I have shared quite a bit about the fantastic, life-sustaining fellowship I experienced with pastors from other churches and other denominations in Cedar Rapids. Because of the grace God gave in our fellowship, we ended up engaging in several citywide ministries, most of which were also blessed. But one such attempt led me to a Brick Wall moment. I was asked to serve on a “marriage task force” that was working to develop a unified approach to promote marriage in the community. We believed that if we developed common standards to prepare couples for marriage, we might make a dent in the … [Read more...] about Brick Walls, Picket Fences (4): Identifying Brick Wall Doctrines, Part 1
Creating a Culture of Transparency in the SBC By Disclosing Executive Pay
Component Two: Making Our Values Transparent: We must also work toward the creation of a new and healthy culture within the Southern Baptist Convention. If we are to grow together and work together in faithfulness to the command of Christ, we must establish a culture of trust, transparency, and truth among all Southern Baptists. . . . If we are to create this culture that the GCR Task Force envisions and that all Southern Baptists deserve, we must begin to take bold steps to make "trust, transparency, and truth" become a reality. The first step on the road to a more transparent and open … [Read more...] about Creating a Culture of Transparency in the SBC By Disclosing Executive Pay
Brick Walls, Picket Fences (3): Building Brick Walls – Doctrine That Must Divide!
In the 1930’s an ominous power was rising in Europe. Adolph Hitler was consolidating his power and preparing his campaign to devour Europe and eliminate the Jewish People. Great Britain’s prime minister, Neville Chamberlain, tried everything he could to avoid war. He coddled and appeased Hitler, trying to make peace with an evil man. As Hitler moved forward, he stepped back, and the curse of Nazi Germany spread. Finally, under the leadership of Chamberlain’s successor, Winston Churchill, Great Britain took a stand against the Nazis. America and other nations eventually joined them and … [Read more...] about Brick Walls, Picket Fences (3): Building Brick Walls – Doctrine That Must Divide!
Why I love serving in established churches…
Not long ago a blogger who had faced some difficult times in his ministry wrote: “I would rather be a missionary in the most dangerous, anti-Christian place in the world than try to revitalize an existing, traditional Southern Baptist church.” Though I don’t personally know that blogger, I have friends who share his sentiment and lean the direction of church planting. I myself have been tempted by the wiles of church planting (don’t jump on me about the temptation language—I value church planting, I’m just trying to be cute!), but have chosen the route of pastoring in established and … [Read more...] about Why I love serving in established churches…
Al Mohler and the Southern Seminary Singers: “The Twelve Days of Christmas”
(I have no idea where this came from, and for the record, Al Mohler had nothing to do with it, but it made me laugh). … [Read more...] about Al Mohler and the Southern Seminary Singers: “The Twelve Days of Christmas”
FYI: About Commenting and Moderation
Being named editor of SBC Voices was a birthday present for me (September 13). It is a great privilege. I enjoy writing and interacting with people and this has been exciting. However, there is one aspect of this that is no fun at all. It is moderating comments. We have some pretty "lively" exchanges on Voices. Sometimes it gets out of hand and it falls to me to try to make some order out of the chaos. I do so imperfectly and inconsistently. I thought I should share with you the standards by which I am trying to operate. Our goal is here godly, but largely free … [Read more...] about FYI: About Commenting and Moderation
My Three Churches: The Church in the New Testament
A few days ago, Mike Bergman asked the question, "What is a Church?" His post and the good discussion that followed put me in mind of a post I did some time ago at sbcIMPACT. I thought it might be good to update and repost that article. For a couple of years, when Baptist Identity bloggers were much more active than they are today, the subject of ecclesiology was one of the most hotly debated topics. BI adherents focused almost entirely on the local church and some even questioned the present reality of the "universal church" - even calling it illusory or imaginary. Those who give more … [Read more...] about My Three Churches: The Church in the New Testament
“Grinch Alert” – The Battle for Christmas Gets Just Plain Silly
Even good people can sometimes do some bewildering things. I have no axe to grind with either Dr. Robert Jeffress or the people of First Baptist Church of Dallas. But I'm going to go out on a limb and say that their foray into the "War on Christmas" was not a good idea. They created a website called "Grinch Alert." (grinchalert.com) At Grinch Alert, you can keep track of whether local businesses are "Naughty" or "Nice." The sole rubric for judgment here is whether the decorations and employees say "Merry Christmas" or whether they settle for, "Happy Holidays." Check out the website and … [Read more...] about “Grinch Alert” – The Battle for Christmas Gets Just Plain Silly
A Narnian Fundamentalist Reviews “Voyage of the Dawn Treader”
I visited Narnia often in my youth, and I had spent many years in Middle Earth before it became part of popular American culture. I love these books. In fact, they pretty much ruined me for fiction. Every time I'd read a book, I'd think, "That's okay, but its not Narnia or Middle Earth." I read those books so often I knew them cover to cover. Why would anyone allow their children to reach the age of ten without having had the Chronicles of Narnia read to them? I suppose I am a Narnian fundamentalist. I want the movie to stick very closely to the book. I was the same way with the Lord … [Read more...] about A Narnian Fundamentalist Reviews “Voyage of the Dawn Treader”
What is a Church?
In my church we recently had a conversation that is part of what I see as a larger and worrisome attitude in the church at large (at least here in America). It’s the attitude that exalts the individual over the corporate body in our faith—the attitude that emphasizes a personal relationship with Jesus over and against knowing Jesus together as His body. The conversation began when a gentleman was sharing in a small group about a witnessing opportunity he had. A woman he spoke with had faced some regrettably real hurts in a situation with a pastor, and she became turned off to church and … [Read more...] about What is a Church?