“I prayed about it.” These common words can be both comforting and annoying. My wife and I have been in a transition time in recent months and have prayed for wisdom on every decision, every option. Sometimes, I feel like Abraham on his journey “to a land I will show you.” God isn’t giving us anything but day-by-day, step-by-step guidance. We should not make decisions without praying, seeking the guidance of God’s word, and being led by the Spirit. Praying about things is important in our walk with Christ. Still, there is a problem when we act as if saying “I prayed about it” or “After … [Read more...] about “I Prayed about It”
What’s Wrong with Us? Facing Our Problems
Few would argue that the American Evangelical church (or our convention) is in a golden period of health and vibrancy. There are healthy churches, of course, but overall, things are not good. The church is badly divided. Christ prayed that we would be one. Of course, we should not unite with false teachers, but church of Jesus Christ, those faithful to the gospel, is fractured contrary to Christ’s prayer. My dad traveled to well over 100 churches in a couple of years when he was doing Bible conferences and said that he could count on one hand those that were not badly divided. When we … [Read more...] about What’s Wrong with Us? Facing Our Problems
The Insatiable Desire of Christians for Scandal
There was quite a brouhaha on Christian Twitter over the holidays focusing on the scandal-mongering of Christian magazines. Christianity Today released its Top-20 news stories of the year , based on readership (online clicks, I think) and as you might imagine, the vast majority of these focused on scandals within the church - a good number of them on Southern Baptists and our troubles with sexual abuse. My article on giving standing ovations to men like Matt Chandler, which appeared here and then was carried there, made the list at #9 (yeah, it was a tough year for me so I'm bragging a … [Read more...] about The Insatiable Desire of Christians for Scandal
Non-Debatable Realities of Christmas
Here are the non-debatable, inarguable realities of Christmas. You may not agree. This is America. You have the right to be wrong! George C. Scott was Scrooge and other versions are vying for second place in "which is the best 'Christmas Carol'" discussions. He is the gold standard. Die Hard was an entertaining action movie set at a Christmas party. It is NOT a Christmas movie and only heretics, Gnostics, and liberals say it is. The Christmas classic "A Christmas Story" should have ended with the narrator, the adult Ralphie, appearing with an eye patch, after shooting his eye out … [Read more...] about Non-Debatable Realities of Christmas
He Understood Christmas
With all the foofaraw and hullaballoo of the Christmas season, do you ever wonder if people really understand what it’s all about? They celebrate frenetically but have little clue about the reality of Christmas. This is nothing new. Most people were oblivious to the birth of the Savior when it happened. The residents of Bethlehem, even those where Mary and Joseph sought refuge, could have had a front-row seat to the birth of the Messiah but were clueless. The intelligentsia of Israel was ignorant and blind. They didn’t even walk six miles to find out if the one they’d awaited for centuries was … [Read more...] about He Understood Christmas
Anathematize the Heretics Who Cancel Christmas Church?
Rumor has it that woke liberal leftist pastors are considering doing the unthinkable on Sunday, December 25. When they should be gathered with the people of God celebrating the birth of Christ they will be nestled in their beds demonstrating their worldliness. Heathens and heretics! I will be honest, I could not cancel church on Christmas Sunday. That comes from conviction, but also from my tradition and training. My dad (also my pastor through my formative years) wavered slightly in his view of eternal security when people dared to cancel church for Christmas or Super Bowls or anything … [Read more...] about Anathematize the Heretics Who Cancel Christmas Church?
Evidence of Evangelical Dysfunction?
In the Fullness of Time
Does it sometimes feel like Heaven has gone silent and God isn’t listening anymore, your prayers are ignored and your name is forgotten? We all go through this at some point. The Psalms are filled with Laments asking why God is far off, not hearing or responding. We get discouraged, even depressed, and live that dark night of the soul. Sometimes, none of the Bible’s promises feel real. In 400 BC, Malachi prophesied, calling Israel to repent, and then God went silent - no prophetic word for nearly 400 years. Empires rose and fell, and most oppressed or enslaved Israel. Rebellions arose among … [Read more...] about In the Fullness of Time
Litigious Believers: We All Lose
I was taught a simple hermeneutical principle long ago, one that makes sense if we actually believe the Bible is inerrant and sufficient for faith and practice. When the plain sense of Scripture makes common sense, seek no other sense. I realize that sometimes there are addenda to that concept. We need to understand the plain sense of Scripture as it would have been understood by the audience that received it – Ancient Israel, the First Century Greek culture, etc. Archeology and historical studies, as well as language studies can inform our “plain sense of Scripture.” Having said all … [Read more...] about Litigious Believers: We All Lose
Microwaved Restoration
I love my microwave oven. I can reheat my coffee or have a bag of popcorn in a couple of minutes. No muss, no fuss. There are things you cannot microwave. Biblical restoration from sin is one of those things. That is a process that must be slow-cooked or it will be ruined. Yesterday, a group of Johnny Hunt’s close friends announced that 7 months after reports surfaced that he had abused a woman in his church around the time he was the president of the SBC (details are sketchy on the timing of all of this) he was now fully restored and ready to return to ministry. Hunt has left Woodstock and … [Read more...] about Microwaved Restoration