No one wants to hear your whining for the next four years…not your wife, your kids, your friends, your neighbors, your coworkers, your dog, or your cat.
People voted, that’s that.
Your daily life likely isn’t going to change one bit.
You could gripe full time but how much good would that do the country, your family, your friends, your church, or yourself?
Maybe you should have shared the Gospel more and politicked less.
Maybe your church would be more unified on the eternal Gospel if you didn’t get so deep into the latest election as Armageddon.
You could gripe less and pray more.
You could make it a point to be kinder and less combative.
You could imitate Christ and not the most partisan flamethrower out there.
Mute some of the trash talkers. It’s therapeutic.
Your humble hacker and plodder blogger has lived through six years of Nixon, four years of stagflation Jimmy, Clinton, who used to be the example of an unrighteous leader (with Hil on the front page every day), eight years of Obama.
The republic survived. It always does.
The church declined. Is there a correlation to partisanship fro the pulpit? You can analyze it.
We can still be friends and fellow citizens.
Go fishing. Fish are neither Republican or Democrat.