Sometimes, while scanning blog feeds, the posts start to mix together and produce interesting insights. Tonight was a good example. First, take a look at this Baptist Press post by Keith Manuel (Louisiana Baptist Convention employee). He writes about the digestive dangers of too much grain for sheep and then makes a point about Christians. We're like sheep who eat too much of the good stuff (Bible teaching) and need to go to the fields to get the grain (witnessing). I don't want to make fun (it's a good point), but I really though the post was headed for some bathroom humor. In my immature … [Read more...] about Baptists, Bible Bloat, & Praying Like A Bishop
Frank Page To Advise Obama Administration
Update: Baptist Press has also written about this story. According to this story from Associated Press, our former SBC President Frank Page will be announced as an adviser to Obama's revived White House Office for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. The advisory council is scheduled to be introduced Thursday 2/5/09. Other advisers will include a Jewish rabbi active in Washington and a pioneering female African-American bishop. … [Read more...] about Frank Page To Advise Obama Administration
Why Should I Care About The SBC?
The New Testament keeps pointing me to local communities of believers as the primary visible outworking of the church. There are occasional times of cooperation, and submission to apostolic leadership. But mostly the local church is busy preaching the Gospel and living out the implications of God's Grace. So, I'm a typical young pastor trying to work out how denominations fit into a biblic understanding of the church. I keep hearing smart people say we can do more together than we can apart. I'm not sure I can agree with that. Can't most churches do more missions with less money through … [Read more...] about Why Should I Care About The SBC?
CP Comeback In January 2009
Good news from Nashville today, the Cooperative Program giving has made up ground and is now close to budget (99.53 percent) after 4 months of this fischal year. The BP story is cautiously optomistic. Month-to-month swings reflect a number of factors, but largely result from the timing of receipts from state conventions. The end-of-month total represents money received by close of business on the last business day of each month. … [Read more...] about CP Comeback In January 2009
Ministry Job Board At SBC Voices
Update: After testing, I don't think the current readership fits well with the idea. Just go to instead. I'm testing a new job board feature for this site. It's integrated through a third party company and if it works it could be a revenue stream for this blog. But for now, I've set up a discount code KUMMER that will allow any 30 day job posting for no fee. So if your church (or a church you know) is looking for pastoral or ministry related job canidates, send them over for their free job listing. A little more about the reach of SBC Voices. Our email newsletter … [Read more...] about Ministry Job Board At SBC Voices
Do You Get Our Newsletter?
I just sent out the January edition of our Baptist Buzz email newsletter. It's the easiest way for you to keep up with what's being talked about on SBC blogs. Every month, I summarize the leading conversations and links some example posts. Why are we doing a newsletter? The simple answer is this: I wanted to open up a 2nd communication channel with our readers. The email list gives our most loyal readers an additional contact point with SBCvoices. It also provides an executive summary of the 100+ posts I mark each month as Baptist Buzz. The long answer has to do with reader retention and some … [Read more...] about Do You Get Our Newsletter?
Ted Haggard, SBC Pastors & The Power Of Forgiveness
There was a USA Today story that came across my Google Reader tonight tagged "Southern Baptist Convention." It was plug for the new Ted Haggard documentary on HBO, but they also quoted LifeWay statistics about pastoral dismissals. One note: The LifeWay figures are about forced terminations. According to the LifeWay article, "The other thing to consider is that this just represents the best data we can gather on forced terminations. It doesn’t include those who were pressured out." What's the difference? Usually guys who resign are closer to repentance, either because their sins are too big … [Read more...] about Ted Haggard, SBC Pastors & The Power Of Forgiveness
URBAN GLORY & New Johnny Hunt Interviews
Bradley Cochran just sent me a reminder about a new ministry/website called URBAN GLORY. It looks like a great resource, especially for anyone in the Louisville area. Here are links to the U R B A N G L O R Y website, information about the 3D Event in Louisville this Friday 1/30/09, an interview with the co-founders, and a brief vision statement. You can also read about the website here. Don't miss their podcasts with Dr. Johnny Hunt :: Living a Dream :: 1 of 4 UG Co-founder Aaron Skinner spends 45 minutes with Pastor Johnny Hunt, senior pastor of the 15000 member First Baptist Church … [Read more...] about URBAN GLORY & New Johnny Hunt Interviews
Bible Memory Strategy
What methods and verse do you recommend for memorizing the Bible. Now that I'm out of seminary - I have no excuses for not packing my brain full of bible verses. What would you suggest? So, far my goals include: Relearn all the recently memorized verses Work through this list from Justin Taylor [PDF from Crossway] Memorize some shorter psalms or sections from the NT … [Read more...] about Bible Memory Strategy
Radical Reformation Today?
You may have missed it (like me), but yesterday was the anniversary of the Anabaptist Movement. This was a big deal for Dr. Paige Patterson and will be a perpetual observance at SWBTS. According to the school's website: President Paige Patterson proclaimed January 21 Radical Reformation Day at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary . . . “Today is a very significant day,” Patterson said, adding, “… a day that from this day forward in the life of Southwestern Seminary is going to be a day celebrated.” Update: Baptist Press ran a story about this today. If you need a refresher, you can … [Read more...] about Radical Reformation Today?