I attended the Band of Bloggers meeting in Chicago on Tuesday. It was a lot of fun and instructive. I had a chance to meet a few people and we had some interesting discussion on the dangers and blessings of blogging. Before I make my point, let me share some of the things that were discussed. The thrust of the meeting was "gospel-driven blogging" - what could be more noble? But one of the discussion leaders (I didn't take notes and can't remember who said it) said that "gospel" is in danger of becoming another undefined buzzword, much as "missional" has been. Actually, this is the … [Read more...] about The Gospel Hammer, the Idolatry Bludgeon, and Blogging Discussions
Practice Praise When Possible
When we moved to the Black Hills as Mission Service Corps(MSC) Missionaries back in 2003, I managed to find a job at a local call center in Rapid City as a way to help make ends meet. It was an inbound customer service center affiliated with GE and I started out in the department that took service calls from people who had appliances under service contracts or warranties. I won't bore you with the details, but those who have spent any time whatsoever in customer service of any kind, know that people generally only call such a place to complain about things. It is a service line you might … [Read more...] about Practice Praise When Possible
SBC Calvinism & Patriotic Worship: A Final Word
On Wednesday, SBCVoices published my post, "SBC's New Calvinism & Patriotic Worship: Part 1." Part 2, which is my response to Professor Stam's original letter that was published at B21, can be read here. Since my initial posts (both here and on my blog, From Law to Grace), I have gotten many responses — both positive (here and here) and negative (here and here) . Based upon this admittedly limited response, one could begin to understand one of the SBC's major fault lines – “majority Baptist theology” vs. “Reformed Baptist theology” – that Dr. Steve Lemke described in his recent post, “The … [Read more...] about SBC Calvinism & Patriotic Worship: A Final Word
Bringing Joy to Your Pastors
Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you.—Hebrews 13:17 Recently, there’s been some talk about the discouragement pastors face in their ministry. Even though discouragement is the reality of what is, it’s not what should be. But as much as God places the accountability of care and shepherding into the hands of men called pastors, he also places the accountability of bringing joy to pastors into the hands of the … [Read more...] about Bringing Joy to Your Pastors
Jesus was an Introvert!
Introverts of the world, disband. (It's ironic, because introverts like to be alone and. . . oh nevermind). I'm an introvert, if you hadn't guessed. I'm an introverted Associate Pastor, proving that God has a sense of humor. I am a low I on my DISC profile. Let's be honest, I don't like people. I like individuals, but groups of people are not my thing. I get overwhelmed by large groups, being with people drains me, even my closest friends. Like most introverts, I am surrounded by mostly extroverts who don't get me at all. Their idea of down time is being together. My idea of down … [Read more...] about Jesus was an Introvert!
Claire’s Prayers
“Claire” usually wears a bright blonde wig placed obviously over her own still-dark hair. Sometimes she has her teeth in, but not usually. Either way you are guaranteed to be greeted with a huge smile beneath squinty, cheerful eyes. When she says “hi” her voice goes up, up, up and back down all in one syllable—like a roller coaster peak, or maybe a steep sine wave, but I never took calculus so I don’t know for sure. I do know that no packet of Sweet ‘n Low is safe when Claire’s around though. Yes, Claire is quite a character. I often wonder what she was like before … [Read more...] about Claire’s Prayers
Some Things Really Are Universal in the Church
When the lead editor is away the assistant editor will play. I might take some grief for this, but if so, I will take it with joy. Just so everyone knows, I am not pointing fingers in any particular direction. I found this clip, courtesy of a different clip from the same group that our local ELCA pastor had posted on Facebook. I was simply struck by how many of the issues these guys have apparently argued about that are similar to things that crop up around here as well. It turns out there are some things that really are universal in the church I guess. Although I am fully … [Read more...] about Some Things Really Are Universal in the Church
More Inside Scoop on SBCVoices
Doug did a great job filling you on on the goings-on around here. There were just a few more things I thought you might be interested to know. -AR Little Known Fact #8 - SBCVoices has millions of barrels of petroleum reserves in storage that Dave can release whenever he chooses to ease the prices at the pumps. (You might want start being a little nicer to him as you sure-up your summer driving plans.) Little Known Fact #9 - We know what's at Area 51. We know there are buildings, fences, cameras and motion sensors…lots of ‘em. Beyond that is anyone's guess. Little Known Fact #10 - … [Read more...] about More Inside Scoop on SBCVoices
The Inside Scoop on SBCVoices
It's a busy season for many of us that post around here, and so we're running on a "write-it, post-it" schedule rather than a "write-it, let-it sit and be scheduled, then post-it" kind of schedule. Well, except for one person that's not me, who has lots of posts in the queue. However, since we're a little short on content this week (How do I know we're short? When you see more than 1 Doug post in any 7-day time frame, we're short on good content), I thought I'd peel back the curtain with a few lesser-known facts about SBCVoices and the contributors here: Little known fact #1: There is … [Read more...] about The Inside Scoop on SBCVoices
SBC’s New Calvinism & Patriotic Worship: Part 1
This post, containing minor revisions, was first published at From Law to Grace on April 6, 2011. Should Southern Baptist churches discourage expressions of patriotism in their corporate worship services on national holidays such as Memorial Day and Independence Day? According to Professor Carl “Chip” Stam and some younger Southern Baptist pastors represented by Baptist21, the answer is apparently yes. Well, maybe not yes in so many words, but unwise and unhelpful to be sure. While perusing the B21 website to watch an interview with Nathan Akin (which I still have not been able to … [Read more...] about SBC’s New Calvinism & Patriotic Worship: Part 1