Why do people who pile into movie theaters on a Friday evening complain that the Bible is boring on a Sunday morning? One reason, and I stress ONE reason, is that we have not rightly been convinced that the Bible is a compelling story. If our view of Scripture is akin to Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth then I doubt very seriously that we will be compelled to open its pages. At least not until something goes wrong. I’m one of those guys that tries to put something together without reading the instruction manual. I only read it when I end up with an extra part or the … [Read more...] about Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth?
Ever been reading your Bible and a phone rings, a baby cries, a doorbell chimes? Ever find your prayer time interrupted by similar things? Ever plan to do a particular ministry and find yourself bombarded with demands of equal or more pressing priority? Ever start to share Jesus with someone and chaos rips into the conversation? Take heart; interruptions, impediments, chaos, and confusion are mere tactics to undermine your mission as an ambassador for Christ. In Ambassadors On Mission, The Priority Of Prayer and Proclamation, author, Dr. Dan Crawford*, shares how Christians are "first … [Read more...] about PRIORITY ON PRAYER AND PROCLAMATION
Blog Madness 2011: You Are the Selection Committee
Blog Madness is back for 2011. Over the next few weeks, while some little basketball tournament is being played, we are going to be holding our own "favorite bloggers" tournament, with a prize for the winner of LESS THAN $1 Million. (Lot's less - mostly just the joy of being selected). This year, the readers of SBC Voices are the selection committee. You have the next few days (until Wednesday night) to nominate your favorite blogs - up to 10 per person. We'll compile the stats and form our brackets. So, tell, who are your favorite BAPTIST blogs (yes, only fully immersed blogs are … [Read more...] about Blog Madness 2011: You Are the Selection Committee
Call Me Stupid: Let’s Find a “Regular Guy” for 2012 Pastor’s Conference President
I had an idea last night that I want to share. Was it a good idea? Well, I guess you good folks will be the judge of that. You may tell met that it is a hare-brained idea. But, I'm going to put it out there anyway. Here it is: let's run a regular guy, a pastor of a normal Baptist church, as the president of the Pastor's Conference for 2012. I have to admit, I'm looking forward to "Aspire," the 2011 SBC Pastor's Conference. There are some speakers I am excited about hearing. I don't share the concerns of some of the regulars here at SBC Voices, but am of the opinion that it will be … [Read more...] about Call Me Stupid: Let’s Find a “Regular Guy” for 2012 Pastor’s Conference President
An Observation about Baptist Bloggers
When major sporting events are on, (such as NCAA Basketball Conference Tournaments), blogging hits tend to go down. Hope your team wins (unless it is Duke, UNC, Texas or Kentucky). … [Read more...] about An Observation about Baptist Bloggers
Re-framing the Debate About the Future of SBC
"He didn’t say it, but I think that traditionalists feel as if we are committing denominational suicide by promoting to prominence those who do not have much denominational loyalty or commitment. We are hiring entity heads who showed little commitment to the denomination in their pastorates. The podium at our conferences and conventions are largely filled with people whose Cooperative Program giving and denominational commitment are either minimal or non-existent. Are we turning our denomination over to people who don’t care about the future of our denomination?" (From "It's Deja Vu All … [Read more...] about Re-framing the Debate About the Future of SBC
A Crackpot Idea from a Cracked Pot
I read a pretty broad range of things, so I don't remember where I saw the link to the story, but the headline caught my eye. Why the BBC's new face of religion believes God had a wife. It is sort of a morbid curiosity type of thing, but I had to see what in the world could have possibly given anyone this idea. You can read the article if you want, but it is typically skewed as only a major media religion piece can be. The upshot is that some piece of pottery that was found from the 8th Century BC has a statement about "Yahweh and his Asherah." The inscription is a petition for a … [Read more...] about A Crackpot Idea from a Cracked Pot
Running From Lust
(This post originally appeared on my blog at Borrowed Light) Warning! If I am wrong on what I say in this particular post the consequences could be deadly. So, as I hope you always do, read with discernment and test everything by Scripture. "Flee sexual immorality..." 1 Corinthians 6:18 It has been said, and rightly so, that sexual immorality (lust, etc.) is the only sin that we are told to run away from. Everything else we are typically told to stand firm and fight—but sexual sin can become so ensnaring that we are told to run away from it. I agree. However, I do believe there … [Read more...] about Running From Lust
Did God Buy Your Lunch or Save You from Choking to Death?
This piece originally appeared on my blog in July 2008. It's an illustration I've used many, many times in trying to convey the severity of the gospel to people, our need for salvation, and the right response to the grace of the Lord. -AR Imagine one day you and I go to lunch. We have a good meal together and you generously pick up the tab for both of us. I’d be appreciative. I’d say “thanks” and think that was a really nice gesture on your part. And truthfully, not long after–a few days maybe–I would probably forget about it and go on with life; maybe picking up yours next time, … [Read more...] about Did God Buy Your Lunch or Save You from Choking to Death?
It’s Deja Vu All Over Again – The Traditional/Contemporary Battle Flares Again!
You are probably aware that a new controversy has broken out about the future of the SBC. Actually, no. A very long-standing conflagration has burst forth from the depths again. For many years, the SBC has been a traditionalist haven. The Pastor's conference was one white man in a blue suit followed by another white man in a blue suit followed by another white man in a blue. They preached typical traditional Southern Baptist sermons - always alliterated as God intended! There is a new breeze blowing in the SBC. This year at the SBC Pastor's Conference, you will probably see more … [Read more...] about It’s Deja Vu All Over Again – The Traditional/Contemporary Battle Flares Again!