Tebow Warning: Sound FX Reveals the Real Timmy
Watch this ten minute video and you will see some interesting things about this Christian quarterback phenom. Observations: 1) The way he deals with the receiver who dropped the easy TD pass should be shown to every leader. 2) His calm demeanor in the most difficult and tumultuous circumstances. 3) His prayer life. He prays continually throughout the game. I especially appreciated that he never asked God for the victory, but that in victory or defeat he would glorify Christ. 4) Timmy can do anything except sing. Oh, my, he butchers some praise choruses! But hearing an … [Read more...] about Tebow Warning: Sound FX Reveals the Real Timmy
Mark Driscoll “Sees Things” – I See the Rise of SES* in the SBC (*Supernaturalism Embarrassment Syndrome)
Let me begin with two admissions: 1) Mark Driscoll's "I See Things" video is a little outside of my comfort zone. I've "heard God's Voice." I've discerned the presence of demons. I've had some insights into the future and into people's lives that I can't describe any other way than God's Spirit. But I've never seen people's lives on a screen in front of me. The extent of Driscoll's "visions" and the way he describes them are beyond my experience - uncomfortably so. 2) If Benny Hinn or some other "charismaniac" said the same things, I'd probably be more likely to join into the … [Read more...] about Mark Driscoll “Sees Things” – I See the Rise of SES* in the SBC (*Supernaturalism Embarrassment Syndrome)
If Skip Bayless came to SBC Voices
Have you caught the fever yet? … [Read more...] about If Skip Bayless came to SBC Voices
SBC Voices 2011 “Top Ten” Baptist Blogging Issues and Events
Ed Stetzer released a post today called "Top Religion Stories of 2011 according to Huffpo." According to the Huffington Post, the top 11 stories of the year in the world of religion are: The Muslim Spring The Dalai Lama Steps Down Mormons in Politics The Muslims Are Coming, The Muslims Are Coming The End of the World Presbyterians Acknowledge Gays and Lesbians Can Be Ministers The Struggle for the Soul of Yoga A Jewish American-Israeli Rift? Occupy Faith The New Mass Interfaith Secularists While there are still two and a half weeks left in the year, and there is … [Read more...] about SBC Voices 2011 “Top Ten” Baptist Blogging Issues and Events
Is It Wrong to Cremate?
I get this question often. Is it wrong to use cremation as a means of disposing of a loved-one's remains? I read another article this morning that said that cremation (a cheaper alternative than burial) is growing rapidly in this difficult economy. That is buttressed by my own conversations with local funeral directors who have observed essentially the same thing. Cremation is becoming more common and we must answer the question whether it was wrong. I would make the following two points: 1) The Bible does not mandate any single way of handling bodies. The Jews did not practice … [Read more...] about Is It Wrong to Cremate?
Celebrating Christmas: Getting to the Root of the Season
Celebration of Christmas at the Miller house has not yet officially begun this year. For me, the celebration really begins when the tree goes up. I have two strong convictions about the Christmas tree. 1) The Christmas tree must be real. For some reason, people get offended when I say this, but "artificial trees are for artificial people." Why would that offend? I can't imagine. But I want Fraser Fur needles dropping on the floor and the smell of pine throughout the house. So what if it triggers allergies? Sacrifices have to be made! 2) The Christmas tree must have so many lights … [Read more...] about Celebrating Christmas: Getting to the Root of the Season
A Plug for a Friend of Voices
Josh Collins, who has been one of our contributors and commenters (often as Josh C) needs your help. He is in a contest to win a free conference trip - to Verge. Here's the link if you want to help him out. Takes about 2 seconds. http://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Ft.co%2FgdMlYIyd&h=2AQFAvkmEAQEI66sr48LBXuH-90UyQC53GweyTvoWJLeVtw … [Read more...] about A Plug for a Friend of Voices
Dealing with Fools: Sorting Out a Biblical Contradiction
I was raised hearing that "there are no contradictions in the Bible." My dad was hammering that message from the pulpit long before anyone heard anything of a conservative resurgence in the SBC. But then I read Scriptures and found that there is one very clear contradiction. Look at Proverbs 26:4-5. 4 Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you be like him yourself. 5 Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes. There it is. Verse 4 tells me not to answer a fool according to his folly, then verse 5 contradicts that advice and gives me the opposite … [Read more...] about Dealing with Fools: Sorting Out a Biblical Contradiction
Herman Cain Suspends Campaign
Herman Cain suspended his campaign today. Not sure what that means, but I think it is clear - he's not going to be president. I'm not sure we know the truth now or whether we will ever know the real truth. Did he sexually harass women and carry on a long-term affair with another woman or is he the victim of another character assassination by the hit-and-run media in America (and perhaps a political hit by campaign rivals)? I don't know. But the political nomination process has become a bloodsport that produces one winner and a lot of broken lives. Is this the way we really want to do … [Read more...] about Herman Cain Suspends Campaign