Yesterday, at the meeting of the Executive Committee, a significant event took place. Every SBC agency head and seminary president along with state executive directors and ethnic fellowship leaders signed a document called the "Affirmation of Unity and Cooperation." Here is the text in full. Affirmation of Unity and Cooperation We the undersigned affirm our commitment to cooperative ministry as a testimony of our unity in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. The passion which drives our unity is twofold: to clarify our evangelistic fervor for the souls of men and women across the nation and … [Read more...] about Coming Together: SBC Leaders’ “Affirmation of Unity and Cooperation”
SBC, Race and the Future: The Right Direction?
At last year's SBC in Orlando, Dwight McKissic made a motion to add racism to homosexuality as sins that eliminated one from being in cooperation with the SBC. The motion was referred (as is standard practice) and the convention voted down a follow-up motion to undo the referral and vote on it. Many people (myself among them) were disappointed that the vote was not taken but we were hopeful that the Executive Committee would bring back a favorable report on the motion. That did not happen. They decided not to recommend the bylaws change. Dwight McKissic's motion died. I have, for some … [Read more...] about SBC, Race and the Future: The Right Direction?
To Vance Pitman: A Job Well Done
I would like to thank Vance Pitman for the work he did putting together this year's Pastor's Conference. Originally, we were going to be part of the promotion for this event, but after all the controversy about Jamar Jones and TD Jakes, which we participated in here, we did not continue that partnership. And some of our contributors and commenters were dissatisfied with some of the choices made about speakers. But I wish to express my opinion that the Conference was one of the best managed I have seen and that it was, at least to me, encouraging and uplifting. I did not get to hear … [Read more...] about To Vance Pitman: A Job Well Done
If I Were Pastor’s Conference President*
*Don't worry, it won't happen My experience here has been a little limited. We got lost in Phoenix yesterday and I didn’t make it over here too early today. I missed Darrin Patrick’s message which I heard very good things about on Twitter. I caught some of Bob Pitman’s message, all of Johnny Hunt’s message and heard much of Gregg Matte’s today. Each was a good man with a good message – no quarrels. Each has been a call to a closer walk and a more powerful ministry. But I would love to come to a convention and hear some solid, open-your-text-and-see-what-it-says preaching. Most of the … [Read more...] about If I Were Pastor’s Conference President*
Signs of Hope in the SBC
Statistically, things are looking bleak in the SBC right now. But I have had my ear to the ground a little recently and have heard some things that give me hope. I have to share some things that I cannot really source, because they were shared with me by people who were not interested in seeing their names in blogs. You have my word that this is reliable information - for whatever that is worth. 1) A highly placed executive within the SBC told me that there seems to be the start (at least) of a coming-together of the denominational structure, getting everyone pulling in the same … [Read more...] about Signs of Hope in the SBC
What I Thought When Johnny Hunt Tweaked Baptist Blogging
I listened to Johnny Hunt's message tonight at the Pastors' Conference. Good message. But he did take a couple of pretty solid shots at those of us who blog. My first reaction was to get a little defensive and angry. But then I thought that it might be good for us to listen to how we are perceived and to ask ourselves if some of the criticism is justified. Here is what he said (note that I took notes as quickly as I can type on my phone which isn't very quick, and so these are anything but full, accurate, quotes. They are essentially Miller's Paraphrase of Hunt's tidbits of … [Read more...] about What I Thought When Johnny Hunt Tweaked Baptist Blogging
Should Christians Express Their Political Views?
I first posted this on my blog but I also wrote it for readers here. Thoughts? Experiences? Thanks! -Anthony A lot of my friends are politically conservative. A lot of my friends are not. I'm thankful that I have managed to make and retain friends on both sides of the aisle. I've noticed that with no shortage of bad news economically, socially, or politically some of my friends seem to be more vocal with their discontent. I respect their right to free speech and expression about those issues but I can't help wonder if it is the wisest course of action. While Christian Americans have … [Read more...] about Should Christians Express Their Political Views?
Seeing Life Through My Fingers
“You seem really stressed out and intense, lately”, my wife graciously pointed out to me. “No! I’m not intense”, I said, rather intensely. It wasn’t until a few days later that grace broke through and I was able to see that for a good month or so I had been running furiously on a performance treadmill. I was functionally denying the gospel and bowing to an idol of control and self-sufficiency. I was doing what Paul Tripp says is like putting a hand in front of my face: “Imagine that you have placed your hand, with fingers narrowly separated, in front of your face. When you … [Read more...] about Seeing Life Through My Fingers
Border Crossings: The SBC of the 21st Century by Douglas E. Baker
Most mornings in midtown Nashville find quiet streets and sidewalks filled with runners, dog walkers, and the occasional bicyclist. Vanderbilt University casts a long shadow over this community and shapes its culture into something that feels more like a Northern urban enclave rather than a neighborhood surrounded by "Southern" charm. Nashville is ground zero for the country music industry and the crown jewel of the "Bible belt," with the headquarters for various Christian denominations (such as the Southern Baptist Convention) and numerous religious publishing empires (such asLifeWay) dotting … [Read more...] about Border Crossings: The SBC of the 21st Century by Douglas E. Baker
BIFF: Baptists in Full Fellowship
I think it is time I start my own group. Several years ago there was an Association of Convictional Baptists. I tried without much luck to start the Association of Corpulent Baptists. A couple of years ago, Les Puryear organized the Majority Initiative, an attempt to promote the role of small churches in our increasingly megachurch dominated convention. But I think we need a new one now, one that addresses the needs of the current convention, one that is in serious danger of fracturing and becoming increasingly irrelevant and ineffective. I am calling it "BIFF: Baptists in Full … [Read more...] about BIFF: Baptists in Full Fellowship