In sorting out some of my material I ran across a folder with the April 26, 1912, local paper, The Athens Banner. The Titanic had just sunk. My parents had not been born. The last member of my family who served in the Civil War had died three years earlier and numerous other CSA veterans had died a decade or two earlier. Almost all of these veterans' children and grandchildren were alive, including my two grandfathers. Their grandparents (and in one case, a parent) were the CSA veterans. The issue of the Banner was a special Confederate Memorial Day edition which contained a number of articles … [Read more...] about A bit of the Lost Cause and monuments
Pent up irascibility
Doesn't take much to stir me up these days. Consider these. Who will be the first brave pastor who bans service dogs from his church service? I see these dogs around and read about them being everywhere - airplanes, businesses, schools - you name it. Now, I'm seeing one at church for worship. The cute mutt isn't a problem so far as I know, and I'm sympathetic to the human handler. I don't know if the dog is in training or is for the emotional well being of the handler. I do know that I really don't care to worship with dogs. Perhaps someone will enlighten me. There are people who have pet … [Read more...] about Pent up irascibility
Record Annie Armstrong offering
So the NAMB announcement was reported by SBC This Week. NAMB President Kevin Ezell announced today that this year's AAEO was the highest on record at a whopping $59.6 million. This total eclipses the previous record of $59,463,281 given in 2007 as well as the 2016 amount of $58,860,553. This is one thing happening around the SBC. I would have predicted a slight decline. All SBC entities have their critics but this offering is a measure of support for NAMB's work. Glad to see it. _____ (not to distract from other topics here) … [Read more...] about Record Annie Armstrong offering
Will (should) tax reform reform the clergy housing allowance?
Guarranteed to stir the clergy masses into paroxisms of righteous indignation would be if congress, as a part of a comprehensive tax reform, attempted to make changes to our Sacred Clergy Tax Break, the minister's housing allowance. It's a little early to speculate but, as pundits are want to do, there is speculation afoot: Tax Breaks Could Kill Tax Reform There are special tax breaks for ministers and veterans and life insurance companies and blind people and gamblers. If you're robbed or you have huge medical bills or you're in a shipwreck or you ride your bike to work, you get a tax … [Read more...] about Will (should) tax reform reform the clergy housing allowance?
Simple evaluation of the ruling that the housing allowance is unconstitutional
There are others who know more. I'll link their stuff as I see it. Basic facts: The Freedom From Religion Foundation is suing over this question: The question in this case is whether Congress may give a subset of religious employees an income tax exemption for which no one else qualifies. At issue is the constitutionality of 26 U.S.C. § 107(2), which excludes from the gross income of a “minister of the gospel” a “rental allowance paid to him as part of his compensation.” The suit is aimed at the "cash" housing allowance. That is, those who receive part of their paycheck designated as … [Read more...] about Simple evaluation of the ruling that the housing allowance is unconstitutional
Housing allowance struck down by federal judge, again
This was expected. Same court. Same judge. Too late for me to slog through the decision tonight. I'll let some GuideStone and ERLC people on the payroll do that. ...and have a nice weekend. … [Read more...] about Housing allowance struck down by federal judge, again
National Cooperative Program gifts are up for third consecutive year
...and that's good news. It's not up by much, 0.71%, but an increase and the third consecutive such increase has to be mildly encouraging to Southern Baptists. The CP total received by the Executive Committee was $197.1 million. The total CP, including the majority share that state conventions keep and do not forward to Nashville for distribution to the mission boards and seminaries, and other national SBC entities will be a little under $500 million. That figure is reported in June. Baptist Press reports National CP ends fiscal year 4.31% over goal Conservative national CP allocation … [Read more...] about National Cooperative Program gifts are up for third consecutive year
The strange world of gender
*******'s mother told the AJC they had attempted suicide two years ago and had battled depression for most of their life. This line from a story in my local paper about a sad case, and this is the media phrase for it, of "suicide by cop." An individual was in a confrontation with campus police in which the individual was shot and killed by police. It was national news and you probably read about it. The quote above may logically lead the reader to think that perhaps the mother and father had jointly attempted suicide, or maybe there was a Romeo and Juliette, forlorn, forbidden love … [Read more...] about The strange world of gender
Crowing about escrowing, monument madness, CP, and disaster relief
Cooperative Program escrowing is rare, but evidently highly leveraged. Earlier in the year a prominent megapastor and megachurch announced that they were escrowing CP gifts over statements coming out of the ERLC. This was resolved but while the Executive Committee's attention was on the matter, they voted to do a study. It was implied that numerous churches escrow their cooperative gifts, leading me to think that the problem may be more widespread than a few disgruntled megas. The study was completed and a report given. BP's headine was, CP witholding found to be lower than anticipated. Seems … [Read more...] about Crowing about escrowing, monument madness, CP, and disaster relief
Our IMB and conservative fiscal management
The IMB's report of their recent trustee meeting included information about their budget for the coming fiscal year, October 1, 2017 through September 30, 2018. The total budget is $262 million. The Board's budget is by far the largest of all Southern Baptist entities and is slightly more than the combined totals of all six seminaries plus NAMB. My grandson would call it "ginormous" if it was on his radar. The budget is described as "balanced" and "conservative," terms that should assuage all Southern Baptists who drop their hard-earned money in the offering plates Sunday after Sunday to … [Read more...] about Our IMB and conservative fiscal management