Have you ever been mightily used by God, get a spiritual high, and then the next day feel like a schmuck? Have you ever been running on a spiritual high for quite some time only to be blown away by an equally crushing period of depression and dryness? If so then you might be experiencing Post-Preaching Depression; or as Archibald Hart has termed it, “Post-adrenaline Depression”. Hart describes it this way: “…what I was experiencing was a profound shutdown of my adrenal system, following a period of high stress or demand. It was as i my adrenal system were saying, “That’s enough abuse for now; … [Read more...] about Monday’s Ministry Musing: Post-Preaching Depression
Al Mohler, Homosexuality, and Job’s Friends
As you are certainly aware, there has been a good amount of discussion regarding Dr. Mohler’s comments at the SBC Annual Meeting. You can read the full transcript here. Or watch the video here. But most of the controversy stems from these words: But we as Evangelicals have a very sad history in dealing with this issue. We have told not the truth, but we’ve told about half the truth. We’ve told the biblical truth and that’s important, but we haven’t applied it in the biblical way. Not to put words in Dr. Mohler’s mouth but I think in part what he is saying is that we have been very … [Read more...] about Al Mohler, Homosexuality, and Job’s Friends
Monday’s Ministry Musing: How Important IS a Testimony?
This may be one of those articles that I look back on 10 years (or 10 days) from now and regret. I think I may be flirting with the idea of tipping over a sacred cow of modern evangelicalism. I’ll show you my cards up front…I’m not sure a personal testimony is really as important as we make it out to be. With every church interview I have ever been a part of this question is inevitable…”would you please share your testimony”. Granted, it’s a good question. You want to know that the person you are considering for membership, leadership, or whatever is actually a believer. The motivation … [Read more...] about Monday’s Ministry Musing: How Important IS a Testimony?
Calvinistic Tension Headaches
Yep, I just dropped the C word. No matter what theological system you follow—or if you take the “I just follow the Bible” route—you will undoubtedly be faced with certain tensions. Your theology will cause those that differ to say, “yeah, but…” At the end of the day there is much in the Christian life that is mystery. There are many beliefs within Christian doctrine that must be held in tension. And no theological system is free from these tensions. Most people are Calvinist, Arminian, Calminian, whatever you want to call them not because they are idiots but because they are … [Read more...] about Calvinistic Tension Headaches
Yes, We’re Worse Than Broken; But I Still Use the Term. Response to Randy Newman.
It was with great joy that I read and reviewed Randy Newman’s book, Bringing the Gospel Home. There was one spot however that gave me pause. In his book Newman argues that, “if a tract or online presentation of the gospel only refers to our sin as ‘brokenness,’ we are misrepresenting the truth.” Newman then argues that using terms like brokenness makes it sound as if we are only victims when really we are the ones in rebellion and given over to idolatry. Late last week Newman expounded upon this point in his article “We’re Worse Than Broken”. He believes that the word is not helpful for … [Read more...] about Yes, We’re Worse Than Broken; But I Still Use the Term. Response to Randy Newman.
Monday’s Ministry Musing: Why I’m Sick of Hearing “Good” Sermons
I heard a sermon the other day that was a “good sermon”. The speaker was funny. The congregation was engaged. The congregation was given very helpful pointers, things that would help in living better lives. There was nothing heretical in the sermon; nothing that I could not heartily affirm. Helpful, engaging, down-to-earth, and it used biblical principles. Yet, after hearing the sermon I felt sick to my stomach. What caused my sickness? Was it my breakfast burrito? Perhaps too syrupy of pancakes? That could have added to my sickness but the main problem was not in something I ate … [Read more...] about Monday’s Ministry Musing: Why I’m Sick of Hearing “Good” Sermons
Jesus Has More Power Than My Lack of Bread
The disciples frantically shuffle through all their belongings hoping to find some bread. “I thought Andrew was bringing the bread”, remarks a beleaguered Thomas. “No, it was Thaddaeus”, Andrew responds. Back and forth they go only to find one measly loaf of bread. Then their greatest fear is realized. Jesus says, “Watch out; beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.” “GREAT! The Master knows. Our foolish act of forgetting bread has been exposed. And now Jesus, speaking in parables like he always does, is rebuking us for being so dense. We are going to starve … [Read more...] about Jesus Has More Power Than My Lack of Bread
Monday’s Ministry Musing: Appealing to Selfishness
A few days ago I was listening to a Christian radio station. During one of the breaks between songs the DJ read something about building relationships with people. One of the things he mentioned was that people are by nature selfish. Therefore, if we want to build a good relationship with them then we need to appeal to their desires and interests; we must center the conversation around them. He continued reading the list naming several good qualities as long as vices and how we must respond to them. At the very end he said by doing these things we will have influenced them for … [Read more...] about Monday’s Ministry Musing: Appealing to Selfishness
Monday’s Ministry Musing: Angels and the Gospel
People are fascinated with angels. This is not a new thing. The church at Colossae (or at least false teachers there) had a fascination with angelic beings. And I suppose they are quite fascinating. But you want to know what is even more fascinating? The gospel. How crazy that angels long to “look into the gospel” (1 Pet. 1:12); we are bored with the gospel and long to look into angels. What is even crazier is that this idiocy is probably part of what has the angels so baffled. God redeems a humanity filled with idolaters, guilty of sin no less treasonous than the angels that … [Read more...] about Monday’s Ministry Musing: Angels and the Gospel
Seeing Life Through My Fingers
“You seem really stressed out and intense, lately”, my wife graciously pointed out to me. “No! I’m not intense”, I said, rather intensely. It wasn’t until a few days later that grace broke through and I was able to see that for a good month or so I had been running furiously on a performance treadmill. I was functionally denying the gospel and bowing to an idol of control and self-sufficiency. I was doing what Paul Tripp says is like putting a hand in front of my face: “Imagine that you have placed your hand, with fingers narrowly separated, in front of your face. When you … [Read more...] about Seeing Life Through My Fingers