Biblical scholar and theological genius Harold Camping has demonstrated with devastating exegetical precision that the Rapture will occur on May 21, 2011, followed by five months of judgment on earth with the end of the world occurring on October 21, 2011. You can read the tract here, but the logic is brilliant beyond disputation. I would like to help you interpret some of this information and make some decisions to prepare for what lies ahead. 1) There seems to be no reason to keep your bank accounts or other assets. Money will mean nothing when the judgment comes. I have designated … [Read more...] about Judgment Will Fall in Two Weeks!
Putting a Splint on a SPLINTERED SBC!
God saves a wide variety of people from a wide variety of backgrounds. He then places in us his Holy Spirit to guide us in the process of becoming like Christ and preparing us for eternal glory. One day, all who have truly repented of their sins and trusted Jesus as Savior and Lord will be completely like Jesus. In the meantime, we are different. We start at different places and grow at different paces. We are headed toward the amazing eternal unity of the saints. In the meantime, we disagree. We disagree about the so-called “doctrines of grace.” Some of us like big churches, some … [Read more...] about Putting a Splint on a SPLINTERED SBC!
SPLINTERED! Can Anything Stop the Fall of the SBC?
When a great tree splinters, it loses the strength to stand and eventually it crashes to the ground. Is that the future of the Southern Baptist Convention? There can be little doubt that the SBC is splintering. In a Baptist Press article yesterday, Gary D. Myers referenced a series of articles by Steve Lemke, the provost of New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, which were published recently at SBC Today. The articles explored the doctrinal and stylistic divides that are pulling Southern Baptists apart. I wrote an article last October at sbcIMPACT that touched on many of the same … [Read more...] about SPLINTERED! Can Anything Stop the Fall of the SBC?
The Church Shines Brightest in the Darkest Night
On August 29, 2005 Hurricane Katrina hit the Gulf Coast and laid waste to the area. In 2006, 2007 and 2008, I went on mission trips to the area with my church and its youth group. We went to Pascagoula, MS; Bay St. Louis, MS; and then to New Orleans itself. In 2007, I had to fly in and out of New Orleans for the Bay St. Louis trip. At the end of the week, I was dropped off in the New Orleans airport for the flight home and I noticed something interesting. The airport was filled with small (and some fairly large) groups of young people in matching t-shirts. It was youth groups from all … [Read more...] about The Church Shines Brightest in the Darkest Night
“BloggerAID”: We Can Help Alabama Tornado Victims
Mostly, bloggers talk. We analyse, criticize and examine what is going on in this SBC and the larger Christian world. Today, we can take the next step. We can do something important. In a time of crisis, of great need, can we come together and make a difference. We have an opportunity to help people whose lives have been devastated in recent days. One of our own, a fellow-blogger named CB Scott is at ground zero of this tragedy and is trying to minister in the name of Christ. You and I can help him. I talked to CB tonight. He is the pastor of Westmont Baptist Church in Birmingham, … [Read more...] about “BloggerAID”: We Can Help Alabama Tornado Victims
The Spoken WORD: “Hypochristians” by Karness
I've been introduced to something new in the last couple of months, something called "spoken word" poetry. It's not sappy rhymes like you find on greeting cards and funeral programs, but gritty observations about life set in a lyrical form. You can find a lot of it on Youtube and Vimeo. Much of it, of course, is pretty vulgar. I found out about spoken word poetry because my daughter was introduced to it in her Creative Writing class and has become a devotee. She has started participating in "poetry slams" - essentially poetry battles. She won one and has finished second and third at … [Read more...] about The Spoken WORD: “Hypochristians” by Karness
The Big Apple Adventure (from Freddy Wyatt)
We’ve got the perfect opportunity for you to teach your children about urban church planting while making a kingdom impact in a strategic city! As you may know, one of Lifeway’s VBS themes this year is “Big Apple Adventure”. Please consider connecting your VBS to the Gallery Church in New York City by: 1) Designating your VBS Missions offering to us at the Gallery Church, and 2) Energizing your VBS by using Missions Moment videos we’ve created for you! We’re getting great feedback on the videos and trust they will energize your VBS! The Gallery Church is an SBC church plant that … [Read more...] about The Big Apple Adventure (from Freddy Wyatt)
Les Puryear’s Post: “An Apology to SBC Reformed Pastors”
Les Puryear posted this today, and I thought some of you would like to see it. It was posted on SBC View. Since a couple of you posted in response to Les' earlier comments (and those of another blogger), I thought you might like to see his latest response. I appreciate Les' humility in issuing this apology. I think this spirit of grace is exactly what we need as we try to work together in the future. An Apology to SBC Reformed Pastors (from Les Puryear) On April 15, I wrote a post which concluded that Reformed Baptists should leave the SBC. After much prayer and pondering, I have … [Read more...] about Les Puryear’s Post: “An Apology to SBC Reformed Pastors”
“Soul Surfer” A Review
This review is about 3 weeks late, but better late than never. I'm not sure how much longer this movie will be in theaters, but if it is still playing near you, take the family and go see it. Last week, my wife and I decided to take in a movie on date night, and the only thing showing that we had any desire to see was "Soul Surfer", which recounts the life story of Bethany Hamilton, a surfer whose arm was taken by a shark at a young age and who went on to become a champion anyway. She and her family are committed Christians, and she relied on the power of God to help her through. I … [Read more...] about “Soul Surfer” A Review
I'm not a twitter devotee or anything, but I thought this was interesting and moving. Igniter media puts out some great videos. … [Read more...] about Follow