If you are reading blogs today, do something in the spirit of the Thanksgiving season. Take a moment and share with us what you are thankful for. This is a politics-free, theological-squabbles free opportunity to glorify God. … [Read more...] about Let Everything That Has Breath Praise the Lord
Are We God’s Spoiled Children? The Secret to Thanksgiving
Ever watched a spoiled child in action? No matter how much his parents give him, he throws tantrums at the slightest deprivation. She believes that it is her natural right to get everything she wants and will let you know it if you do not please her. There are few things more annoying in life than a spoiled child. Sometimes, I wonder if we are God's spoiled children. He is so good to us in every way. He sent his only Son to live the righteous life we could not and die for our sins. He gives us the Holy Spirit to indwell us, to conform us to the image of Christ and to empower us to do … [Read more...] about Are We God’s Spoiled Children? The Secret to Thanksgiving
A Week of Thanksgiving at SBC Voices
We debate a broad range of topics here at SBC Voices. But starting Monday, and lasting through Thanksgiving, we are going to focus on praising God and giving thanks to him at this blog. Many of our regular contributors are producing devotional posts which will lead us in giving thanks to God. I do not plan to close the discussion streams on other posts, so you can keep hammering on whatever you feel like hammering on. And if something major comes up, these are more like guidelines than they are actual rules. But I thought it would be good for a few days to tone down the argument and to … [Read more...] about A Week of Thanksgiving at SBC Voices
Perverting Biblical Faith into Magical Religion
(I published this Monday over at sbcIMPACT. This is a subject I feel passionate about, so I decided to repost it here, for anyone who wanders by over the weekend.) Christians put their faith in a powerful, living God who works in and among his people in grace and strength. When we submit to him as Lord and seek his glory, his presence and power work among his people. Magic is the manipulation of spiritual forces to gain personal advantage – prosperity, fertility, forgiveness. They are not the same, but I think too many Christians treat their faith as just another form of magic – a … [Read more...] about Perverting Biblical Faith into Magical Religion
In the Image of God: Male and Female in Genesis 1:16-28
The New Testament has what appear to be some pretty direct and decisive words about the roles of men and women at home and in the church. In fact, those words can be downright shocking to our modern sensibilities. In 1 Timothy 2:12, Paul makes what seems to be a pretty clear statement about the role of women in the ministry of the church, one that does not sit well with many today. “I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet.” The words seem to be pretty clear. Paul says that women should not teach men the truths of scripture or … [Read more...] about In the Image of God: Male and Female in Genesis 1:16-28
Tell Us about Your State Convention Meeting
I didn't get to go to the Baptist Convention of Iowa meeting this year. My daughter is a senior and had the lead in the school play, which performed that weekend (yes, I'm bragging!). The school play trumped the state convention this year. Its the first time in many years that they carried on at the BCI without me. I hear they did just fine. So, did you go your state convention meeting? SBC Voices readers are from all over the country (and a few internationals mixed in). I'm interested in knowing your perspective on what went on at your state convention. Any significant motions … [Read more...] about Tell Us about Your State Convention Meeting
Ed Stetzer’s Advice: Resist (Politely) the TSA Searches
Ed Stetzer has written a passionate plea to resist the full-body scans and the invasive pat-downs that the TSA is now demanding for those who fly. Here is the link. Read it. He makes a lot of sense. He gives four reasons why the searches are wrong. He also makes three suggestions for action. We should, if possible, not fly and then tell the airlines that the TSA searches are the reason. We should opt out of the full-body scans if you must fly. You will then be "patted down" in the most personal way, but he suggests this is better than the virtual naked pictures of what he … [Read more...] about Ed Stetzer’s Advice: Resist (Politely) the TSA Searches
“Parking Wars” – A Primer in Human Depravity
Human sin should never be funny, but on "Parking Wars" on "A&E" (10 PM ET on Tuesdays) it is pretty hilarious. I love the show. I also think it is a perfect illustration of human attitudes toward sin. Watch it sometime and see what I mean. There are few illustrations of human depravity, about human attitudes toward sin, that are clearer than those you will see on Parking Wars. Parking Wars takes place mostly in Philadelphia, though they also go to Detroit and other cities. It follows three aspects of the Philadelphia Parking Authority (PPA). Parking enforcement officers walk the … [Read more...] about “Parking Wars” – A Primer in Human Depravity
Shameless Plug: “Perverting Biblical Faith into Magical Religion”
I have posted at sbcIMPACT a revision of something I wrote several years ago. It is my belief that we tend to pervert true biblical faith (which calls us to die to self and live for God's glory) into a magical religion (in which we manipulate spiritual forces for personal gain). I hope you will take time to read it and comment there. Here's the link to the article at sbcIMPACT. Follow the link to sbcIMPACT - still, in my opinion, one of the best blogs in the Baptist world! Please forgive this shameless plug. … [Read more...] about Shameless Plug: “Perverting Biblical Faith into Magical Religion”
Random Acts of Christmas
My mom sent me a link to this, and I also saw it on Denny Burk's blog today. Really moved me. A 600 voice choir invades a Philadelphia mall and sings the Hallelujah Chorus. You've probably seen it, but if you haven't, take a look. … [Read more...] about Random Acts of Christmas