I am not trying to write a doctoral dissertation or even a comprehensive doctrinal analysis, but since we've been discussing this, I thought I would give a quick review of the biblical evidence about elders. I'm going to present the findings of an in-depth, intense (I'm kidding) search of Logos and the use of the term in the NT. 1) All 24 instances of the use of the term elders in the gospels (Matthew-Luke, there are none in John) as well as 8 of the 18 uses of the word in the book of Acts refer to the "chief priests and elders" of Israel. In Israel, the rule by a body of elders was … [Read more...] about An Observation: What the NT says about “Elders”
A Tribute to the Teeth
Your teeth are like a flock of sheep just shorn, coming up from the washing. Each has its twin; not one of them is alone.” – Song of Solomon 4:2, KJV Sometimes we notice things that are just plain silly. I was once on a date with a young woman who noticed every flaw that our waitress seemed to have: her hair was too frizzy, her shirt was wrinkled, she talked too nasally, etc. That kind of insecurity is not only unattractive, but also self-destructive, and cultivates an internal inclination to find faults in others. Unhealthy jealousy spawns from pride (excessive self-focus) and breeds … [Read more...] about A Tribute to the Teeth
Review of Am I Really a Christian?
I had just finished preaching another message from 1 John. Very shortly after closing the service I was approached by one of our Jesus-loving teenagers. She seemed sad. I knew what she was getting ready to say… “Mike, I don’t think there is any way that I’m saved”. I knew what she was going to say because we had already had this conversation quite a few times. She was, as many of us are tempted to be, prone to a morbid introspection. If you gave her the “tests” of 1 John—she’d fail them every time…at least in her own mind. But if you asked everyone that knew this girl they would … [Read more...] about Review of Am I Really a Christian?
Why I Am Apathetic About Elders in Baptist Churches
Elders are a hot topic in Baptist conversations today. Elder-rule. Elder-leadership. Pastors are the elders. Elders make you Presbyterian. I've read a lot of these discussions and I have not really entered into most of them. There is a reason for that. I just don't care that much. Please, put down the stones with which you intend to stone me for my heresy, and let me explain myself a little bit. I am not an opponent of elder-leadership in churches. All of the churches I have served in my three decades as a pastor have been pastor/deacon/committee-run churches - standard, traditional … [Read more...] about Why I Am Apathetic About Elders in Baptist Churches
An Interesting New Series by Dr. Steve Lemke
Dr. Lemke has begun a series at SBC Today called "Distinctive Baptist Beliefs." In this series he is attempting to stake out a middle ground between Arminianism and Calvinistic Presbyterian/Reformed theology. He is writing to define how Baptist doctrine and Presbyterian/Reformed doctrine differs. He is articulating the "middle way" in which he recognizes and honors the Presbyterian tradition but also defines his differences with it. This is the second recent series which has attempted to further the discussion of Baptist identity. Nathan Finn's excellent series, "The Gospel and Baptist … [Read more...] about An Interesting New Series by Dr. Steve Lemke
NAMB and Restoring Lost Trust (by William Thornton)
(I saw this over at SBC Plodder and thought our readers might like it - so I stole it. Don't tell William.) Lottie Moon and Annie Armstrong have always been one-two in special offerings for the churches I have pastored over the last three decades. We didn't have to pray about it, think about it, decide about it; come December and March it was Lottie and Annie and that was that. Then NAMB's head took a private jet to a movie in London, at our expense, and Spending God's Money came along, more revelations about wasting money, a hasty resignation followed by SBC heavyweights putting out … [Read more...] about NAMB and Restoring Lost Trust (by William Thornton)
The P-Word: Part 1 (by Jim Gifford)
Hi all, Today I want to discuss a theological word that has become more familiar to the Evangelical and Baptist world over the last couple of decades. That word is perichoresis. I’ve spent a fair amount of time around this word and I want to share some of my findings with you. Perichoresis is a word that describes, primarily, the relationship enjoyed by the persons of the Trinity. Though the word is not found in the Bible, and not found in theological literature until the fourth century, the concept is very biblical. Several times in the writings of John, and most notably in chapters … [Read more...] about The P-Word: Part 1 (by Jim Gifford)
Permanent Prospects and Backslidden Baptists
Christianity is a team sport. There are no free agents. There are no Lone Rangers. We simply cannot obey the "one another" passages of Scripture if we are not properly united with a local church fellowship to whom we are accountable and with whom we serve the Lord together. Frankly, Christians who are unaffiliated are stunting their spiritual growth in the Kingdom of God. They will be "stuck" right where they are until they make a change. Lately, I have experienced a profound burden for two groups of people within the church I pastor -- and within every church, for that matter. I named … [Read more...] about Permanent Prospects and Backslidden Baptists
Hardening, Hiding, and the Gospel
“It is a terrible thing to keep a wound of some great sin upon the conscience, for it makes a way for a new breach; because when the conscience once begins to be hardened with some great sin, then there is no stop, but we run on to commit sin with all greediness.” (Richard Sibbes, The Tender Heart, 35) What Sibbes is saying here, with his Puritan language, is that we must be quick to root out sin because once it takes root it will only make way for more hardening and more sin. Earlier in this text Sibbes gives the example of King David. When he spiraled out of control with Bathsheba he … [Read more...] about Hardening, Hiding, and the Gospel
Discussing Preaching with Jared Wilson and Tony Merida
I was blessed to have SEBTS professor/pastor/author Tony Merida and pastor/author Jared Wilson on my blog for a discussion on preaching. Here is an excerpt: TONY: My main focus is that that I want to take the listeners for a swim in the text. I want us to immerse ourselves in Scripture, and my desire is particularly to exalt Jesus as the hero of the Bible – and by extension as the hero of every sermon. I want people to walk away every week and say, “What a great Savior” not “What a great sermon.” JARED: Preaching ought to be exultational, an act of worship on the preacher’s part. Many … [Read more...] about Discussing Preaching with Jared Wilson and Tony Merida