Until he retired in 2002, my dad was a railroad man. As I was growing up in the 80’s and 90’s, he worked in the city 90 miles from where we lived, driving back and forth every night. His weekends were unusual—typically Tuesday and Wednesday—and he worked nights. This was hardly a 40-hour-a-week job as it was often fraught with late trains and mechanical problems requiring overtime. When he was at home he slept about four hours a day, and spent a good chunk of the rest of his time building various carpentry products to supplement his income. For most of my childhood, dad didn’t go to … [Read more...] about Church Attendance: What Makes a Good Church Member?
Bill O’Reilly Feeds Bill Maher Stale Bread
I'm wondering did anyone catch the No-Spin-Zone last night? Am I the only one who thinks somebody needs to call Bill O'Reilly, invite him to lunch, and explain some Bible facts to him? Last night's episode of the "Bold-Fresh" Factor-Man feeding biblical advice to Bill Maher, fell short of a few loaves and fishes. Someone...puleeze, explain to the two Bills how important the Old Testament is to Christians and what we believe. The Old Testament is not a bunch of "allegory" and fiction. Bill Maher thinks the entire Bible is filled with fantasies--not just allegories. He corrects Bill … [Read more...] about Bill O’Reilly Feeds Bill Maher Stale Bread
Commenting Philosophy at SBC Voices
I appreciate the intelligent and lively discussions we have here at SBC Voices. I thought it would be good for me to say a little bit about my philosophy and approach here. I have made a few small changes since I was appointed editor, and so I thought I should let you know my philosophy and policies for blogging and commenting. First of all, the point here is to have an open discussion of current trends and issues in the SBC and to deal with biblical topics. We do not have a single viewpoint here. We have contributors who are five-pointers and other who see n0 point in Calvinism. We … [Read more...] about Commenting Philosophy at SBC Voices
What Does It Mean to Enthusiastically Support the Cooperative Program?
After much intensive research, discussion, and prayer, an SBC committee, whose members included a who’s who of Southern Baptist leaders, issued its historic report and recommendations to the messengers of the Southern Baptist Convention assembled in their Annual Meeting. After a move on the Convention floor to amend the Committee’s report and recommendations, the messengers defeated the proposed amendments and overwhelmingly approved the final report and recommendations. On this day, the messengers from cooperating churches of the SBC spoke clearly about the future direction of the … [Read more...] about What Does It Mean to Enthusiastically Support the Cooperative Program?
Books that Shaped My Life and Ministry
What are the books that have formed your views on ministry or have helped you to be more effective in what you do? I’m going to share mine. You share yours. Tell us the books you have read that have shaped and formed your ministry. Let’s all agree that the most important book is the Bible. We believe that the Bible is our final authority and shapes our lives and ministries more than any other book. We know that. The topic of discussion is other books which God has used in your life. 1) “Liberating Ministry from the Success Syndrome” by Kent and Barbara Hughes This book traces … [Read more...] about Books that Shaped My Life and Ministry
PLEASE! Enough of the “God’s Man” Tactic, Okay?
We are waiting for IMB to follow in NAMB's footsteps and name a new president. My hope is that when they make their nomination, they will forgo the "We have found God's Man" tactic that was used by NAMB trustees and their search committee. Ted Traylor, Bryant Wright and others put on a full-court press for the nomination of Kevin Ezell as NAMB president. They designated him as “God’s Man” for the job. Before I dig in, let me say that I think that Kevin Ezell may just be exactly the man we need at NAMB. NAMB needs a visionary leader – he seems to be that. NAMB needs integrity – everyone … [Read more...] about PLEASE! Enough of the “God’s Man” Tactic, Okay?
Cooperative Program Reality Check: Is the CP Really Our Sacred Cow?
Before I say some things that might rankle some feathers here, let me say that I am a supporter of the Cooperative Program. In the nearly 30 years that I have been a pastor, I have served 4 churches (3 as “senior” pastor). Two of those churches gave 20% or more through the CP. My last two churches have hovered in the 12 percent range. I say all that to point out that I am not saying what I am going to say to excuse my own CP failures. I’m not sure what you consider an acceptable CP standard, but all four churches I’ve served have, I think, met that standard. When I was convention … [Read more...] about Cooperative Program Reality Check: Is the CP Really Our Sacred Cow?
How Can We Remedy Jesus-Detracting Issues in the SBC?
In a recent interview with Baptist Press, SBC President Bryant Wright listed his five primary goals as president: I want to call Southern Baptist Christians to return to their first love of Jesus Christ. We've let so many other priorities and influences of the world become more important than our relationship with Jesus Christ. That relationship is what is most important for us all. I hope to challenge our convention to have a radical reprioritization of fulfilling Christ's Great Commission. When we love Jesus, we love the lost. This will call all of us as individuals and churches … [Read more...] about How Can We Remedy Jesus-Detracting Issues in the SBC?
Silent Statues in a Graceless Garden
If I was still climbing, you'd steady the ladder. If I were in pain, you'd ask what was the matter. So why all the silence when you saw me falling? Why turn away slowly when you hear me calling? If grace flows so freely, then why are we silent? If God says to give it, then why so defiant? If grace we've been given so we keep on livin' Then why so be so graceless to the other forgiven? Is my sin so mighty and I'm so to blame? While yours is so silly it's not worth the shame? Is that what grace does, covers sins just so small, That we wouldn't really need grace that much at … [Read more...] about Silent Statues in a Graceless Garden
CB Scott’s Personal Playground: A Sports Blog for SBC Voices
Since CB Scott has insisted on publishing constant drivel about the Albalama Crismon Tripe football team (yes, I'm bitter - my Hawks lost this week), I thought the best thing to do would be to provide him his own dedicated blog post which will be specifically for sports-related posts. Here are the rules: 1) Trash-talking, as long as it is good-natured and clean is strongly encouraged. 2) Those who diss the Tide will be commended. 3) Those who diss the Yankees or the Hawkeyes will be warned, then punished. Not sure what the punishment will be yet, but I will try to make it fit the … [Read more...] about CB Scott’s Personal Playground: A Sports Blog for SBC Voices