This article was supposed to be imbedded in another one I am writing about collegiate ministry and Collegiate Week in particular. But the more I wrote about this subject, the more I realized how important it is and that it really needed its own article. The Yoda of Louisiana collegiate ministry is Steve Masters, BCM director at LSU. This guy is a machine. I had known of Steve for years, but really got to know him and see him work the week we all lived together during Collegiate Week this past August. He has created a website which is chock-full of resources every Pastor, Youth Pastor, … [Read more...] about A Resource You Should Check Out IMMEDIATELY!
Obituaries, my friends, are such an adventure these days
If you want to spend time doing armchair adventure travel, enjoying some outstanding fiction, or learning about human nature, try reading obituaries. I have long been among the many who regularly peruse local obituaries. It's great fun. Try it! The Master of the Universe Obituary. If you pay to have an obituary placed in the local news, print and/or digital, you should get what you pay for and there's no reason you cannot sanitize, fictionalize, or aggrandize your dearly beloved departed. It's amazing how I've lived among such distinguished people and did not realize it. And, seriously, … [Read more...] about Obituaries, my friends, are such an adventure these days
Georgia Baptist bicentennial leads to conversations about slavery, racism, and biblical reconciliation
Editor’s note: This is the first in a three-part series of articles exploring the monumental contributions slaves and convict laborers made in Georgia Baptist history. This article was first published by The Christian Index and is reposted here by permission of the author. Jesse Mercer, one of the most influential founders of the Georgia Baptist Convention, cared for the men and women he enslaved. Charles D. Mallary, also a slaveholder, was Mercer’s friend and an influential Georgia Baptist leader. In Memoirs of Elder Jesse Mercer, Mallary said Mercer’s example as a “master … deserves to be … [Read more...] about Georgia Baptist bicentennial leads to conversations about slavery, racism, and biblical reconciliation
Bro. Bubba at Podunk Crossroads Baptist gets a call from the Credentials Committee
Note: There are over 48,000 churches in friendly cooperation with the SBC. These churches relate most closely to a local association of 30-50 other churches and also to their state convention and the national SBC which is represented by the SBC Executive Committee in Nashville. The EC is an 86-person body that acts on behalf of the SBC between times the convention is in session. A small group of EC members are appointed to a standing committee called the Credentials Committee and that group "make[s] inquiries and recommendations for action regarding instances of sexual abuse, racism or other … [Read more...] about Bro. Bubba at Podunk Crossroads Baptist gets a call from the Credentials Committee
The Consequences of Evil…and Social Media
I am not an expert in the history of War, but I’ve read articles that said that Hitler had every chance to win World War II, if not for his own bizarre choices. Most criminals who get caught do so because of their hubris, foolishness, and self-destructive choices. Self-immolation is inherent in the nature of sin. The arrogance of turning against the will and ways of Almighty God brings with it a natural outcome. Sin is spiritual suicide and will always bring both God’s active judgment and natural consequences. “Be sure your sin will find you out.” That principle applies to the interactions … [Read more...] about The Consequences of Evil…and Social Media
The EC tackles the question of ‘What is a pastor?’ The Question breaks the tackle, runs for gain.
Bottom line right here at the top: I don't see the SBC solving this issue. I commend the SBC Executive Committee and Baptist Press for attempting to clarify or at least give some background on a current controversial issue among us: What is a pastor? Praise to Jonathan Howe (EC VP for communications), EC Asso. VP for convention news Brandon Porter, and BP national correspondent Scott Barkley for the latest issue of the slick EC publication SBC Life which is mailed to me three times each year. All of the articles are accessible online at SBCLIFE.NET. [The publication is "slick," my term for … [Read more...] about The EC tackles the question of ‘What is a pastor?’ The Question breaks the tackle, runs for gain.
Jon Whitehead’s six ideas for the SBC Executive Committee
The SBC Executive Committee is looking for a CEO and lawyer Jonathan Whitehead put his name in for the job. He got a call from the EC that he wouldn't be interviewed. I doubt it will assuage his supporters but I will not be considered and I didn't even get a courtesy phone call. I've never met Jon but we have swapped a few tweets and comments. I'd call him laconic in his interactions with me, but then so is everyone else on Twitter who doesn't want to write a book in a gazillion tweet thread. I rather like Jon, partly because I have an affection for solid Baptists who are disrupters, who … [Read more...] about Jon Whitehead’s six ideas for the SBC Executive Committee
Lottie Moon over $200 million
I wrote an article back in 2016, Before We Get Sidetracked, Let's Celebrate Lottie Moon's Big Year. The year was 2016 and the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering reached $165 million and was up for the year by almost $13 million. That was pretty impressive. I referenced (on my old blog SBCPlodder) in that article Lottie Moon's Phenomenal Year. That year was 2003 and the offering was over $136 million. What was astonishing about that year was that Lottie was up over $21 million from the previous year, an impressive 18 percent increase. Those were the days of old when bold Southern Baptists … [Read more...] about Lottie Moon over $200 million
Destined for repeated disasters?
For the record: I'm solidly, consistently, permanently SBC with zero interest in departing our beloved convention of churches nor being a part of any church that is not SBC. I'd make an exception if I lived in some remote place in Nebraska, Maine, or Nevada that didn't have an SBC church (I'd have a house church but my wonderful wife might get tired of hearing my sermons). I'll be "SBC dead" in 14 years and 5 months although I recognize that the Almighty doesn't consult actuarial tables. In September of 2022 I like some things about the SBC: IMB, our true crown jewel and flagship … [Read more...] about Destined for repeated disasters?
It’s Official: Greenway Has Resigned
After some serious whiplash today, it has become official. Dr. Adam Greenway has resigned at SWBTS. It appears that both of the "sources" we reported were accurate to an extent. Mark Wingfield had his facts essentially in order but the reports that the resignation was a done deal were a bit premature. We have suspected since this morning that this would happen but that certain details were being finalized. Anyone who speaks to the "why" of all this is spreading rumors. I think it is safe to say that no one knows at this point. … [Read more...] about It’s Official: Greenway Has Resigned