I am a fan of Dr. Al Mohler! I am glad he is one of our leaders. I am constantly amazed at Dr. Mohler's ability to articulate his positions. His statement on homosexuality at the SBC Annual Meeting this year was one of the best, most concise and biblical statements of a Christian approach to the subject I've ever heard. I've seen Dr. Mohler on national programs and always have been impressed at his ability to express unpopular biblical ideas in a persuasive way. When he speaks, I listen. And usually I think he hits it out of the park! In a video from 2010 that has recently been … [Read more...] about Dr. Mohler’s 2010 Statement on New Calvinism: Not Helpful!
Theological Discrimination in Kentucky
After reading Dr. Steve Lemke’s first post on SBC Today about the decision of the Daviess-McLean Baptist Association in Kentucky to not allow Pleasant Valley Community Church to join their association, I began drafting a response. He stated he would post a second time, so I waited until I could read his whole argument. That article is up now, and I’ve since rewritten almost the entire article I’d planned to write. Fully recognizing Dr. Lemke as a brother in Christ, I believe his strong bias against Reformed doctrine has colored his perspective to the point that he’s completely wrong in his … [Read more...] about Theological Discrimination in Kentucky
Is it Hard to Hug a Calvinist?
Yes, it is sometimes hard to hug a Calvinist. While I don't mind them embracing a different theology, I often find it hard to get past two key issues: (1) a superior attitude, and (2) a takeover mentality. Lest I be accused of stereotyping, of lumping and dumping, let me say at the start that while every Calvinist does not fit this mold, so many do that it poisons the pot for everyone else. Let me briefly illustrate the two offenses before I run for cover. 1. Superior Attitude The superior attitude suggests that no reasonably thinking Christian scholar, pastor or theologian who takes … [Read more...] about Is it Hard to Hug a Calvinist?
A Day Devoted to Calvinism at SBC Voices!
Calvinism is never far from the front pages in the Southern Baptist Convention. It is a crucial topic and one of the hardest to discuss in a calm and productive manner. On September 15, I published an article saying that any future discussions of Calvinism here would have to be productive, not derisive. That is a hard thing to manage, and more than a few of you will think today that I violated my commitment on the subject. But we cannot be "SBC Voices" without addressing the subject that is at the root of much of the SBC's splintering. So, today we will be talking Calvinism all day - … [Read more...] about A Day Devoted to Calvinism at SBC Voices!
Pick up the phone. Call the cops. (by William Thornton)
(We'd like to ignore it, but sexual abuse is a reality in every part of society today. The SBC Plodder's perspective here is good advice.) Some time ago in a deacons' meeting, I was speaking on the subject of sexual abuse of children in churches and our church's policies on the same. The sordid subject was in the news as a result of the Roman Catholic scandals and not a few cases of SBC churches and clergy involved in such things. While we have adopted policies in our church, nothing made the matter more clear to the deacons than when I said, "Here's what we do if someone comes to me with … [Read more...] about Pick up the phone. Call the cops. (by William Thornton)
Is It Hard to Hug an Arminian?
Something is bothering me. Before I explain what is bothering me—hopefully for your edification and my own—allow me to make a few qualifiers. First, it is very possible that I am assigning motives and issues of the heart that are not really there but only a reflection of my own sinful tendencies. Second, this piece is intended to be a caution to my Reformed/Calvinistic brothers and sisters. If you do not fit that bill then you can use this piece to look at your own heart as it relates to the “theological camps” that you tend to frequent. However, this is not to be used as fodder to … [Read more...] about Is It Hard to Hug an Arminian?
Life is GOOD! (The “Roll Tide” Edition)
Iowa Hawkeyes 24, Michigan Wolverines 16. Northwestern Wildcats 28, Nebraska Cornshuckers 25 LSU 9, Alabama Crimson Crud 6 Oh, yeah! … [Read more...] about Life is GOOD! (The “Roll Tide” Edition)
Is it too small a thing?
I have a really good introduction for this article. I tell you a really funny story about a toy, gadget, etc. that I really wanted because I knew that it would solve all of my problems. It was one of those things that I absolutely had to have. In this really good introduction I explain how I worked hard to get this new toy/gadget; either through actually working or “working” the way that jobless kids do--by figuring out how to manufacture the right balance of enough, tears, whining, and solid behavior to merit such an awesome gift. I continue in this super amazing introduction for a … [Read more...] about Is it too small a thing?
Don’t Tell Amy Carmichael
This post first appeared on my blog ThrowAwayEverything but I thought you might enjoy it also. -AR Yesterday the British paper The Daily Mail published a story about a California doctor who announced he has a LASIK-like laser eye machine that can be used to permanently turn brown eyes blue. There are many people in heaven who are praising God that such technology did not exist in Amy Carmichael's day. Amy grew up in Northern Ireland in the late 1860s and '70s. She was a beautiful girl with dark hair and brown eyes. All her young life all she really wanted though were blue eyes. Her … [Read more...] about Don’t Tell Amy Carmichael
How Many Bags, Mr. Missionary?
Travel, as any missionary will tell you, is a key part of life. My sister says that travel is what makes my life complicated. To hear her tell it, it takes a 45 minute drive to the airport, two flights with a layover, 30 minutes in a taxi, a bus ride, and short jaunt by donkey just to get to my house. My response is that there are no donkeys involved and that once you arrive at our house life is pretty normal, assuming you consider gutting your own chickens to be normal. Of course, I could point out she is being egocentric and we could say that in fact it takes all those things just to get … [Read more...] about How Many Bags, Mr. Missionary?