There is nothing profound about this.
You have a church and a pulpit. Use it to God’s glory. Sometimes events occur that demand your attention from the pulpit. The congregation looks to their pastor and church for a word from God in the midst of such events.
I’m reading how every pulpit in the nation should address white nationalism, white privilege, white supremacy, Christian nationalism, Christian supremacy…various phrases that flow on social media with such indignation. Some of these concern me. Some events demand immediacy. Most do not. I’m semi-retired now and don’t have a group of people who gather to worship where I preach Sunday-after-Sunday. If I did, I would seek the Lord and preach accordingly. I’m not going to be bullied in this.
In a similar fashion some decry anyone who would offer “thoughts and prayers,” as if these are things for which we should apologize. I’ll not be shamed by those who announce their own superior virtue by refusing to offer thoughts and prayers. Let those who eschew prayer when it is needed most do as they please.
Older pastors sometimes look at their younger colleagues and declare how easy they have it. Looks to me like the environment is tougher in many ways.
Do your best to represent the Lord in your community. Other voices may be louder, more strident, more demanding but listen to the Lord.
Yes, I know some of you have no puplit but rather perch on a stool like a comedy club performer. Doesn’t matter to me if you preach the Word.