A desperate Charles Spurgeon went hopping from church to church to come to understand how he must be saved. But instead as he tells it: One man preached Divine sovereignty, but what was that sublime truth to a poor sinner who wished to know what he must do to be saved. There was another admirable man who always preached about the law, but what was the use of plowing up ground that needed to be sown. Another was a practical preacher…but it was very much like a commanding officer teaching the maneuvers to a set of men without feet…what I wanted to know was, ‘How can I get my sins forgiven?’ … [Read more...] about They Never Told Me That…
Just Love your Wife
There has been a lot of talk about sex lately thanks to Mark Driscoll. I actually like Driscoll, I think he says some good things, but there things he says that stir up controversy. I just ignore those things myself. Back to the point, there has been lots of talk about this book he wrote on sex. I think it's a great thing, I have several books on intimacy that I have acquired at conferences and things. Driscoll didn't say anything out of the ordinary, many books state very similar things. We just got all up in arms because it's Mark, and he's said bad words and said he has visions (which … [Read more...] about Just Love your Wife
Editor: This powerful follow-up article to Dwight McKissic's equally powerful article last week was originally posted on his blog, Wm Dwight McKissic, Sr. "New Blog for a Pneuma Time." There are three questions that have surfaced to the top in response to my Richard Land “Repudiation” Post that I want to address in this article: (1) Do I believe Richard Land is a racist? (2) Should Richard Land’s entire career be judged by fifteen minutes of commentary? (3) How do we resolve the “Land-mine” and the racial divide surrounding this issue? How the SBC responds to the Land racial … [Read more...] about WALKING THROUGH LAND MINE(S), A WAY OUT: A FOLLOW-UP TO THE LAND “REPUDIATION” POST By William Dwight McKissic, Sr.
A Historical Look at a Theological Divide (by Drew Wales)
(Drew Wales has a new blog, called "SBC Heritage" which examines the current SBC in the light of its history. It's a blog worth reading. Drew offered this to us and I am grateful that he did!) There is a fault line forming in the Southern Baptist Convention that I am afraid is about to split wide open. It seems that every day in the SBC blogosphere there is discussion over the theological divide in the SBC and some are less than pleasant. Some articles I have read have not been much more than emotionally charged, misrepresentations of the “other side” and some of the comments I have seen … [Read more...] about A Historical Look at a Theological Divide (by Drew Wales)
If Christ, Why Not Us?
"Though He was God’s Son, He learned obedience through what He suffered." - Hebrews 5:8 (HCSB) The past few months the topic of suffering has repeatedly come up around me. Interestingly, there were no devastated marriages, no loss of a child, or any of the Job-like agonies of life which "suffering" makes us immediately think of. Still, I have seen believers face difficult financial trials, sickness upon sickness, the challenges of aging... It's been a time of seeing a different kind of suffering. A few months ago I would never have considered the things I've seen to be worthy of the term. … [Read more...] about If Christ, Why Not Us?
An Important Theological Question for NOLA 2012
It is often hard to find people at the Convention. So, I'm thinking I should wear this suit that I found on eBay a while back, so that people will be able to find me. Yes, it's a flourescent lime-green suit. ($25 brand new on eBay - plus shipping). There's one problem. I've dropped around 50 pounds since this picture was taken, and I am not absolutely sure I can wear the suit anymore. But it is definitely a show-stopper. So, you tell me. Should I wear the suit? It would be kinda like my own little Mardi Gras. … [Read more...] about An Important Theological Question for NOLA 2012
Chuck Colson has passed away.
He gained fame as Nixon's hatchet man during the Watergate scandals. After he was saved, and after his sentence in prison was over, he established Prison Fellowship and became a best-selling author. He has now gone to God's presence, a testimony of God's saving and transforming power. … [Read more...] about Chuck Colson has passed away.
An SBC NOLA 2012 Forum
For those who are readers here, let's talk about the SBC Annual Meeting in New Orleans June 19-20(?). Are you going? What are you looking forward to doing in New Orleans? What significant actions do you hope we will take at the meeting? Would you be interested in a blogger's get-together (say, Cafe Du Monde) after one of the evening sessions? I booked my hotel this week. I'm looking forward to it! … [Read more...] about An SBC NOLA 2012 Forum
As the Kerfuffle Turns
Irony of ironies; all is irony. Mark Driscoll has been a hot item on the blogs recently, in case you haven't heard. He spoke at a small Christian college out east somewhere, and is doing a conference in that town over the weekend on another hot-button topic. Sex. How does the church address sex? We have a wide range of opinions about how the church should address the issue. Driscoll, of course, represents one extreme. If the Bible doesn't say its bad, then God says its okay between a married man and woman. I think that is a fair representation of his view. On the other extreme … [Read more...] about As the Kerfuffle Turns
A Sad State of Affairs
The similarities are striking. Both men were in their early fifties with high profile jobs and strong ties to the state of Arkansas. Both were involved in extramarital affairs with women in their early twenties. Both brought enormous pain and shame upon their families and the institutions they represented. Both scandals received national attention from the news media and led to serious investigations of misconduct. Both men initially denied any wrongdoing and attempted a coverup to avoid having the relationship exposed. Both investigations clearly revealed an adulterous relationship … [Read more...] about A Sad State of Affairs