When I left Cedar Rapids in 2005, after more than 14 years of ministry at my church there, it was a huge shock. I thought that I would one day retire as the pastor of that church and I used to tell people that my goal in ministry was to leave one solid church behind that would be my spiritual legacy. God showed me that this was not his will and I didn't understand it. We were settled in Cedar Rapids, happy in Cedar Rapids. Why did God move us? As time went on, I began to realize some reasons that God might have moved us across the state of Iowa to Southern Hills Baptist Church. The … [Read more...] about It’s About Lives Changed, Not Churches Built!
Defenders who Destroy? An Association’s Sad Decision
At their annual meeting, held October 17-18, the Daviess-McLean Baptist Association in Kentucky voted 104-9 to withhold fellowship from Pleasant Valley Community Church in Owensboro. The Western Recorder has reported the action and given the primary reason for the action as the fact that the church was "too Calvinistic." Associated Baptist Press also covered the story, mostly based on the story from the Western Recorder. Sadly, Baptist Press has not covered the story. The facts do not seem to be in dispute. The association brought no charges of heresy against Pleasant Valley. They did … [Read more...] about Defenders who Destroy? An Association’s Sad Decision
Name Change Suggestion: How about “Ephesus Baptist Convention?”
I wonder what name our Lord and Savior would give to the Southern Baptist Convention? I've spent a lot of time in recent years studying and teaching from Revelation 2 and 3, the seven letters to the seven churches of Asia Minor. I'm going to give you my opinion, and you can take it for what it is worth. As I look at the SBC, the church at Ephesus in Revelation 2 comes to mind. Would Jesus call us the "Ephesus Baptist Convention?" Jesus described the church at Ephesus in very complimentary terms in verses 2-3. I know your works, your toil and your patient endurance, and how you cannot … [Read more...] about Name Change Suggestion: How about “Ephesus Baptist Convention?”
Missing the Point by Magnifying the Gospel? Problems with Gospel-Centered Terminology
Sometimes, I love an unorthodox approach and Alan Cross published one a few weeks ago. It spurred my thinking on an issue that's been roiling around in my brain since I attended the Band of Bloggers meeting a while back. I know I'm going to come across as way more confrontational and critical than I want to, but there is a key issue at stake here. My goal here is not so much to correct as to fine-tune and refine. Alan Cross is one of those bloggers who consistently makes me jealous, leaving me to think “I wish I’d said that.” In a post with a title that would make any good Baptist gasp, … [Read more...] about Missing the Point by Magnifying the Gospel? Problems with Gospel-Centered Terminology
SBC Voices and sbcIMPACT! are Joining Forces. Welcome to Our New Contributors
It is with a mixture of joy and sadness that I make this announcement. The contributors at sbcIMPACT have decided to deactivate regular posting on that site - one of the SBC's best blogs in the four years it has been in operation. Their name was also a description - those writers made an impact on the life of the SBC. That's the sad part. Now the happy time! The writers from sbcIMPACT are going to join forces with SBC Voices and become part of our writing team. While they may not have the time to maintain the regular posting schedule at IMPACT, they still have lots to say. So, we will … [Read more...] about SBC Voices and sbcIMPACT! are Joining Forces. Welcome to Our New Contributors
I’m Ba-a-a-ack!
After a trip to Galena, Illinois with my wife, then a solo trip from Sioux City to Cedarville, Ohio, to Lynchburg, Virginia, to Cedarville to Boston to Cedarville (because my daughter left her purse in my car) and back to Sioux City, I am ready to return to action as a pastor and a blogger. I have some exciting news about the future of SBC Voices which I will be announcing in the next few days. I have a difficult decision to make. I forgot my razor when I left town 10 days ago, so I grew a beard. I, of course, look dashing, but there is a problem. My last beard was a) a flattering … [Read more...] about I’m Ba-a-a-ack!
Can Someone Explain Pro-Abortion, Christian Voting?
I find myself in a quandary about politics. I have strong views about politics, but I am also committed to not letting politics become the focus of the church. Our job is to proclaim the gospel, not to achieve political power. And I try not to make political views a requirement of fellowship in the church. But I don't understand how Christians can vote for candidates who support abortion. I just don't get it. I am hoping that some of you Democrats (or liberal Republicans or whatever) out there will help me understand your political thought-process. I made a commitment over 30 years … [Read more...] about Can Someone Explain Pro-Abortion, Christian Voting?
Observations and Questions for “Old-Earthers” and Theistic Evolutionists
Anthony Russo's recent post about theistic evolution has been an active thread - the discussion of origins strikes a note in us. I am taking my break pretty seriously, so I won't write one of my normal tomes here, just a few observations and questions about the subject. I am assuming here that this is a discussion between those who have the highest view of scripture, who believe that the Bible is God's Word to us without mixture of error and is our absolute guide and rule for all things. Obviously, those who hold a lower view of scripture will not be inclined to think these kind of … [Read more...] about Observations and Questions for “Old-Earthers” and Theistic Evolutionists
Wm. Dwight McKissic, Sr: “THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND THE SBC – Regarding a proposed name change for the SBC”
(Wm Dwight McKissic, Sr. is the Senior Pastor of Cornerstone Baptist Church in Arlington, Texas. We are always thrilled to post his articles.) President Bryant Wright has appointed a self-funded blue ribbon advisory committee, authorized by the Executive Committee to provide counsel to him as he prayerfully weighs recommending to the SBC in her Annual Session upcoming in New Orleans, a proposed name change of our beloved convention. I commend President Wright for his thoughtful, deliberate and considerate proposal. I wholeheartedly agree with the spirit, letter, advisory committee and … [Read more...] about Wm. Dwight McKissic, Sr: “THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND THE SBC – Regarding a proposed name change for the SBC”
Rebooting My Life: Dealing with Burnout
I have considered taking a second job recently – as a computer and electronics repairman. No, I essentially know nothing about how they work – I assume it is all magic and gremlins. But I have found the secret of fixing 99.9% of electronic problems. Reboot. Is your computer acting funny? Turn it off and turn it back on. A reboot will likely make the glitch disappear. Smart phone acting dumb? Reboot and its IQ returns to normal. Some problems go beyond that, but relatively few. Now, it is time for me to try a personal reboot. I’m not sure if it will work quite as easily as it … [Read more...] about Rebooting My Life: Dealing with Burnout