I’ve been behind on a few projects while I’ve focused on several things at the church which has taken precedence. One of the things I wanted to have written up earlier was a recap of our #SBC23 Annual Meeting “Kick-Off” event which happened on the campus of the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (NOBTS) two weeks ago today on Tuesday, August 23rd. This “Kick Off” is only the fourth of its kind and I think the idea is a great one! I was certain it would be an encouragement for the pastors from our region and a helpful sort of “pep-rally” for our area. What I did not expect is that we … [Read more...] about A Recap of the #SBC23 Kick-Off Meeting and Luncheon
The death of the church choir
There he or she stands, waving their arms at a bunch of people holding books and singing. Maybe they are all dressed alike. Maybe there's a solo part. Maybe there are musicians. Maybe the music is piped in. The congregation watches. Maybe they are thrilled. Maybe they are bored. Question for the ecclesiastical expoits: Is not having a choir a thing these days? The churches I pastored all had choirs. If I had attempted to replace the choir with any kind of alternative band, praise team, permanent ensemble, barbershop quartet or whatever, that would have gotten me a quick ticket to … [Read more...] about The death of the church choir
The “Billy Graham Rule” – Biblical Mandate or Sexist Relic?
During my long years of ministry, I have, for the most part, observed the so-called Billy Graham Rule. I wasn't legalistic about it, but I used it as a general guideline. It was considered a ministry mandate in my early days of ministry, as if it were written on a third stone tablet from Sinai. I remember a seminary professor, way back in the 70s, telling our all-male class, Men, there are many problems that will hinder your ministry. There are two that will destroy it - money and women. Don't mess around with either. As I shush the downhill slope of my ministry, I see the wisdom of that … [Read more...] about The “Billy Graham Rule” – Biblical Mandate or Sexist Relic?
Generational Cursing – A Baptist/Assembly of God Podcast
No, sorry, there's no cursing in this podcast, just a discussion of how my son left the faith and became an Assembly of God pastor! We have a lot of interesting discussions about his "transition" from good Baptist boy to Assembly pastor and so we thought we'd record some podcasts about this. We recorded most of these in the early part of the year and then life happened - just releasing them now. In this first episode, we tell our stories and then we begin discussing the Assembly of God statement of faith, discussing our areas of agreement and disagreement. Since he's Assembly of God, we … [Read more...] about Generational Cursing – A Baptist/Assembly of God Podcast
We Need to Stop Applauding Fallen Pastors
Yesterday, I finished a 17-year ministry at Southern Hills Baptist Church. We had a great day with our highest attendance in a long time. We celebrated the Lord’s Supper after I did what I’d done week after week, Sunday after Sunday, since August 28, 2005 – preach a text of Scripture. After church, we had a potluck dinner, enjoyed a warm fellowship, and member after member expressed their love, their sorrow we were leaving, and their prayers for our future. We received a basket of cards with some generous gifts and messages that made my wife cry. It was a wonderful way to wrap things … [Read more...] about We Need to Stop Applauding Fallen Pastors
CP quiz answers, with predictable commentary
For the record, I've always supported and given to the CP in my churches. More than average in some, less in some. The SBC would be unrecognizable without it and it is here to stay. All churches in friendly cooperation with the SBC should support it. Didn't ask, but everyone knows CP giving is not required to be SBC, right? (Exceptions are those churches who are NAMB or state convention supported plants). ____________________ The Cooperative Program is our oldest giving program. FALSE. Both mission boards had their offerings well before the CP was established in 1925 and I'm sure there … [Read more...] about CP quiz answers, with predictable commentary
Take the CP quiz, if you’re up to it.
True/False questions, so that you have a 50/50 chance of getting in right. Use a coin if necessary: The Cooperative Program is our oldest giving program. The CP is our largest and wealthiest SBC giving program. Most CP receipts go to the mission boards and seminaries. SBC churches give around 10% of their undesignated offerings to the CP. The CP is as old as the ages of Bart Barber and Adam Greenway combined. The SBC portion of the CP was actually less than the two big mission offerings, Lottie Moon and Annie Armstrong. Generally, churches are giving less to CP and more … [Read more...] about Take the CP quiz, if you’re up to it.
We’re embarking on implementation of the SATF. Questions for the ARITF
The job of the Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force seems difficult. SBC President Bart Barber appointed nine people, seven men and two women, to the group. In what looks like a wisely and carefully crafted statement, Barber said: “The purpose of this task force is to assist the churches of the Southern Baptist Convention in our efforts to shut the doors of our churches to those who would act as sexual predators and to wrap our arms around survivors and those who love them,” Barber said. Note the word "assist" in describing the job of this task force. No task force, no SBC entity, no SBC … [Read more...] about We’re embarking on implementation of the SATF. Questions for the ARITF
Baptist Summer Camps
Few things are more universal in churches than summer camps. They vary in size, location, and amenities, but almost every church goes to a camp of some sort. I wasn't able to ascertain exactly when camps started, but I can say for certain that they have evolved over the years. An older lady at my church told me they used to take live chickens with them to camp in order that they could have eggs all week. The big treat of the week then came at the end when they had fried chicken. While many churches still have cooks who go with them to prepare meals, I doubt there is any slaughtering of … [Read more...] about Baptist Summer Camps
Fort Worth Memoirs
It doesn’t seem possible, but I enrolled at Southwestern Baptist Seminary fifty years ago. In August 1972 I drove to Fort Worth and began my seminary studies. I went to Southwestern because my pastor recommended it, and I’ve never regretted that decision. When I enrolled, I had two goals in mind—to qualify for missionary appointment by the Foreign Mission Board (now International Mission Board) and to learn to preach. My wife and I had written the FMB and informed them of our call to missionary service. The Personnel Department said, “Great, now go to seminary.” So, off we went to Fort … [Read more...] about Fort Worth Memoirs