(Stephen M Young is a missionary living in Brazil. He blogs at "Beyond Outreach" and has a personal blog as well. I appreciate him sharing this post with us.) And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:18-20 I baptize you my brother… A few weeks into my freshman year at ETBU (1994), a … [Read more...] about Who is Authorized to Baptize? (by Stephen M Young)
How Nicknames Work
The nice thing about nicknames is that they aren't real and probably should not be taken too seriously. I have NEVER, EVER seen or heard of one being put up for a vote by any deliberative body. In other words, the people coming up with the nickname just sort of do it on their own authority. How strange that a committee formed on its own authority and not that of the Southern Baptist Convention did not feel empowered to just start using a totally optional nickname without asking for official say-so. If they want to start referring to Southern Baptists as "Great Commission Baptists" as a … [Read more...] about How Nicknames Work
The “Great Cop-Out Baptist” Convention
In the past, I've considered a full SBC name change a worthy idea. But it's more fun to be negative, so here are # reasons why the proposed "Great Commission Baptists" naming scheme is a failure. It's a deceitful label. With declining baptisms and missions giving, this looks like wishful thinking. "Rainer said Baptists need to spend more time spreading the faith to nonbelievers. In the 1950s, he said, there was one baptism for every 20 Southern Baptists. "Now, it takes 40 of our members to baptize one person," he said." (USA Today) It will accelerate the divisions. Instead of saying, … [Read more...] about The “Great Cop-Out Baptist” Convention
A “Color-Blind” Denomination?
When it comes to the issue of race, many today advocate that we take a “color-blind” approach. That is, in our interactions with people we should refuse to allow race to be a factor at all, whether we are interacting with a neighbor, talking about social issues, or choosing a Convention president. At this point in our history, however, a color-blind approach is counter-productive to achieving the racial unity we all desire. Certainly, the sentiment behind a color-blind approach is a positive one. It stems from a desire to act in a way that is free from racism and achieves the dream set … [Read more...] about A “Color-Blind” Denomination?
Observations on “Great Commission Baptists”
For more info, here is the link to the BP article. http://www.bpnews.net/BPnews.asp?ID=37224 1) This should come as a surprise to those who thought there was some kind of pressure to force an agenda on everyone. They studied the issue and came up with what they think is a "win/win." Reasonable folks without an agenda came to a reasonable decision. 2) When you see the wide range of Baptist leaders who support this (Al Mohler, Paige Patterson - about as far apart on Baptist issues as you can get) it has a good chance to pass. 3) The name will not be a legal change or even a dba. … [Read more...] about Observations on “Great Commission Baptists”
Legally: SBC // Informally: Great Commission Baptists
The Southern Baptist Convention! The name is NOT going to change. However, there will be an informal name, which will be announced in a minute. It has been clarified that this is NOT a dba, but more like an informal nickname. The nickname will be "Great Commission Baptists." Here's the BP article http://www.bpnews.net/BPnews.asp?ID=37224 … [Read more...] about Legally: SBC // Informally: Great Commission Baptists
The True SBC Majority
There has been an interesting phenomenon in these recent years of upheaval in the SBC. Group after group has laid claim to one form or another of the "Majority Baptists" or "grassroots Baptists" moniker. That is not a surprise. Every one of us wants to believe that not only are our views correct, biblical and beneficial, but that a majority of people see things the same way. That is especially true of Baptists who practice majority rule. To lay claim to "majority" or "grassroots" is to give your viewpoint or organization credibility and authority. But there is a problem with these … [Read more...] about The True SBC Majority
My Wife Lucretia
My wife's real name is Karen and you should know that I love her dearly. She is kind, gentle and compassionate. She has a smile that brightens my darkest days. She has a calm and sweet temperament that blesses my soul. God has given me the amazing privilege of going through life joined at the heart with the most pleasant person I have ever met. If you were to ask me how favorably I view my wife, I would be at a loss for words to describe her highly enough. Not to change the subject (a phrase we strangely use whenever we do indeed change the subject), but at the risk of offending women named … [Read more...] about My Wife Lucretia
SBC Name Change: What I HOPE Happens Today
It is February 20 and over the next two days the Executive Committee of the SBC is meeting in Nashville. One item of business at that meeting will be the report of the Task Force appointed by SBC President Bryant Wright to examine the potential name change. I don't know when in the agenda of the meeting the name change will be dealt with, but sometime today or tomorrow we should finally know what we have been arguing about for the last five months. My guess is we will be talking name-change a lot over the next couple of days. There are several issues that we will be examining. What … [Read more...] about SBC Name Change: What I HOPE Happens Today
Is There Really a War on Religion in America?
There has been a constant wave of news recently that has led some to opine that America is seeing a "war on religion" - that the current administration and liberal politicians and educators are seeking to limit the influence and power of religion in American culture. More to the point, the assumption made is not that "religion" is the problem, but conservative, evangelical religion. Is there any evidence to support this charge? Well, several recent events have been marshaled in support of this theory. 1) The New York Schools exclude churches In June of 2011, a federal appeals court … [Read more...] about Is There Really a War on Religion in America?