I mentioned in a post a few days back that I am looking to “reboot” SBC Voices. You may still see some of the old guard and familiar names writing from time to time (they are always welcome), but most of them kinda got burned out on the SBC Wars of the last few years and have little interest in re-engaging in those kinds of battles. I would like to restart SBC Voices more along the lines of my original vision.
I’d like the site to be a place where Southern Baptists can come to interact about their convictions, ideas, and opinions on a wide variety of matters that affect them.
I am going to post another article in a few minutes introducing our newest author in a few minutes!
I have a few thoughts about how this process should proceed.
- We’ve had a LOT of people write an article or two for SBC Voices through the years and many found the process just wasn’t for them. If you are going to be on the SBC Voices writing team, I’d expect an article from you at least twice a month (or so – anyone can take a break if they need it).
- The thing to do is to send me an article and I will post it. You can see if you like the process. If you do, you can try again. After three to five experiences with posting, you can decide if you want to “join the team.”
- I’m not looking for firebrands for bomb throwers. We’ve done that. Well-written articles that state a controversial position on a hot-button topic are always acceptable, but if you are just looking to stir things up – we’ve been down that road.
- Articles that are critical of SBC entities or leaders are acceptable if they are balanced, fair, and within the boundaries of godly conversation. I would much rather stick to other subjects, but the fact is that sometimes, SBC leaders need to be held accountable and SBC institutions need the light shined on them. If you do it, do it well, in a manner that honors Christ.
- In general, we are not interested in ANONYMOUS and PSEUDONYMOUS authors. Take ownership of what you write. We have made a few exceptions to this through the years. We’ve allowed missionaries to write anonymously or pseudonymously for security reasons. I have allowed women to write articles anonymously because using their names would expose them to abuse. I’ve allowed a few situations in which I knew the person well (so I knew the story was true) to write anonymously. We will not generally an anonymous expose.
- We would like a wide variety of theological, ministry-related, missions, and real-life articles. If it’s interesting to you, it’s probably interesting to someone else.
- We are a Southern Baptist site. Our writers should be members of Southern Baptist churches, and our articles should be within the parameters of the BF&M 2000.
I am less than enthusiastic about endless discussions of the value or dangers of Calvinism (we wore that topic out in 2011) and if your only desire is to opine on politics, this might not be your place, but once you become a “member of the team,” I never tell you what to write. I may disagree with you, but I won’t censor you.
That’s the biggest issue people have to deal with when posting on Voices. We aren’t nearly as busy as we used to be, but Baptists can be a cantankerous lot! Early in my blogging years, I found it difficult when people disagreed with me and criticized me – it sometimes cratered me. After the first few dozen times I got called a moron, it stopped bothering me! Blogging will either thicken your skin or wither your soul. Just don’t let it make you bitter.
So, if you are interested in writing for SBC Voices, send me an article. It’s best if it’s 1000 words or less. I will try to respond and let you know about posting it. Sometimes it takes me a day or two to get it ready. You can contact me at dmille3098@gmail.com to submit a post. I usually run posts through an editor and I may adjust the title a bit. You can contact me there with any questions as well.
Please give me a 3 sentence bio you’d like attached to your post.
Let the fun begin.