Is the SBC going to remain the SBC? That question is at issue right now. Obviously, our president Bryant Wright's appointment of a task force to study the issue has ignited a firestorm in the SBC and especially among us house-coat wearing basement-dwellers. Our traffic yesterday was incredible as this dispute broke out - we usually only see those kinds of numbers during the Annual Meeting. People are interested in this topic. I thought it might be helpful to list some of the helpful blog posts for those who want to acquaint themselves with this issue. Obviously, I have published … [Read more...] about Helpful Articles on the SBC Name-Change
Maybe These Folks Can Advise the Task Force
Is This What Solomon Had in Mind?
Probably not. … [Read more...] about Is This What Solomon Had in Mind?
Why the Overreaction?
As I have read blogs and comments today, I am again discouraged about the way that some Baptist Bloggers blog. Bryant Wright announced yesterday that he is forming a task force to study the ramifications of a name change. There are, I believe, some good reasons to change the name. There are some very good reasons to be careful about jumping into that - legal issues, money, the question of whether it will really work. Some of the commenters here have raised those issues and I thought they made sense. Why can't we just have a discussion of the merits of the case? Why must some act as … [Read more...] about Why the Overreaction?
The ??? Baptist Convention: Considering Bryant Wright’s Task Force Recommendation
I thought that Bryant Wright did a great job leading the SBC last year in Phoenix. Now, he is at the top of my buddy list again for appointing a task force to study the issue of changing the name of the SBC. I've been through this debate before and I have made my views clear - that our regional name is an unnecessary hindrance to SBC growth outside of the deep south. I would love to see the name change happen, but I doubt that it will anytime soon. Bart Barber has written a very different look at this, one that I understand but believe misses several points. You can read Bart's opinion … [Read more...] about The ??? Baptist Convention: Considering Bryant Wright’s Task Force Recommendation
Open Thread: Who’s Your Early Favorite for the 2012 Election?
This is really dangerous and I may regret it and just trash the whole thing. But someone asked me the other day what I thought of a candidate. I don't pay much attention. As an Iowan, I will see and hear more than I want of the Republican candidates in the months between now and the caucuses in February. But right now, I don't know what to think of any of them. What do you think? I know there are some Obamaites out there and you probably feel excluded, but the Democratic nominee is not a big surprise, unless someone jumps into the Dem race. But the Rep side is wide open and most of … [Read more...] about Open Thread: Who’s Your Early Favorite for the 2012 Election?
Open Thread: The Weekly Sports-related Talkathon (Go Seminoles!!!!)
Chat away. I'm just glad that while many things divide us, cheering for the Florida State Seminoles can unite us this week. … [Read more...] about Open Thread: The Weekly Sports-related Talkathon (Go Seminoles!!!!)
Discussions of Calvinism on SBC Voices
I'm really tired of it. That weariness has been growing over time and now I have reached the point where I think I need to make some changes in the way we approach the subject of Calvinism here. This is not a rebuke of one article or one author, but of the whole tone and tenor of discussions not only here but also throughout the SBC blogosphere. Observing the discussion here the last couple of days just crystallized things in my mind. As the editor of SBC Voices, I have the authority to make some changes and I intend to attempt to do that. For what its worth, here's how I feel. I am … [Read more...] about Discussions of Calvinism on SBC Voices
False Teacher Said What?
Words fail... So maybe God's Word will suffice: For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. 2 Timothy 4:3-4 … [Read more...] about False Teacher Said What?
A Pandemic American Heresy
Originally published on September 9, 2009 at sbcIMPACT! I am very slow to drop the H-bomb on anyone. I will tell you I disagree with you. I will try to explain why I disagree with your position. But I seldom call people heretics. For me, that is a term reserved for those who hold doctrines that would undermine the very foundation of our faith and nullify the gospel. We should be very careful about using the word. Understanding that, I assert that there is a heresy that has become rampant, even pandemic, in American Christianity. I call it a heresy because I believe that it nullifies the … [Read more...] about A Pandemic American Heresy