Since the Protestant Reformation (remember to celebrate it's 500th anniversary this year!) and the invention of the printing press, translations of the Bible have abounded in multiple languages around the world. This fact is good news. That the Good News can be made accessible to as many tribes and nations by getting God's word into the common languages of so many people is a blessing to the church fulfilling our Great Commission calling. We especially have no dearth of English translations, and with these translations we have seen, at times, translation wars--King James only...the ESV of … [Read more...] about Lost in Translation…To CSB or Not to CSB
BAPTIST MADNESS 2017…It’s Not What You Think!
Really…it’s not what you think. Last year I embarked upon a fun (& hopefully helpful) reminder of those who have gone on before us and made significant contributions to our understanding of the faith and our faithfulness from within our Baptist heritage. To do this, I incorporated the concept behind the NCAA Men’s Basketball Tournament (a.k.a. “March Madness”) to create a ‘tournament’ of head-to-head match ups between sixteen historic Baptists. I owe this inspiration to a friend in my church who made me aware of the site, LentMadness, created by some Episcopalian priests to have the … [Read more...] about BAPTIST MADNESS 2017…It’s Not What You Think!
We Must Never Forget
I remember the outrage. How could anyone do such a thing as this? The images captured on video for all the world to see. The date was July 14, 2015. The Center for Medical Progress released the first of its many disquieting videos regarding the deplorable practices of Planned Parenthood regarding the trafficking of baby body parts harvested from the barbaric abortion "services" they provide. … [Read more...] about We Must Never Forget
A New Nominee for SBC 2 VP
With the encouragement and support of this band of brothers here, I will be nominating Jose Burgos, pastor of New Creation Ministry Church, in Highland, IN, to be the next Second VP of our convention. I believe that Jose will serve our convention well as Second VP. As a church planter in a non-traditional area for our convention, his is a voice we need to hear. He believes that, just as he learned through his military, law enforcement, and church planting training, “All of us are smarter than any one of us.” Our cooperative efforts are essential to the continuing Great Commission work of … [Read more...] about A New Nominee for SBC 2 VP
Announcing the New Collaborative Blog: SBC Focus
Today Chris Roberts, Joshua Breland, and I have launched a new collaborative blog endeavor, SBC Focus. Why another collaborative SBC blog? I believe that is best answered by Chris’ statement from our about page. While two notable SBC collaborative blog ventures already exist, namely SBC Today and SBC Voices, we hope that “SBC Focus provides something new. Our regular and guest contributors primarily fall on the Calvinist side of the theological spectrum and will help to provide a glimpse into life as a Calvinist in the SBC. We hope this blog serves as a source of blessing for all in the … [Read more...] about Announcing the New Collaborative Blog: SBC Focus
Resolution on The Theology of Salvation in the SBC (By Scott Gordon)
Scott Gordon is the pastor of Claycomo Baptist Church in Kansas City, MO. He has previously blogged here at SBC Voices, SBC Today, and his personal blog, SolaGratia! Currently, you’ll most often find him in the comments sections around here or other blogs or on Twitter (@SAGordon). I have submitted the resolution which follows to the Resolutions Committee for the 2012 SBC Annual Meeting in the hope that they would see fit to recommend it to the messengers from our churches in attendance in New Orleans. I have seen and highly respect the effort Chris Roberts has put into the resolution he … [Read more...] about Resolution on The Theology of Salvation in the SBC (By Scott Gordon)
Why I Believe In The SBC
After penning this title I am sorely tempted to quote (out of context, of course) CS Lewis: “I believe in [the SBC] like I believe in the sun. Not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.” Now, that quote is typically attributed to Lewis and more directly answers the question, ‘Why do you believe in Jesus?’ or ‘Why are you a Christian?’ So, to apply that to the reason I can assuredly say today that I believe in the Southern Baptist Convention is a monumental statement of hyperbole. Nevertheless, I am quite happy to be a Southern Baptist and a Southern Baptist … [Read more...] about Why I Believe In The SBC