A well-known seminary president recently tweeted, "Any consideration of Christian preaching must begin with the realization that preaching is essentially an act of worship—the central act of Christian worship." Putting the possible overstatement aside, the preached word has been a staple of the church's theological, doxological, and ethical life together since its very inception. Even today, in most churches, preaching occupies the primary place of emphasis and importance in the weekly worship gathering. However, more often than not, the priority of preaching in today's churches has to do with … [Read more...] about On a Vision for Cooperative Preaching Ministry (Phillip Powers)
Slavery and the Bible: How Shall We Respond?
Two things can be said about the vast majority of us who are Southern Baptists. We believe that every word of God is true, inspired, and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. We believe that slavery is a deep stain on America's history which was ungodly, unjustified, and evil. That makes certain verses, like Ephesians 6:5-9 troubling for us. Slaves, obey your human masters with fear and trembling, in the sincerity of your heart, as you would Christ. 6 Don’t work only while being watched, as people-pleasers, but as slaves of Christ, doing God’s … [Read more...] about Slavery and the Bible: How Shall We Respond?
Is the Executive Committee or SBC in annual session capable of handling mass expulsions?
The SBC Executive Committee expelled six churches last month. Saddleback was the most, perhaps only, notable church in the group. Five of these (Saddleback included) were kicked out for women pastors and the sixth for mishandling sex abuse. This action was done in secrecy (in the SBC we euphemize that by calling it "executive session", without public discussion, and without individual votes made public.) This is a crappy way to do the convention's business, pardon my mild scatological expression. Let's assume that everyone meant well, that decent people were acting in good faith, that … [Read more...] about Is the Executive Committee or SBC in annual session capable of handling mass expulsions?
Lottie Moon, letter writer extraordinaire and giant among Southern Baptists. Would she be canceled or excluded today?
I love the news that a significant early letter of Lottie Moon was recently donated to Southeastern Seminary. Lottie Moon letter donated to SEBTS displays Moon's courage, influence WAKE FOREST, N.C. (BP) – Earlier this month, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (SEBTS) received the donation of an letter written by Lottie Moon, lifelong missionary to China in whose memory Southern Baptists receive their annual Christmas offering for international missions. Dated July 22, 1878, the letter is a remarkably preserved example of Moon’s correspondence and offers a glimpse into her early … [Read more...] about Lottie Moon, letter writer extraordinaire and giant among Southern Baptists. Would she be canceled or excluded today?
Questions about Forgiveness
Counterfeiters do not spend a lot of time printing fake bills from failing economies. They seek to reproduce the US Dollar, perhaps the Euro or the Pound – stable currencies. They counterfeit what is real. There is nothing more real, more powerful, than forgiveness. My entire soul hangs in the balance with the reality of Christ’s forgiveness of me, and according to Scriptures – not just one or two, but many – my walk with Christ and the success of my Christian life depends on my obedience to Christ’s commands to love my enemies, return good for evil, and to forgive those who have sinned … [Read more...] about Questions about Forgiveness
Scatter Shooting
The late Blackie Sherrod was the sports editor for the Dallas Morning News for many years. Every Saturday, he would publish a column of his observations and reflections on the sports world during the past week. I don’t plan to publish my Scatter Shooting as often, but it provides me with the opportunity to share thoughts, opinions, and observations that do not merit 600 words in a post on Voices. Scatter shooting while wondering where Bart Barber gets his hair cut. It’s all about grace. I earned a PhD at Southwestern Seminary, served in the ministry for 50-plus years, and taught in … [Read more...] about Scatter Shooting
Jesus Revolution: A Primer in Quenching Revival
My wife and I took a stroll down memory lane on Saturday evening, headed down the street to the Carmike to watch the movie, "Jesus Revolution." I would encourage each of you to go see it, though if you didn't grow up in the 60s as we did, it might not have quite the nostalgic impact it did for us. It was a well-made movie, with good acting. It tells the story of Greg Laurie's conversion, and also the beginnings of the Jesus Movement of the late 1960s, in which many hippies, who had "turned on, tuned in, and dropped out" but found the promises of the flower child lifestyle failing began to turn … [Read more...] about Jesus Revolution: A Primer in Quenching Revival
Reflections on the EC Controversy
Due to life circumstances, I am not nearly as involved in SBC life as I used to be. I am content, since the SS SBC is being piloted by the capable hands of the good Dr. Bart Barber. Still, recent actions by the EC have stirred up quite a response on social media. The information in Jay Adkin's "explainer" was tremendously helpful but I thought I'd engage in the conceit of opining on the topic, and related issues. My views have been forged since my first SBC convention meeting, in 1979. Yeah, I'm old. 1. The Convention has changed drastically in the last 50 years. (Duh?) Back in my … [Read more...] about Reflections on the EC Controversy