“What are you doing listening to that?” I was 15 in the fall of 1984, in my second year at a missionary kid (MK) dormitory and blissfully naïve of my offense. My mistake was playing a cassette of American folk and children’s songs sung by “Uncle Mac.” My interrogator was one of my MK “cousins”, though in truth we were more like siblings since we’d all known each other in a tightly compressed community of missionary “aunts”, “uncles” and cousins since we were babies. Mac’s smooth North Carolina accented voice sang Appalachian mountain music accompanied by his skillful autoharp playing in the … [Read more...] about Richmond, we have a problem (Christopher Cole)
Cosplaying the Conservative Resurgence has Casualties (K.V. Paxton)
The battle lines were set. The warriors were clad in outfits straight out of Middle Earth. With weapons and shields in hands, their adrenaline was pumping. The moment came, and they charged at one another and fought hard that day. Many brave men and women fell into the dust and dirt – casualties of war. When the dust settled and the victory had been won, all the fallen stood up, dusted themselves off, and headed to Applebee's. This is what it is like to Cosplay for Live Action Role-Playing. Those who participate know they are not in a real war, and they know they are not characters in Lord … [Read more...] about Cosplaying the Conservative Resurgence has Casualties (K.V. Paxton)
How would you handle a sexual misconduct investigation?
Most people — including pastors and church leaders — have little experience conducting investigations into sexual harassment complaints or other allegations of misconduct. In my HR career, I have conducted or advised on many. One of the most egregious ways of mishandling an investigation is to fail to start one. The Guidepost report brings to light many of these failures. One that every SBC church leader could learn from is the failure of the Counseling Pastor (CP) at FBC Woodstock to take appropriate action in 2010 when he first learned that Dr. Hunt had engaged in sexual misconduct. You … [Read more...] about How would you handle a sexual misconduct investigation?
Mississippi Pastor to be Nominated for First Vice President
MAY 31, 2022 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Magee, Miss. — Rev. Brad Eubank, pastor of First Baptist Church of Petal and an abuse survivor who came forward to SBC leaders in 2014, will be nominated for the 1st Vice Presidency of the Southern Baptist Convention at the annual meeting scheduled for next month in Anaheim, Calif. Eubank, whose story of abuse was included in the recent Sexual Abuse Task Force report, will be nominated by fellow MIssissippi pastor, Dr. Adam Wyatt of Corinth Baptist in Magee. “As Southern Baptists seek to address the horrifying realities outlined in the Task Force … [Read more...] about Mississippi Pastor to be Nominated for First Vice President
The Parable of the Rats (Mark Fugitt)
A storyteller gathered a crowd. They were a mix of his regular fans and outsiders. He said: “A certain man owned a hotel franchise. Local owners paid him a small percentage of profits to use his respected name and resources. The sprawling empire grew to include thousands of locations at home and abroad. Reviews were great for decades. Even as the market changed, people still recommended his locations to their friends. Most continued doing well. Then someone quietly filled out a comment card at one location. They claimed they were bitten by a rat in the night. The franchise owner was … [Read more...] about The Parable of the Rats (Mark Fugitt)
Guidepost’s recommendation of a “Survivor Compensation Fund”
As I have followed and read about abuse in SBC churches, the subject of "the SBC" funding some level of compensation for survivors has often been discussed. The Guidepost report calls this a "Survivor Compensation Fund Program" and has a recommendation in this regard, page 268: Establish a Survivor Compensation Fund Program: We recommend a Survivor Compensation Fund Program be created, to be overseen by the Commission and administered by the Administrative Entity (if created) with the assistance of an independent Fund Administrator or Special Master to direct the compensation of funds to SBC … [Read more...] about Guidepost’s recommendation of a “Survivor Compensation Fund”
What about a “Pastors in Good Standing” Plan? (Guest Post by Field Thigpen)
A day of reckoning has dawned in the SBC with the release of the SATF report last weekend. Many steps of action must be taken. It is my aim to introduce to you an idea for discussion which may be developed into one such step of action. The following plan would not resolve the issue of sexual abuse in the SBC, but it could serve as a safeguard for churches against wolves who stealthily seek to flock-hop from one congregation to the next. The preliminary working title for this step is the “Pastors in Good Standing” plan. Local churches often acknowledge God’s calling on a servant and … [Read more...] about What about a “Pastors in Good Standing” Plan? (Guest Post by Field Thigpen)
Response to the Sexual Abuse Task Force Report [Guest Author: Bart Barber]
We, the SBC Voices Editorial Team, repost here for your consideration Dr. Bart Barber's response to the report of the SBC Sexual Abuse Task Force. For the original source, click here. For the SBC SATF documents, click here. Bart Barber May 25, 2022 For Immediate Release I have now read the complete text and the appendices of the May 15, 2022, document from Guidepost Solutions entitled, “Report of the Independent Investigation: The Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee’s Response to Sexual Abuse Allegations and an Audit of the Procedures and Actions of the Credentials … [Read more...] about Response to the Sexual Abuse Task Force Report [Guest Author: Bart Barber]
My Statement Regarding the SBC/EC Investigation Report by Tiffany Thigpen
If Southern Baptists are to have any pure witness, the best way forward is to not only state their belief in scriptures, but to show it in action. These action steps could not only become a way forward, but also could allow a model for other denominations and organizations to follow. The SBC wants to be known as a Missions Organization and prides itself as a missionary sending powerhouse, though it seems it is often forgotten that the mission field includes its local congregations, and its own members. If you aren’t protecting those in your own backyard mission field isn’t it … [Read more...] about My Statement Regarding the SBC/EC Investigation Report by Tiffany Thigpen
Our 86 member Executive Committee and sex abuse in the Convention
I join my colleagues here in expressing sorrow and lament for so many victims of horrible abuse in churches and entities of our convention. We may differ on some aspects of recommended changes but not on that. _____________________ Last year after some disastrous Zoom meetings many were calling for the SBC Executive Committee to revert to relative obscurity, to be led by an efficient administrator and to return to properly and quietly carrying out their responsibilities. With the Sex Abuse Task Force, Guidepost investigation, report, recommendations, and reactions, it appears that the … [Read more...] about Our 86 member Executive Committee and sex abuse in the Convention