Containing updates and revisions to interact with Dave Miller's recent post, "Combating the Culture of Secrecy in the SBC: Trust the People!" this post was originally published at FromLaw2Grace on July 16, 2010. "Component Two: Making Our Values Transparent: We must also work toward the creation of a new and healthy culture within the Southern Baptist Convention. If we are to grow together and work together in faithfulness to the command of Christ, we must establish a culture of trust, transparency, and truth among all Southern Baptists. . . ." (Quoted from Penetrating The Lostness: … [Read more...] about Radically Redefining Transparency in the SBC: Part 1
Quick Baptism, Slow Discipleship
There’s been some talk recently about some churches practicing “spontaneous baptisms” as a part of their services. Without getting into the validity of that specific practice, the largest complaint seems to be that quick baptisms like that downplay the significance of baptism and church membership. On the other hand, there are churches that require a person to jump through various hoops of lengthy classes and pastoral interviews before even allowing for baptism. After all, baptism is a first step of church membership, and to have a regenerate church membership you have to make sure the … [Read more...] about Quick Baptism, Slow Discipleship
“Parking Wars” – A Primer in Human Depravity
Human sin should never be funny, but on "Parking Wars" on "A&E" (10 PM ET on Tuesdays) it is pretty hilarious. I love the show. I also think it is a perfect illustration of human attitudes toward sin. Watch it sometime and see what I mean. There are few illustrations of human depravity, about human attitudes toward sin, that are clearer than those you will see on Parking Wars. Parking Wars takes place mostly in Philadelphia, though they also go to Detroit and other cities. It follows three aspects of the Philadelphia Parking Authority (PPA). Parking enforcement officers walk the … [Read more...] about “Parking Wars” – A Primer in Human Depravity
Shameless Plug: “Perverting Biblical Faith into Magical Religion”
I have posted at sbcIMPACT a revision of something I wrote several years ago. It is my belief that we tend to pervert true biblical faith (which calls us to die to self and live for God's glory) into a magical religion (in which we manipulate spiritual forces for personal gain). I hope you will take time to read it and comment there. Here's the link to the article at sbcIMPACT. Follow the link to sbcIMPACT - still, in my opinion, one of the best blogs in the Baptist world! Please forgive this shameless plug. … [Read more...] about Shameless Plug: “Perverting Biblical Faith into Magical Religion”
Random Acts of Christmas
My mom sent me a link to this, and I also saw it on Denny Burk's blog today. Really moved me. A 600 voice choir invades a Philadelphia mall and sings the Hallelujah Chorus. You've probably seen it, but if you haven't, take a look. … [Read more...] about Random Acts of Christmas
What Is Good about the SBC?
I think there is a lot wrong with the current SBC. I've been vocal about the culture of secrecy, the mega-church mentality, the legalism and so many other things. On blogs, we tend to focus on what is wrong, what is bad, what needs to be fixed. But, aren't there some good things as well? Are we all just sticking around because we have nowhere else to go, or we don't have the courage to leave? What are those good things? Wouldn't it be good to spend a little time speaking of what we love about the SBC - why we stick with it, even though there are things we don't like? WHY I LOVE … [Read more...] about What Is Good about the SBC?
IMB Search: Should a Pastor Be President?
It has been quite some time since Jerry Rankin announced his retirement and the search committee for the IMB was formed. I have no idea who the next president will be. I have no idea who the president should be. But there have been rumors floating around that one or more prominent SBC megachurch pastors is going to be recommended by the IMB search committee. I heard this first from a prominent pastor in a southern state. Then, I saw the name on another blog. I do not plan to name that name. I'm not trying to delve into rumor-mongering. In fact, no discussion of the particular … [Read more...] about IMB Search: Should a Pastor Be President?
A Challenge to the Powers-That-Be in the SBC
Mike Ebert, the Vice President for C0mmunications at NAMB, logged in yesterday to call me on the carpet for my criticisms of Kevin Ezell, the president of the North American Mission Board. He is an effective PR director; adept at dealing with those who challenge Dr Ezell. However, I would like to use his comments to lay down a challenge to Dr. Ezell and other SBC leaders. Mike Ebert's Comments Essentially, Mike accused me of being unfair to such a degree that no SBC leader would ever want to come here. "However, your post provides a good example of why so many in SBC leadership avoid … [Read more...] about A Challenge to the Powers-That-Be in the SBC
Am I a Calvinist? You Make the Call!
Over the last several years, quite a few young Southern Seminary grads have come to serve churches in Iowa. In fact, I'll let you in on a little secret. We have a joke up here about the Southern Seminary "conspiracy" to take over the Iowa Baptist Convention (like we would be a high priority for a "takeover"). When I see two of the young SBTS grads sitting together, I will ask them if this is an official conspiracy meeting. They will usually tell me that it is. My problem is this: I'm not really sure if I am part of the conspiracy or not. I've always considered myself a Calvinist, but … [Read more...] about Am I a Calvinist? You Make the Call!
Combating the Culture of Secrecy in the SBC: Trust the People!
A Story Several years ago, my church in Cedar Rapids ran into a problem. We had a treasurer who jumped into the deep end and found she couldn't swim. She went bizarre, then packed up and left the church. We had some pretty knowledgeable folks on our finance team who tried to figure out what on earth was going on with her accounting system, but we simply could not make heads or tails of it. For several months, we went to our monthly business meetings with a financial statement that was more of a best-guess than an actual statement. Every month I stood before the people and said, "Look, … [Read more...] about Combating the Culture of Secrecy in the SBC: Trust the People!