The SBC only exists 2 days a year. The Executive Committee does the business of the convention the rest of the year. They consider motions and items from the SBC. The EC exists to support, encourage and provide funding for the other entities.
We can do more together than we can do apart.
One of 5 Baptists is ethnic.
8 recommendations from the EC.
1. Rec. 1 – SBC Allocation budget.
No questions.
One lady voted against the budget, as best I could see.
2. Rec 2 – Operating Budget.
No questions. No opposition.
Now they are highlighting student ministry on college campuses.
3 Rec. 8 – Calendar.
No questions. No opposition.
Now they are highlighting ethnic church planting. A Black couple from Miami.
Now, highlighting a young couple who is leaving soon for mission service in Africa.
4. rec 3 – Appreciation for Tom Elliff
No questions. No opposition.
5. Rec 4. – Amending Bylaws to define Messengers to the SBC Annual Meeting
This is a vote on how we allocate messengers.
It passes by about a margin of 90-10.