity in Leadership? (Alan Cross)
Last summer at the SBC Annual Meeting in Baltimore, I brought a motion asking for an official assessment of the progress that Southern Baptists have made in increasing ethnic diversity in leadership over the past 20 years since our 1995 resolution apologizing for supporting slavery, racism, and segregation. Much had been accomplished throughout the convention in this area, but there was still much more work to be done. Where are we? How are we bringing in ethnic minority leaders? How is the SBC actively diversifying in leadership at the entity trustee level? With 20% of SBC churches now ethnic … [Read more...] about Why Are Southern Baptists Moving So Slowly Toward Greater Ethnic Diversity in Leadership? (Alan Cross)
Breaking News: IMB Trustees Reverse Restrictive Private Prayer Language and Baptism Policies
According to reports from Baptist Press and other sources, the International Mission Board (IMB) Board of Trustees voted to open new pathways of service by, among other things, removing previous restrictions that had been developed a decade ago. In 2005, the IMB BoT created restrictions to missionary service that included barring anyone from service who had a private prayer language (PPL) and anyone who had been baptized by immersion in a church that did not teach eternal security or that was not in line with the Baptist perspective on perseverance even if they were members in good standing of … [Read more...] about Breaking News: IMB Trustees Reverse Restrictive Private Prayer Language and Baptism Policies
Southern Baptists Have a History Problem: Let’s Stop Saying We Started Over Missions
"The Southern Baptist Convention was begun over missions!" "Delegates gathered in 1845 in Augusta, Georgia to organize around missions!" I have heard this my whole life. You have too. It is a partial truth that continues to be uttered over and over again, usually by seminary leaders seeking to rally more Cooperative Program giving. It is something that we need to stop saying. We all know that it isn't really true. Not really - not in the way it sounds. Yes, missions was technically the reason that the SBC was started. But, it was over a conflict with the Triennial Convention who … [Read more...] about Southern Baptists Have a History Problem: Let’s Stop Saying We Started Over Missions
Racism Is A Symptom of a Deeper Issue That We Don’t Want to Address
Christian groups like the ERLC and the Kainos Movement are moving toward hosting discussions on racism in America and in the church in the 21st century, which is a good thing. But, if we are not careful, we will miss the deeper issues that animate the entire problem. I sought to explore those deeper issues in my book, When Heaven and Earth Collide: Racism, Southern Evangelicals, and the Better Way of Jesus (NewSouth Books, 2014). Because the manifestation of racism has changed from the separate water fountains and lunch counters and busses of the Jim Crow segregation era, many whites do not … [Read more...] about Racism Is A Symptom of a Deeper Issue That We Don’t Want to Address
Racism Is A Symptom of a Deeper Issue That We Don’t Want to Address
Christian groups like the ERLC and the Kainos Movement are moving toward hosting discussions on racism in America and in the church in the 21st century, which is a good thing. But, if we are not careful, we will miss the deeper issues that animate the entire problem. I sought to explore those deeper issues in my book, When Heaven and Earth Collide: Racism, Southern Evangelicals, and the Better Way of Jesus (NewSouth Books, 2014). Because the manifestation of racism has changed from the separate water fountains and lunch counters and busses of the Jim Crow segregation era, many whites do not … [Read more...] about Racism Is A Symptom of a Deeper Issue That We Don’t Want to Address
George Whitefield, Slavery, and Southern Seminary: Growing Baptist Recognition
Last week, (Oct. 21-22), Southern Baptist Theological Seminary held the 8th Annual Andrew Fuller Center for Baptist Studies Conference on Whitefield and the Great Awakening. This year celebrates the 300th anniversary of Whitefield's birth. Like many Evangelicals, Whitefield (1714-1770) has been a hero of mine as a leader of the First Great Awakening in the 1700s. In my seminary days at Golden Gate, I studied him for an independent study class on evangelism and compared/contrasted the Great Awakening and the Enlightenment and have been familiar with his life, ministry, and influence ever … [Read more...] about George Whitefield, Slavery, and Southern Seminary: Growing Baptist Recognition
SBC ExComm Plenary Session Day Two
We pick up with entity reports again this morning. Again, I try to reproduce the words of the speakers in summary and am not providing commentary of my own (unless my choice of their words can be seen as commentary in itself). SWBTS: Paige Patterson. Dr. Patterson told a long story about how he recently transferred the Chair of Evangelism to Dr. Matt Queen. He has been called to create a stronger emphasis on evangelism in and through the seminary. It has had a huge effect and faculty and staff are out leading students in personal evangelism and witnessing throughout the community. … [Read more...] about SBC ExComm Plenary Session Day Two