When you get older, your hands can no longer open cans or bags or much of anything. When you get older, you spend time sorting your medications into pill caddies. When you get older, it becomes almost impossible to stand up without grunting. When you get older, using closed captions when watching TV becomes increasingly necessary. When you get older, driving at night becomes more of an adventure. When you get older, taking a nap becomes one of life’s greatest joys. When you get older, hopes and dreams become reflections, regrets, and satisfactions. When you get older, the … [Read more...] about When You Get Older…
SBC Voices Sports Editor – Mave Diller!
We are pleased to announce the addition of a new Sports Reporter/Editor for SBC Voices, Mave Diller! He lives in the Midwest and has impeccable sports taste. He, like Dave Miller, is a fan of the Iowa Hawkeyes, New York Yankees, and Kansas City Chiefs! He is also very aware that the SEC is a cauldron of sin and evil, a roiling cesspool of wickedness. He will write sports articles from a balanced perspective, demonstrating that Christians will always cheer for the Yankees, the Big-10, and Pat Mahomes. He will do so as a uniter, not a divider! … [Read more...] about SBC Voices Sports Editor – Mave Diller!
Are You Interested in Writing for SBC Voices?
I mentioned in a post a few days back that I am looking to "reboot" SBC Voices. You may still see some of the old guard and familiar names writing from time to time (they are always welcome), but most of them kinda got burned out on the SBC Wars of the last few years and have little interest in re-engaging in those kinds of battles. I would like to restart SBC Voices more along the lines of my original vision. I'd like the site to be a place where Southern Baptists can come to interact about their convictions, ideas, and opinions on a wide variety of matters that affect them. I am going to … [Read more...] about Are You Interested in Writing for SBC Voices?
What Does the Future Hold for SBC Voices?
I almost died in October. I didn't realize exactly how bad it was, but that's what my cardiologist told me about 10 days later. I returned from Africa on October 17 and thought I'd come down with the pneumonia that my grandkids and several others had. I woke up in the night with a terrible cough and tightness in my chest. Jenni was on her way home from a visit to our daughter in Cincinnati, so I was on my own. I thought about driving to the ER about 20 minutes away, but I waited. I got an appointment at the local clinic in the afternoon. I went in and confidently told the nice lady I'd … [Read more...] about What Does the Future Hold for SBC Voices?
The Amazing Political Rorshach Debate Spectacle
I will admit that I watched not a single minute of last night's presidential debate. Still, to the moment I am writing this, I have not watched a single clip from the debate. So, as many of you have often suspected, I write from a place of complete ignorance. (Your joke here...) What I have done, though, is scour Twitter, Facebook, and other social media responses to see what people thought about the debate - that's more interesting than politicians. As is normal now, this is a razor-thin election, and as has always been the case for the last half-century, "the most important election of … [Read more...] about The Amazing Political Rorshach Debate Spectacle
Eddie Lopez is 2nd VP
In a very close vote, Eddie Lopez (2074 votes/52.11%) won the election for second VP over Michael Pardue (1886 votes/47.39%). These were some of the closest elections I remember this entire convention. Welcome to the 2VP club, Eddie. Call me and I will give you the website address and password, plus teach you the secret handshake. … [Read more...] about Eddie Lopez is 2nd VP
2VP President Runoff
Eddie Lopez received 2304 votes for 38.55% Michael Pardue got 2269 votes for 37.97% Wesley Russell brought in 1382 votes for ??% Lopez and Pardue are in a runoff. … [Read more...] about 2VP President Runoff
If I Were KING of the SBC
I've been attending the SBC Annual Meeting, on and off, since 1979, and I've seen changes happen. If I were elected King and Supreme Ruler of the SBC, these are the changes I would make to our esteemed gathering. 1. Of course, #1 would be the name-tag issue. Print our names bigger on the front and scrunch the schedule up a bit on the back so you can print our names on the back as well. Those silly things always flip over. Names on both sides - because I said so! 2. I would institute a rule that says a person who uses his or her 3 minutes to advocate for or against a motion CANNOT then, … [Read more...] about If I Were KING of the SBC
By a vote if 61.45% to 38.38% the Law Amendment failed to reach the 2/3 majority! … [Read more...] about LAW AMENDMENT FAILS
Clint Pressley Is SBC President
Clint Pressley received 56.12% (4244 votes) to 43.17% (3305 votes) for Dan Spencer and has been elected as president of the SBC. … [Read more...] about Clint Pressley Is SBC President