“God put Jonah in the midst of a serious situation with seriously broken people, and he slept” –D. Patrick & M. Carter from For the City This one hurt. I’ve been Jonah way too many times. My excuse has always been the same, “my wife and I are planning to move soon, this is only temporary, no point getting too attached”. Two years later we end up at the same house still waiting for the next location. Granted our moves (up until the big move to Kentucky) were only across town or at least within 15 minutes. And we could have certainly continued these relationships had we begun … [Read more...] about Sleeping Away Our Mission Field
Affliction, Marriage, and Rescue
There are abominations which, like nests of vipers, lie so quietly within, that we hardly suspect they are there till the rod of affliction rouses them; then they hiss and show their venom. This discovery is indeed very distressing; yet, till it is made, we are prone to think ourselves much less vile than we really are, and cannot so heartily abhor ourselves, and repent in dust and ashes. (John Newton, Letter to Mrs. Wilberforce) I would not necessarily consider marriage a “rod of affliction”. Marriage is wonderful. But marriage also comes with difficulties. Because God is radically … [Read more...] about Affliction, Marriage, and Rescue
The Danger of Not Letting the Text Speak
Sometimes we are told that we cannot come to Christ unless the Father draws us, that without Christ we can do nothing, and that if we live, it is not we, but Christ who lives in us. Now these views tend to hide pride from man, to create a diffidence of ourselves, and to center our hopes and dependence on Christ; but lest the slothful and wicked servant should make his impotence his excuse, we are called upon to turn and make ourselves new hearts; we are exhorted to ask and we shall receive; and we are assured that God will give the Spirit to them who ask Him…(John Jennings, Christian Pastor’s … [Read more...] about The Danger of Not Letting the Text Speak
The Church Should Be Less Like Angry Coaches
I was listening a few days ago to a radio show that featured an interview with a college basketball coach. His team had recently pulled off a few surprising victories. The interviewer acknowledged a good amount of their successes and then asked the coach his thoughts on the games. The coach, without skipping a beat, threw out a cranky, “we didn’t rebound well”. This is not an anomaly. I have heard interviews like this numerous times in all my years of following sports. I even had coaches like this in high school. No matter how well you play there is always something that can be a … [Read more...] about The Church Should Be Less Like Angry Coaches
What If You Couldn’t Read Your Bible?
I’m from Perry, Missouri. Less than 1,000 people are housed in her city limits. Few of them anything but White Anglo-Saxons. Most of them perhaps not sure what an Anglo-Saxon is; that’s not to insult my hometown—merely to say that in an agrarian society, like Perry, knowing what an Anglo-Saxon is really doesn’t matter. I share all of that to say that my exposure to people of different languages and nationalities for the first 18 years of my life was pretty minimal. Then I went to college. Even here “they” were not normal. Most of my college was made up of white folk. But my college … [Read more...] about What If You Couldn’t Read Your Bible?
Which Child Do You Want to Parent?
Mark It’s always been difficult raising Mark. From a very young age his temper was a problem. He was kicked out of kindergarten for violent behavior towards the other children. The screaming was one thing. The shoving another. But once he began biting and stabbing other kids with pencils the school’s guidance counselor knew that something had to be done. The rage only got worse through the years. Mom and dad had been punched, spit upon, kicked, yelled at, threatened, shoved, and had become ninja-like in their ability to dodge flying objects hurled forth from Mark’s angry … [Read more...] about Which Child Do You Want to Parent?
Santa-god and Psalm 44
He's making a list,And checking it twice;Gonna find out Who's naughty and nice. Good little boys and girls can be assured that if they are good then Santa Claus will bring them presents. But the bad little boys and girls had better shape up because Santa Claus is coming to town and these little sprouts are going to have hell to pay. No toys for these little minions they’ll be getting coals and spankings or at best that nasty fruitcake. If Christians are faithful then God will bless them. He will give them presents like peace, prosperity, and healthy relationships. When we turn our back … [Read more...] about Santa-god and Psalm 44
Review of Real Marriage by Mark and Grace Driscoll
If you have yet to hear of Mark Driscoll’s latest book Real Marriage you are a little late to the party. There are countless reviews already (see here, and for some of the earlier ones see here). Honestly if I was not contractually obligated (ala got the book for free in exchange for a review) and if I did not feel a pastoral obligation to read and review it, I would probably keep my mouth shut. Summary The book is divided into three sections (really two). One section on marriage that covers the first five chapters. This section chronicles some of the Driscoll’s story and also has a … [Read more...] about Review of Real Marriage by Mark and Grace Driscoll
Simple Discipleship and Preaching Advice
I still remember a good chunk of advice that one of my professors in college gave me. Dr. Pelletier (not the skater) was a man that taught me a great deal about ministry. Perhaps one of the most profound things he taught me was about family devotions. I was single at the time but engaged to my wife Nikki. I was freaking out about how to lead this woman. The weight of Ephesians 5 was pressing hard on me; what does it mean to wash her in the water of the word? What does it mean to lead a family? I had never really seen family devotions modeled and had no idea what it meant to lead my … [Read more...] about Simple Discipleship and Preaching Advice
Preparing For When the Lights Go Out
I’ve shared in the past that I struggle with depression, discouragement, or if you’re feeling extra Elizabethan “fits of melancholy”. I loathe these times. I know what it is like to live in the enjoyment of what Christ has purchased. I know what it is like to be “on fire for the Lord”. In these times I figure I see things rather clearly. I see gospel metaphors everywhere. I see the beauty of Jesus all around me. In these times I am feasting on the goodness and greatness of God. I cherish these times. But then for some unknown (at least to me) reason the lights go out. Sometimes … [Read more...] about Preparing For When the Lights Go Out