I wanted to write and give some clarity to why I am nominating a small church pastor to lead the Pastor’s Conference in 2017 and why I support the idea of a conference of small church preachers focused on biblical preaching. This article is meant to provide some clarity on my own thinking about why I will make a nomination on Monday to do something different in 2017. Let me first affirm some of the ideas behind our past conferences (which I personally have benefitted from) and the rationale behind the status quo: The Case for Christian Celebrity The very word celebrity is … [Read more...] about Why a “small church” Pastors’ Conference? (or Why I am nominating Dave Miller for Pastors’ Conference President)
Reflections on our Unity in the Gospel — Will We Be Together?
God’s people gathered across denominations bound by a common theology, multiple sermons over a few days that are relevant and theologically robust, glorious music saturated with expressions of the sovereignty of God, great times of fellowship with other pastors over good food, being together in a room filled with a sense of the very presence of God... No, I’m not talking about #T4G2016, I’m talking about the 56th Annual Simultaneous Revival of the Baptist Ministers’ Conference of Gary and Vicinity. That’s how I spent last week – a wonderful event that God used in my life in a way every bit as … [Read more...] about Reflections on our Unity in the Gospel — Will We Be Together?
Thoughts on Baptist Cooperation — A Guest Post by Dr. Rick Hillard
Dr. Hillard has led the churches he served to give generously and sacrificially to the Cooperative Program. He has a passion for partnership missions and for reaching unreached peoples with the gospel of Jesus Christ. As he has shared his thoughts with me, I invited him to present them in a post here at SBCVoices. Dr. Hillard currently serves as Director of Missional Coordination for the State Convention of Baptists in Indiana. Southern Baptists are among the greatest people on Earth. We have accomplished much in this world. We have done more good than any other faith group in … [Read more...] about Thoughts on Baptist Cooperation — A Guest Post by Dr. Rick Hillard
In Pursuit of Unity – Small Steps for Everyday Baptists
As a followup to our proposal for a Baptist future, I wanted to offer a few thoughts about unity - especially unity in SBC life. Unity doesn’t just happen. In fact, our natural tendency given our various opinions, personalities, temperaments, priorities, callings, contexts, theological bents, and our common sin nature all make DISunity the more natural outcome. Yet, the New Testament, over and over again, makes an appeal for the unity of believers – both within the local church and among churches who were markedly different from one another. To achieve such unity, we can’t just sit back and … [Read more...] about In Pursuit of Unity – Small Steps for Everyday Baptists
Reluctance to Lead – 10 Reasons NOT to be a pastor
When I was first considering becoming a pastor, I remember many wise men counseling me to “make sure you are called” and “if you can do anything else and be satisfied, do it.” After 20 years of ministry, now I know why. Wherever these thoughts come from, they are real, and from time to time make me want to just pack up everything and quit and just go wait tables... I’m not sure I have what it takes. Churches need leadership. This role is bigger than anything I’ve done before and maybe it's too big for me. I see the growth and success in other churches and I’m not sure I have what … [Read more...] about Reluctance to Lead – 10 Reasons NOT to be a pastor
The Bible and Homosexuality — A Panel Discussion
I was recently invited to participate in a panel discussion on “The Bible and Homosexuality” at our local high school. The panel is being hosted by the Gay/Straight Alliance student group. Given the time constraints, I probably will not get to say everything you see here, but this is what I have prepared. Please be in prayer for me and these students as I share with them today. Here are my prepared answers to their questions: Please introduce yourself and your background on this issue My name is Todd Benkert. I am a pastor of Eastlake Baptist Church here in Merrillville. You may … [Read more...] about The Bible and Homosexuality — A Panel Discussion
‘Tis the Season for Lottie Moon:
In many churches of which I have been a part, I have felt that our goal for the Christmas missions offering was quite low given the number and financial make-up of the congregations. Yet, at the same time, Christmas is a time where people are being bombarded with requests for money from a variety of good causes. Here is my question. What are some sustainable ways we can increase giving to missions while not putting a lot of extra pressure on people to give -- especially at a time when finances are often tight already? Here are a few ideas I have come up with: Ideas to increase Lottie Moon … [Read more...] about ‘Tis the Season for Lottie Moon:
Do you have an outward focus?
A few weeks ago, I suggested to my wife that we might consider selling our house and moving to a different, more convenient community. She was not opposed to the idea, but suggested that now was not the right time. The reason? She has ongoing relationships with several of our neighbors whom she is trying to win to the Lord and “our ministry here is not complete.” Besides giving me joy about the kind of wife I am married to, our conversation got me thinking about whether we are as outward-focused in practice as we are in our beliefs. As Baptists and evangelicals, we talk much about outreach, … [Read more...] about Do you have an outward focus?
Do we need State Conventions? Yes!
One of the questions on the table in this new era of SBC life and the rethinking of our institutions is whether the State Convention is still useful going forward or if they should be dismantled in favor of Associations and the National Convention. I would argue that there is indeed an important ongoing role for State Conventions. Here are a few reasons I believe we still need State Conventions as we partner together in Kingdom work. State Conventions cast vision for cooperative ministry within a state. Southern Baptist are a partnering people. We are also a people of vision for … [Read more...] about Do we need State Conventions? Yes!
Getting the job done in the wake of the IMB crisis: “I’m in – and so are you!”
The following is a message sent out to pastors from our Indiana Executive Director, Dr. Cecil Seagle. He has given me permission to repost it here. Dr. Seagle's words are timely and needed -- thankful for his clearing of the dust and his affirmation of the heart of our leaders during this heart-wrenching and difficult situation. He also provides a path forward. I am thankful for his leadership and guidance here. SBC's International Mission Board (IMB) is currently working through some very sticky financial issues. I have waited to see what Dr. Platt would SAY & DO in the … [Read more...] about Getting the job done in the wake of the IMB crisis: “I’m in – and so are you!”