SBC Voices is just under one year old, and up to this point we've posted very little content of our own. The emphasis was to create one site to listen to all the different voices in SBC life. To date, we have 394 feeds and news sources listed by state and other factors. Moving forward I'll be finding writers to create original posts here on SBC Voices. We'll be joining the conversation started by so many other SBC bloggers. Here are the volunteers I'm need: Help Wanted Our content editor will be experienced with WordPress and control the flow of posts on the blog. This person will be … [Read more...] about Writers Wanted: Join SBC Voices
SBC Bloggers & Hurricane Gustav
Because our SBC blogs are tagged by state, you can follow bloggers from the areas affected by Hurricane Gustav. Here are the states to watch. Louisiana Southern Baptist Bloggers Mississippi Southern Baptist Bloggers Texas Southern Baptist Bloggers … [Read more...] about SBC Bloggers & Hurricane Gustav
Winning The Real Battle At Church: What Holds Your Church Together During Troubled Times
The following information was sent to me and I thought it might interest some of our SBC Voices readers: There is a new discipleship resource available titled, Winning The Real Battle At Church: What Holds Your Church Together During Troubled Times (190 pages, 8 ½ by 11, softcover, BHC Publishing, 2008). Designed for individual, small group or church wide use, Winning The Real Battle At Church equips congregations to address church conflict proactively and biblically. The interactive format of this resource is unique among materials currently available in the areas of biblical conflict … [Read more...] about Winning The Real Battle At Church: What Holds Your Church Together During Troubled Times
Calling For Feeds
I've worked through the feed recovery process, and I have about 95% of the feeds back into the aggregations pages. The final 5% would require a lot of backtracking and mining old emails, which I most likely will never get around to doing. So, I need your help. As always, you can send me information about blogs that should be included in SBC Voices. My goal is to include as many different "SBC Voices" as possible. Here is the information that I need: blog URL name of blogger state of blogger SBC church any other categories that I tag including: denominational employees, ministers, … [Read more...] about Calling For Feeds
Ben Cole Leaving The SBC?
I just read the soon to be notorious "exit strategy" post from Benjamin Cole on SBC Outpost. He lists a few final observations about the Southern Baptist Convention which were interesting to read. I would like to have heard his thoughts on the changing nature of communications within the convention, largely due to blogs. It seems that our increasingly level access to information will chip away at some of the very issues which he's been protesting. Update: Since SBC Outpost is now closed, I've salvaged the text of Ben Cole's "Exit Strategy" post from 12 July 2008. Posting it here is not … [Read more...] about Ben Cole Leaving The SBC?
Temporary Problems With The SBC BLog Feeds
Over the next few weeks I'll be working to restore many of the feeds here at SBC Voices. The story is a little complicated, but my failure to backup has created some issues. I will be manually re-tagging the feeds, which will restore everything to its proper category. A few people have emailed me to ask what is going on. Let me assure the conspiracy theorists among us that no SBC Voice was deleted on purpose. My aim has always been to give equal coverage to the great and small among us (the wrong and right as well). The "feed recovery" efforts should take about 10 hours total. … [Read more...] about Temporary Problems With The SBC BLog Feeds
Taking A Break From Baptist Buzz
One quick programing note: I've removed the Baptist Buzz feature from the main page and sidebar. Here's why. I'm going to be really busy the next few months: final Seminary classes, new baby, extra work at church, etc. There are 150+ new blog posts every day here at SBC Voices - that equals about 10 - 25 minutes of blog reading just to find the good ones. 5 hours of feed reading each week is a lot The convention buzz is settling down now. Will Baptist Buzz Return? If there is a great outcry and I find a better way to do it. But for now just read all the other categories that I've … [Read more...] about Taking A Break From Baptist Buzz
SBC Indy 2008 Is History … At least for me
I'm back from the convention, partially because of church tonight and partially because it was a very discouraging experience for me. My 1st Convention Experience I won't air my criticisms here, at least not until I've had more time to pray. But I am freshly convicted of the priority of godliness, humility and no-spin-truth-telling in my own life. I think the best summation of what I observed at the convention was written by Dr. Donal Whitney. On his website is an article titled THE ALMOST INEVITABLE RUIN OF EVERY MINISTER . . . AND HOW TO AVOID IT. This afternoon I printed this article … [Read more...] about SBC Indy 2008 Is History … At least for me
SBC Indy Down 1,300 Messengers Over 4 Years
What story does these numbers tell? I was curious about the difference between the 2004 SBC Indy and the 2008 SBC Indy. Here are the best numbers I could find, you write the story. 2004 - "about 8,500" via 2004 BP News story 2008 - "7,196" via 2008 BP News Blog So, there were roughly 1,304 fewer messengers in the same city, only four years later. That's around a 15% drop in attendance. Any theories? … [Read more...] about SBC Indy Down 1,300 Messengers Over 4 Years
What I’m Doing Right Now
See you at the convention. … [Read more...] about What I’m Doing Right Now