My real name is John Earle Patrick, Jr. It's on my driver's license and diplomas, but I've always gone by the nickname "Rick." Long story short: my grandfather, Earle Patrick, went by the nickname "Pat" all his life, and to avoid confusion with my father's name, my nickname took the other half of our surname, and I've always gone by "Rick." However, I now believe it is time for me to change my legal name, since it is offensive on so many levels. Let us begin by examining my first name "John." As you may know, john is slang for both a toilet and a prostitute's customer. This is … [Read more...] about I’m Changing My Name
Bartman, Buckner, Baptists and the Blame-game
Why did the Cubs miss out on the 2003 World Series? Everyone knows the answer to that. Bartman blew it, right? Steve Bartman reached out on to the field of play and prevented Moises Alou from making a catch he otherwise would have easily made and cost the Cubs their chance at glory. Facts are facts, right? Bartman was to blame. What cost the Red Sox the 1986 world series? Everyone knows that the Red Sox were about to win it all when Buckner let a ground ball go through his legs and cost them the lead and ended the World Series. Facts are facts, right? Buckner was to blame. There is … [Read more...] about Bartman, Buckner, Baptists and the Blame-game
Pursuing Holiness
Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without which no one will see the Lord.—Hebrews 12:14 Holiness. Sanctification. Being saints. It’s all the same idea. If I were to put a simple definition to holiness it would be: acting like Jesus in all we do. God is the one who is “holy, holy, holy” (Isaiah 6:3) and we are to be imitators of God walking “in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us” (Ephesians 5:1-2). And holiness is a pretty big deal—after all, consider what the author of Hebrews tells us: without holiness no one will see the Lord. So how do we pursue … [Read more...] about Pursuing Holiness
Process aside, who has a problem with an SBC name change? (by William Thornton)
(Read William's blog, SBC Plodder, for his unique insights, Here, he asks an excellent question.) The SBC online world has hemorrhaged articles, opinions, and fulminations that Bryant Wright announced the appointment of his informal committee to look at a possible SBC name change. Not a few have been vehement over the process. Some have called for civility and patience. Others have maintained that the whole business has been orchestrated. While I understand the objection about process and while I don’t dispute that this has been unfolded in a premeditated and deliberate fashion, I’m … [Read more...] about Process aside, who has a problem with an SBC name change? (by William Thornton)
Four Words that are Critical for Pastors (Part 2)
In Part 1, I told you that I think we should be doing a better job saying "Thank you" as ministers and church leaders. If I knew how, I'd link back to that here. However, I don't know how. If an editor does it, thank you for that... Thank you ought to be often on our lips. Often enough to be known, but not so often as to be trite. I've two more words for you that ought to be infrequent from our lips. Here they are: "I'm sorry." Now, some of you just checked out. Come back and finish the post before you pounce for me saying we shouldn't say "I'm sorry." "I'm sorry" should be … [Read more...] about Four Words that are Critical for Pastors (Part 2)
Three Final Considerations: The Importance of Doctrinal Classification (Brick Walls and Picket Fences 16)
As we draw this study to a close, there are three important considerations we must remember. Look again at Revelation 22:18-19. “I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book, and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book.” Certainly, in context, this warning applies specifically to the prophecies of Revelation. However, I think there is also a more general … [Read more...] about Three Final Considerations: The Importance of Doctrinal Classification (Brick Walls and Picket Fences 16)
The Established Church is Worth Fighting For! (by Josh King)
(Josh King is lead pastor of Sachse's First Baptist Church in Sachse, TX, and a contributor to Looks Like Reign: A Commentary on Theology, Culture and the Gospel. We are grateful to have this excellent guest post today!) “NationsBeGlad Desiring God Int'l It's easier to birth a baby than to raise the dead - plant new churches, don't focus on dying churches. @edstetzer #dgnc” I am a big fan of Dr. Ed Stetzer and would love to be at the Desiring God National Conference. Because I am not there I cannot fully know the context behind this specific tweet. This obviously hampers my ability to … [Read more...] about The Established Church is Worth Fighting For! (by Josh King)
4 Critical Words for Pastors (Part 1)
I am wanting to get back into the habit of posting around here, but I just haven't quite known what to say. I am striving to not spend hours upon hours dealing with things that are out of my control, like name changes in the SBC, pastors that do bizarre things, and denominations that fall apart. I've spent enough time commenting on other posts and other places about stuff like that, but what I've realized is this: I'm wasting my time on that. There are enough voices on all of those that you don't need a separate post from me. (If you do, you're putting way too much stock in my opinion. Get … [Read more...] about 4 Critical Words for Pastors (Part 1)
SBC Name Change: Silence of Elder Statesmen is Deafening
"There arises defining moments in our personal lives, our churches, and our denomination. I believe we are at one of those crossroads. In the final analysis we must trust our process, our common goal of bringing the Gospel to the world, and each other." Who was the Southern Baptist statesman who uttered these words and what was the context within which they were said? None other than Dr. Jim Henry, former Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church of Orlando and a former two-term President of the SBC, in his endorsement of the GCR. During his tenure as President of the Convention, Dr. … [Read more...] about SBC Name Change: Silence of Elder Statesmen is Deafening
“Is It Okay for a Christian to…?” Identifying Personal Space Issues (Brick Walls and Picket Fences 15)
In previous installments in this series, I have discussed Brick Wall issues, in which Christians should take an uncompromising stand for the essentials of the faith. I have discussed Picket Fence doctrines on which Christians should hold to their convictions on secondary matters while maintaining friendly relationships with their Christian brethren who have different convictions. I have discussed Dinner Table doctrine - matters on which we disagree but do not divide at all. And finally, I have been talking about Personal Space issues - lifestyle issues on which each Christian is supposed to … [Read more...] about “Is It Okay for a Christian to…?” Identifying Personal Space Issues (Brick Walls and Picket Fences 15)