There is a growing divergence of opinion about how churches should handle politics. I find myself in agreement with both sides to a certain extent. On the One Hand... The church should never be distracted from its main work; making the gospel of Christ known in this world. Some churches have become, essentially, local branches of the Republican or Democrat parties. They talk politics from the pulpit and organize politically in the pews. They assume that their political positions are theological imperatives. To vary from political orthodoxy is seen as an indication of theological … [Read more...] about I’m Voting Tomorrow, But I Preached the Bible Yesterday
Men, Women, Marriage and Ministry: What Does the Bible Say?
There has been a seismic shift of opinion in the SBC regarding gender issues. In my childhood, the vast majority of Southern Baptists believed that the husband was designed by God to be the head of his home, and that the roles of pastor and deacon (you had a hard time in the 60’s finding a Baptist church with elders) were strictly reserved for men. Now, times have changed. Many Southern Baptists who affirm inerrancy also believe that the traditional teachings on gender roles are contrary to the scriptural teaching and are unhappy with the changes that were made in the 2000 Baptist Faith … [Read more...] about Men, Women, Marriage and Ministry: What Does the Bible Say?
If I Was a Twitterer, These Would Be Tweets
You should probably have healthcare professionals standing by when you check your 2011 rates for Guidestone Health Insurance. In blogging, sometimes its best to just have your say and walk away. Yesterday, I had the worst headache I've had in months. What a blessing! I could watch last night's Yankee game under heavy narcotics. I get frustrated with the SBC, but I also know there's no place else I'd rather be. Why is it that, in life, the most important things are also the easiest to procrastinate? I have a "stewardship committee" meeting tonight. I'd rather have an … [Read more...] about If I Was a Twitterer, These Would Be Tweets
Responding to Peter Lumpkins re Alcohol and SEBTS
(NOTE: Danny Akin has graciously responded to this post. His comment is #113.) (Editor's Note: I have closed comments on his topic. We've all said our piece. There is no value to mud-slinging and I doubt much productive will come from continuing this discussion. If we have done nothing else, we have established that contrary to what was insinuated, there is no significant drinking problem at SEBTS. ) I just posted on why I love blogging, and soon after posting, I was directed by a friend to Peter Lumpkins' latest post, "Here Come Those Boozin' [young, cool, and hip] Baptists: A … [Read more...] about Responding to Peter Lumpkins re Alcohol and SEBTS
Why I Love Blogging
It is fashionable to disrespect blogging. State conventions have passed resolutions focused on the evils of our pursuit. The new NAMB president showed utter disdain for those of us who write online, saying that we all wear housecoats and live with our mothers. Several prominent bloggers have for various reasons either left blogging behind or cut back dramatically. I have no doubts that blogging sometimes takes more of my time than I should probably give it. And there are certainly times when blogs get out of hand. Wild and unsubstantiated rumors sometimes fly, and people can dig their … [Read more...] about Why I Love Blogging
Whither Discernment?: A TV Show that Gives Me Little “Glee”
Many of you will think this post is strange, but I am the paterfamilias of a show choir family. Family History My first two sons sang in the youth musicals at church, but never caught the show choir bug. It all started in my third son's freshman year. I had coached him in both basketball and soccer in middle school and he was headed to high school with his father's high hopes for a good athletic career. His world, and mine, changed when a friend invited him to show choir tryouts. Show Choirs always need guys so Ben went and auditioned. They made him dance captain that day (thats … [Read more...] about Whither Discernment?: A TV Show that Gives Me Little “Glee”
A Moderate’s Playground: My View of the Conservative Resurgence
Recently I opened a blogpost for the discussion of sports. It has been a great diversion – I love sports, probably too much. But that post has served two purposes. It gave us a chance to talk about sports while also keeping the sports trash-talk (something I consider a moral imperative) off the other posts. If you want to post about the Hawkeyes, the Yankees, or any of the lesser teams out there, you have a place to go. There is a small group of bloggers who seem to come by Voices for no purpose other than to talk about the Conservative Resurgence that restored the SBC to its … [Read more...] about A Moderate’s Playground: My View of the Conservative Resurgence
IMHO: Blog-posts Worth Reading 10/6/2010
I have read two posts this morning that I think are well worth your time to read. I will link to them and encourage you to go there. Alan Cross First, Alan Cross, who has been one of my favorite bloggers for some time, has a powerful article called "The Failings of Christendom." He says, "Christendom is the establishment of Christianity (or a version of it) as the state or accepted religion in the larger culture. It is the syncretism of Biblical Christianity with the goals and purposes of the prevailing world system, creating a mixed civil religion that looks Christian in its forms, … [Read more...] about IMHO: Blog-posts Worth Reading 10/6/2010
Commenting Philosophy at SBC Voices
I appreciate the intelligent and lively discussions we have here at SBC Voices. I thought it would be good for me to say a little bit about my philosophy and approach here. I have made a few small changes since I was appointed editor, and so I thought I should let you know my philosophy and policies for blogging and commenting. First of all, the point here is to have an open discussion of current trends and issues in the SBC and to deal with biblical topics. We do not have a single viewpoint here. We have contributors who are five-pointers and other who see n0 point in Calvinism. We … [Read more...] about Commenting Philosophy at SBC Voices
Books that Shaped My Life and Ministry
What are the books that have formed your views on ministry or have helped you to be more effective in what you do? I’m going to share mine. You share yours. Tell us the books you have read that have shaped and formed your ministry. Let’s all agree that the most important book is the Bible. We believe that the Bible is our final authority and shapes our lives and ministries more than any other book. We know that. The topic of discussion is other books which God has used in your life. 1) “Liberating Ministry from the Success Syndrome” by Kent and Barbara Hughes This book traces … [Read more...] about Books that Shaped My Life and Ministry