Just the facts, brethren. These measures are up, considerably up. CP giving above budget by $10.4 million through July As of July 31, gifts received by the EC for distribution through the CP Allocation Budget total $168,760,690.32. This is $6,714,403.20 or 4.14 percent more than last year’s budget contribution of $162,046,287.12. The amount given is ahead of the $158,333,333.40 year-to-date budgeted projection to support Southern Baptist ministries globally and across North America by $10,427,356.92 or 6.59 percent. The rump takeover group is officially supportive of the CP. It would be … [Read more...] about The strange journey of our venerable CP and mission offerings
Eastern Kentucky Needs YOUR Help
The weather is odd these days. Here in western Iowa, farmers are suffering through a drought that is threatening our corn crops. In Eastern Kentucky, something completely different is happening. I spoke at length over the weekend to an old pal of SBC Voices, the Reverend Dr. C.B. Scott, who less than two weeks ago returned to his previous church, McDowell First Baptist Church, as pastor, after leaving a few years ago first o be Director of Missions and recently the Vice President of a Kentucky Baptist boarding school. He told me about the devastation brought by storms during the middle of the … [Read more...] about Eastern Kentucky Needs YOUR Help
Attention Louisiana & Mississippi Pastors and Staff
Dr. Willie McLaurin, Interim President of our SBC Executive Committee has sent out the invitation to attend our “SBC 2023 Annual Meeting Kick-Off Luncheon.” This event, specifically for pastors, staff and denominational workers in the New Orleans region (especially from south Mississippi and Louisiana) will be a time to inform those in our region on the plans for next year’s annual meeting and an explanation on how they can be involved in helping to make #SBC23 a success. Our Local Encouragement Team (LET) is excited to have you join us for this event which will take place on the campus of … [Read more...] about Attention Louisiana & Mississippi Pastors and Staff
Interview with a pirate about the SBC and women pastors
William: "You there with the ear ring, the cutlass, and your hair on fire; you've got problem with women pastors in the Southern Baptist Convention? Pirate: "Aaaargh! Dadgum straight I've got a problem with it. It's a big problem." W: "Yeah, a big problem? How many women are there in the SBC who lead churches as pastor?" P: "I don't know of any who are senior or lead pastors, but..." W: "Hold on right there, swashbuckler. There aren't any women senior pastors in the SBC?" P: "Well, no, but..." W: "Hold the 'but' Blackbeard. I want to be sure I'm hearing you right. There are … [Read more...] about Interview with a pirate about the SBC and women pastors
Can these average sized and below SBC churches survive?
Dave Miller's insightful article about his and his church's recent travails was excellent. It was also paradigmatic of thousands of SBC churches. Dave's church was not a small or average-sized church and I'm thinking here of the average-sized SBC church, somewhere around 125, and the median sized SBC churches, somewhere around 70. Generally, these are churches that can support a full-time pastor and most of the opportunities for being THE pastor (senior pastor, lead pastor, etc.) are in churches of this size. There are tens of thousands of SBC churches in this range and below. Many of them … [Read more...] about Can these average sized and below SBC churches survive?
An Update on #SBC23 in New Orleans
We just finished up the inaugural meeting of the newly renamed Local Encouragement Team (LET) (formerly known as the Local Arrangement Committee) for the #SBC23 meeting taking place here in New Orleans on June 11-14, 2023. I just thought I'd share some behind-the-scenes stuff in case any of our readers might be interested (and because Luke Holmes suggested I should). The first two wonderfully encouraging meetings were hosted by our friends at the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. What a great partner to our churches who’ve already shot out of the gate strong and are working hard to … [Read more...] about An Update on #SBC23 in New Orleans
I’ve Never Seen Anything Like This
I was chatting with the guys about our mutual enemy COVID and what is happening with it across the nation. My doctor says it is an ever-present reality now, and isn't going away. My anecdotal evidence tells me that it is not yet time to hang the "Mission Accomplished" banner. There may be some new variations ready to throw curve balls at us. Several of us in that group either have COVID or have had it recently, and at least three of us are members of the "long COVID" club, one you never want to join. After you recover from the acute symptoms of the disease, annoying effects linger, like … [Read more...] about I’ve Never Seen Anything Like This
Considering Church Signs!
A friend gave me a coffee table book about church signs. I thought I might share some that caught my attention. Inspirational For Hope—Worship with Us; We Have a Real One Be a Fountain, Not a Drain There’s a Mighty Go in Gospel The Mind Grows by Taking in, But the Heart Grows by Giving Out God Grades on the Cross, Not the Curve If God Had a Refrigerator, Your Picture Would Be on It Clever Come Inside for Free Faith Lift God Wants Full Custody, Not Just a Weekend Visit Psalms Read Here Visitors Welcome—Members Expected God: Let’s Meet at My House … [Read more...] about Considering Church Signs!
A Pastor, A Christian Counselor, and an LBGTQ+ Affirming Advocate Come Upon a Hurting Survivor…
Trigger warning: sexual abuse A woman was journeying and fell among a youth pastor. He groomed her, making her feel special for one of the first times in her life. Eventually the special attention moved into sexual touch that culminated in intercourse. It was confusing to the young woman when he soon discarded her and then threatened her not to tell. Did he not love her? Was she not actually special? When all was said and done she felt stripped, beaten down, and left half dead. One day when she was a bit older, through a pastoral counseling session, she told some of her story. The pastor … [Read more...] about A Pastor, A Christian Counselor, and an LBGTQ+ Affirming Advocate Come Upon a Hurting Survivor…
Rick Warren, BFM2K Article 6, Women in Ministry, and the Future of the Southern Baptist Convention (Wm Dwight McKissic, Sr)
I am not sure of the final outcome of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) exploration to disfellowship Rick Warren for affirming women in ministry within biblical and BFM2K parameters without compromising male leadership. However, I am believing that history will remember Warren as a reformer having elevated the status of women in SBC life to be aligned with Scripture. The SBC may choose to make him a martyr, and that will be to the detriment of the health of the Convention. A discussion evolving around the role of women in ministry the parameters of the Baptist Faith and Message 2000 … [Read more...] about Rick Warren, BFM2K Article 6, Women in Ministry, and the Future of the Southern Baptist Convention (Wm Dwight McKissic, Sr)