I apologize in advance to any actual rodeo clowns who might read this. They risk life and limb in an entertaining way whereas their equivalents in our Grand Old Convention risk nothing and failure merely means you get your sinecure a little earlier than expected. Here is some of the-stuff-that-you-cannot-make-up about the SBC. Remember when IMB had a funding shortfall of $210 million, somewhere around $30m per year and that led to over 1,000 missionaries retiring? That was bad. How could they? (easy, just coast along and think magical thoughts about a turnaround). Well, SWBTS had only a … [Read more...] about When it comes to train wrecks and rodeo clown acts, the SBC never disappoints
The Big Votes at #SBC23
Like many of you, I will be in New Orleans next week for the annual meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention. This will be my 10th SBC annual meeting. I haven’t missed an annual meeting since my first one in 2013 in Houston. My feelings about our upcoming annual meeting are about the same as they always are. I am excited to see friends I haven’t seen since we left Anaheim. I am certainly a little nervous about how everything will turn out once all the votes are counted. I am also hopeful that Southern Baptists will be able to come together, do the business of our convention of churches, … [Read more...] about The Big Votes at #SBC23
On the Spiritual Gift of Pastoral Ministry
A note from Dave: i neglected to change this from my name to guest blogger before I left on my trip to New Orleans. My Apologies. It seems like there has been a lot of discussion recently, especially within the Southern Baptist community, regarding pastoral ministry and the role of women. This is largely due to the actions taken by Rick Warren and Saddleback Church. In May 2021, the southern California megachurch made denominational headlines when it ordained three women as pastors. Since then, it has also recognized Stacie Wood, wife of current pastor Andy Wood who succeeded Warren in 2022, … [Read more...] about On the Spiritual Gift of Pastoral Ministry
Scatter-Shooting, Part 5
Scatter shooting while wondering what happened to all the old wooden pulpits. Where did they go to die? Speaking of old, do you remember the term “sugar-stick”? In the old days, every preacher had one or more “sugar-sticks.” This was your best sermon that never failed to prompt lots of amens. You could preach it when you preached in view of a call or when you preached a revival. I read that Tim Keller died after a struggle with cancer. I did not know him personally, but he was a great model for urban church planting and ministry. Rest in peace, faithful servant. Here’s a question for … [Read more...] about Scatter-Shooting, Part 5
Sex Abuse, Credibly Accused, and an SBC Campaign Story—Why Trinity Matters [by Troy Bush]
The SBC Annual Meeting is just a few days away, and sex abuse reform remains central to the SBC and its future. All sides agree abuse is wrong, abusers should be held accountable, and the SBC must do better. Yet, the divide over the future of the SBC is deep, and the sides disagree with fierce conviction. Enter Trinity Community Church, formerly Trinity Baptist Church, Ashburn, Ga. Trinity has a confessed child sex abuser serving with their worship team. He confessed to me in 2019 he had sexually assaulted 5 boys and could not remember if there were others. Trinity terminated him at the time, … [Read more...] about Sex Abuse, Credibly Accused, and an SBC Campaign Story—Why Trinity Matters [by Troy Bush]
Did You Know?!?
I love where I live. New Orleans is full of music, food and history. It has character and is unique in many ways. It also has great challenges and difficulties. One of the things which excited me about the Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting coming here to New Orleans this year (again, sorry to my NC friends), is that those of us who live here would have the opportunity to be ambassadors for this place in a special way and shine a light on some interesting facts you might not know about this city and the surrounding area. Early on in preparing for SBC23, our Local Encouragement … [Read more...] about Did You Know?!?
More Thoughts on Women Pastors [Mark Terry]
Last week I posted an essay on women pastors, and I want to share some additional thoughts and information. I believe many critics of the complementarian position on women pastors miss a key point. Those of us who oppose women pastors are not claiming that women are incapable of serving as pastors. No, obviously women could (and do) serve as pastors. Women work in all the professions—law, medicine, counseling, etc. They serve wonderfully well. In my life, I’ve had two female family physicians, and they were both great. I followed their instructions and was the better for doing that. We’re also … [Read more...] about More Thoughts on Women Pastors [Mark Terry]
The database including ‘credible reports’ of abuse. A bridge too far?
[Author's note: SBCV is a collection of opinions by various people. While folks are free to classify, categorize, and criticize the blog as they wish, it has always been the case that differing opinions are now and have always been offered. I suspect that my opinion as stated below (and often going back years and years, since I've been attuned to the issues for a couple of decades now) is not shared by most, likely all, of my colleagues here.] The issue on abuse has almost always been dominated by this question: In our collection of cooperating but autonomous congregations, what can be done … [Read more...] about The database including ‘credible reports’ of abuse. A bridge too far?
Mike Stone’s Campaign Story—An SBC Case Study Not to Be Repeated (Troy Bush)
Mike Stone has launched a second campaign for the presidency of the Southern Baptist Convention, and he is focusing on the SBC ‘s handling of sex abuse. On a recent podcast interview, he spoke about one of the SBC’s most painful instances of sex abuse and its mishandling by a Georgia Baptist church, a Georgia Baptist association, the Georgia Baptist Convention, and the Executive Committee of the SBC. Instead of pointing to the failures and bitter lessons learned, Mike took credit for keeping Trinity Baptist Church, Ashburn, Ga, from leaving the SBC and for having an abuser terminated who … [Read more...] about Mike Stone’s Campaign Story—An SBC Case Study Not to Be Repeated (Troy Bush)
What a strange SBCAM we will have
I will almost certainly miss it and...doggone it...I hate to miss sultry, sweaty New Orleans in June. Barber or Stone? I was accused last week of being an editor or something here on SBCV. I'm coping with the insinuation. I edit nothing, not even my own stuff. Your humble hacker and plodder, old school blogger is a lonesome, solitary voice here who likes some things about Mike Stone: He is a Georgian (though, south Georgia, practically a foreign country to me). He is a very good preacher. I'd just as soon hear him preach as few others. He is a good, long term pastor to his church. I … [Read more...] about What a strange SBCAM we will have